Why we age: Hypothesis/Sketch of a mechanism and links to ancient texts

"I’ve been convinced by reading Velikovsky and Talbott that Nabiru was probably some moon of Saturn. Longer day/night cycles, lower gavity, and less exposure to sun radiation automatically imply 2 things.

  1. Very high stature for any life there
  2. Unusually long lifespans as the circadian cycle is slow and UV damage to DNA is minimal"

Your speculative implications are not substantiated by science.
Quite the opposite.

Sun is life giving force in entire solar system.
UV radiation damages DNA but also repairs it.
UV light in full spectrum repairs mitochondria and variety of neuro-hormonal pathway in human body.
Children of astronauts aged so quickly because mitochondria of their parents and DNA in their germinal cells (spermatocytes, oocytes) were exposed to loss of circadian rhythm in space and loss of Schumann frequency on earth, which can multiply and repair damaged DNA, proven by dr. Luc Montagnier experiments.

I highly recommend following dr. Jack Kruse M.D. on X.com, for more on: light as a medicine. (don’t mind his brash personality, nobody’s perfect :grin:)


You’re right about the sun being the source of life.

The sun energy is reflected by Saturn to its moons. Plus Saturn itself was probably electrically active at some point. But that delivers the Sun energy in a form that is easy to absorb.

Take for example a gallon of gas. You could either.

  1. blow it up inside your car engine
  2. let the engine slowly burn it while extracting work.

Both deliver the same amount of energy, but one destroys your car.

I’ll look into the account you just shared, thanks. It seems like an interesting topic to explore.

The physics of how Saturn could have been active as a magneto-hydrodynamic sphere and how that could have happened is not understood yet, and was probably the aim of the nazi bell experiment

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I’m finding it hard to imagine life in a system of lower gravity (having not experienced being in a lower gravity system myself, therefore not being able to imagine outside of my own experience). And that is why I’m enjoying the different speculations on this thread.

When you say “it would make sense for them to have a proxy in place” – do you have any speculations about what the nature of that proxy might be?

One thing that makes me wonder of late:

This term “tree of life”…
The “tree” could be a plant of some kind, naturally. (We always feel like dynamite after having a green juice, with plenty of chlorophyll – so the idea of a rejuvenating plant is not far out of my imagination).

But then, there is also the “family tree” concept that’s been around for a long while. And from that, my imagination starts wondering about “clonal tree” – how long can a clonal line live before it peters out? From the mythology, it sounds like these astronauts were well-seasoned genetic engineers, who had knowledge about cloning. What I wonder is: could they have cloned their leadership… with each succeeding generation being a clone (taking on the same name as the parent and being groomed for that role)… and then it could be the clone (including all the succeeding lines of that clone) that is the long-lived entity…???

I’ve probably fallen way off the tree here, with that kind of pondering, but the mystery behind the “tree of life” is fascinating to ponder, in various dimensions.


Tree you say? Which proxy you Ask?

Yaweh of course :wink:

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Or at least of the factions is using Yaweh as its avatar. Another more malicious one is using nephilim bloodlines and gnosticism to decieve people to joinbits side. This seems to be captured by the Marduk vs EL fight.

They planted the nephilim bloodlines in Europe and the middle east.

Also if you understand German the same
metaphor depicting Saturn with the serpent around it as the tree of life.

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Saturn has its rings being “mined”?
Saturn’s relationship to Earth?
Perhaps, there is an agreement of “hands off”?
[unless, so & so…?]
Are some technologies in play; to obfuscate Saturn’s role, in the solar system?

Who would be more worried about a "return?
The Sun?[plasmas of a different sort?]

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I’m reading the philosopher stone book but will probably get SS Brotherhood of the Bell. I’m intrigued by what happened to these scientists that got too close to the bell. Its seemed to be doing things to their biology.
Saturn could have been a plasma hydro-magnetic ball of some sorts. We do not know the physics of that and I would guess that is what the nazis wanted to replicate. If done correctly such an ignited magneto-hydrodynamic sphere could have all kinds of curious influence on its surrounding environment. I’m certain the nazis knew what they were going for.

