Why we age: Hypothesis/Sketch of a mechanism and links to ancient texts

Fastest and most full proof way is to get the energy production of humains to burn itself and break after a period of time. That takes care of all the other physiological functions since everything is dependent on ATP production efficiency. This will also trigger all sort of negative feedback loop.

How would the hormone profile of someone past, say 35 years of age start to turn their entire body against them is simply if stress hormone signals are emitted from the nervous system because some genes have been switched off and other on. There are only two candidate spots where such a self-destruct switch could exist.

  1. The first one needs no introduction:
  1. The second one is very interesting and probably just as important:

My guess is that the secret to humain regeneration and many other occult capabilities written about in ancient texts is to be found into a coupled bioelectric-epigenetic oscillator clock that counts elapsed time and begins a process of decline after a programmed time.

Any thoughts?

Look again at the kundalini symbol used in modern medicine and the message is very clear

The spinal cord: the biolelctric system
The two snakes: the double helix of DNA, and in this instance its the epigenetic
The combination of the two gives the reptile ability: capable of regeneration anytime.

This means that the smoking gun for such a switch would be membrane potential switching genes on and off. Find such a toggle oscillator in melatonin and/or other circadian-linked genes.


For me, the question of shortening lifespans; or, for that matter - immortality

is the question of evil.
If you shorten lifespans, are evil’s roots weakened?
On the other hand; does immortality strengthen evil?


No clue about evil. Its very good question.

I’m thinking the Real reason is more than just that. We are supposed to helped some entity stranded here by becoming a multiplanetary civilization. So WE need to develop but not become too powerful.

That’s just my speculation and gut feeling.

There are a multitude of scenarios; as there are multitudes of other world influences.
These take the shapes of direct and indirect interventions; not the mention the God given ones.
There was a Cosmic War; with a multitude of player’s interests.
Most are not benign.
For me, the core questions become: Whose farming/harvesting what?
The answers align with Catherine Austin Fitts’: “Stacked Operations”.

Yet, as things change.
So do the answers.


Its that earth grid thing. I still dont have any model on how that thing is supposed to work. Just ordered “Deamon in the Ekur” book. Should come next week. But I have feeling that all roads lead to Giza. Perhaps the real Zion.

That’s an interesting link to the subject matter, “the real Zion”
Wasn’t that the proposed name[The State Of Zion] that the 33rd Mason, Harry Truman;
scratched out years ago, and instead, they settled for “Israel” taking its place?


Perhaps this post should be “Why We Age”? If I understand the implications of the research cited, there are mechanisms within our cells that cause our cells’ mitochondria to trigger production of free radicals which start the aging process by causing cells to stop reproducing or slowed reproduction. The on/off switch triggering this process is speculated to reside in either the pineal gland or another location near the optic nerve that operates like a calendar that times the “days of our lives”. I’ve always wondered what the mechanism could be that limits the length of our lives. If this research is correct, it answers the how the mechanism causes aging. However, we still don’t know the when and where it is switched on. Very interesting research and analysis that gives us a window into possible immortality.


The circadian cycle itself probably acts like a timer. Its an oscillator (night/day) which means it can count number of periods. The decline is likely progressive and not sudden, very slowly blood plasma composition changes. What I can’t tell is how the epigenetic and electric coupling work. Bioelectricty was seen as “pseudo-science”. Now its becoming mainstream, even the new fashionable thing.

Just bought this book:

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Also explains why Mr global like to harvest Adrenochrome from very young children. He needs the proper hormonal composition in his blood to restore the rejuvenating effect. Its not a fountain of youth however, because the root process causing the decline is not being adressed. It’s just a compensatory mechanism. Very downstream.


Some top notch high octane speculations
 VERY intriguing and thank you for taking the time to share them!


We age because our mitochondria are slowly assaulted by their environment external and internal. One of the most important “hormonal stressor” is actually not a hormone but nNEMF( non-native electromagnetic field) exerting the influence on SCN and our mitochondria.

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I don’t think its damage at all. Its a self destruct switch that is coded in the nervous system then travels to other organs via blood. How else would you explain this?

Or other experiments like this one, where you restore lost hair and skin elasticity to a patch of old skin simply by grafting it in a young host. The plasma transports the info about our age to every organ in our body

The gruesome blood practices Mr global is found of are just a hack. Tricking the body by sending a fake signal from the body of someone else who happens to be younge


Again, it is all about mitochondria. Young blood or skin has plenty of them, undamaged, and ready to go.


Yes, that seems to be the case. The old body too has good mitochondria. They are usually undamaged. They are simply told to switch to an inefficient regime.
An old organism does not need to have its mitochondria repaired. Nor does It need New ones, It just needs to switch back to the proper regime.
The young environnement has good instructions set that’s all. You take and old cell and switch all the genes activation patterns and the mitochondra in that cell come back to life. They were fine, even in a 90 year old subject

Human biology is quite complicated and interwoven, finding a youth fountain just in one supposed switch is a path to reductionism and chaos.

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I see it as a switch to kill, not a switch of youth. I’m convinced the antediluvian stories about the “gods” reprogramming us to a specific template are true. That switch was added to shorten our lifespans for whatever reason. More importantly there may be other abilities that were turned off as well. Both the Annunaki texts and the philosopher stone legends speak of telepathy and some other very strange stuff.


The struggle of man against power

is the struggle of memory, against forgetting.


Thank you, abellache, for this interesting thread, and theory about mitochondrial switches.

What do you make of Zecharia Sitchin’s ideas about Nefilim astronauts from the planet “Nibiru”?
(1980: The Stairway to Heaven; page 103):

“All along, the astronauts who had come to Earth were preoccupied with the problem of longevity. Their biological clocks were set for their own planet: the time it took their planet to orbit the Sun once, was to them but a single year of their life spans. But in such a single year, Earth orbited the Sun 3,600 times - a span of 3,600 years for Earth-originated life. To maintain their longer cycles on the quick-paced Earth, the astronauts consumed a ‘Food of Life’ and ‘Water of Life’ which were provided from the home planet. At his biological laboratories in Eridu, whose emblem was the sign of the Entwined Serpents, Ea tried to unravel the secrets of life, reproduction, death. Why did the children born to the astronauts on Earth age so much faster than their parents? Why did Apemen live such short lives? Why did the hybrid Homo sapiens live much longer than Apeman, but only brief lives compared to the visitors to Earth? Was it environment, or inherent genetic traits?”

On top of all that, there’s also the phenomenon about size: larger organisms tend to live longer than smaller organisms. (Interesting how some of the ancient space travellers were referred to as “giants”

I agree with you about abilities being turned off, and some of them perhaps even retuned. I believe we have more than the 5 senses about which we’ve been told, telepathy being one of them. Our intuition, which I believe works in tendem with our instincts and senses to regulate our survival behaviours, has also been messed about. And, people are even having trouble processing information from the 5 obvious senses. They see a red sky, and some narrative from an “authority” tells them it’s “green”, and so they believe it is green. We’ve been decoupled (through our institutional systems) from processing the information from our senses and from our innate instincts. Right now, the program of decoupling/retuning of human senses/abilities/instincts appears to be so very powerful in society, worldwide, that one is tempted