Those books will tie-in well your inquires.
Also, include that demon book as well.
Perhaps, they’ll spark some heretofore - unknown tie-ins?

I envy you your well-read & grounded - subjects of interests.
Your knowledge base; looks to be tailor-made for Dr. Farrell’s scholarship - in your areas of interest.

I enjoy your posts; as they spark questions, I haven’t thought of before.


Thanks that’s really nice :relaxed:

I’m a physicist by training and I work at lab shared between the atomic energy commission in France and Switzerland. Its a synchrotron radiation source. I’ve been involved with a startup in Cambridge UK that works in the humain aging field. They are stealth mode, but have some pretty big name investors. That’s how I got my technical background.

But reading Babylon’s banksters and philosophers stone sparked a huge light bulb in my mind. I read the Saturn myth and now just ordered Deamon in the Ekur. The theological/hermetic tradition was what I was missing this entire time. Things starting to make sense.

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In my reading of the Bell system, the fluid within the stacked-toroid chamber was piezoelectrically doped. I’m uncertain of the fluid, Dr. Farrell argues that it was an isotope of mercury. The geometry of the hull and the drive-housing is much more interesting to me.

A detailed analysis of the Earth’s geomagnetic field identifies the complex relation between its internal structure and the toroidal and vortico-poloidal plasma fluxes responsible for the plasma field distribution. The energy and voltage of the terrestrial plasmons (these are what I call mass-free carriers of plasma) emitted from the core, which drive the terrestrial geoplasma. The surface geoplasma which is the field into which kinetoregeneration can be established, including the lift effect, sometimes called anti-gravity.

The solar wind induces charges on the plasmaspheres surrounding planets, capturing plasma of opposite charge. This process stores electrokinetic energy from the solar radiation. The plasmaspheres slowly rotate due to the ratcheting effect of ambipolar diffusion. Planets effectively float within a double-torus electric structure, with the slow magnetic wave influencing planetary rotation. The plasmaspheres propel forward, riding the advancing wavefronts.

I contend that the Earth’s core is powered by substellar fusion cycles (as is all life), and the bell system hull and drive-housing are mechanical analogues of the plasma-sphere of the planetary core.

The Nazi’s were matching doughnut geometries and experimenting with pulsed DC into a rotating proto-superfluid provide the craft to “surf” just like a planet on the double torus drive.

The inimical effects of the crafts emission spectrum is consistent with microwave or gamma radiation sickness.


I think you understood clearly their aim. Thanks for the explanation. I see better. They wanted some form of substellar fusion cycles. Like the ones Saturn might hypothetically have had at some point.

Life is Indeed a sort of glorified proton and electron pumping. Metabolism is at its core a tool to create irreversible cycles like the crebs cycle which turns chemical and electromagnetic (in the case of plants) energy into mechanical one. Now maybe the plasma life hypothesis might add the missing pieces perhaps. :thinking:

Here is the big take-away: there are effectively three (note the trinity) field fluxes relevant to neutralizing weight: one, is the stream of condensed aether emitted from the sun, two, the subsequent capture and re-emission by the planetary core or geoplasma, and three in betwixt we find this little zone called gravity. In this view, gravity is a special case of a superimposed plasma fluxes.

Imagine a venn diagram with two circles (A and B) overlapping at the center (C). The vertex of the circles, or the vesica pisces is the overlapping center (C). Circle A is solar plasma (primary field flux), circle B is core-driven geoplasma (secondary field flux, a derivative of A), and C is the gravitational field (tertiary field flux, a derivative of A and B). This models the ionosphere of the planet as a standing zone of plasma.

So, the Gizars and our physics advisor, Dr. Farrell wish to build a craft capable of commandeering A & B, while neutralizing C. What to do?


Ah!!! I see how to solve our “nephilim” freinds’s little earth gravity problem. If what you way is true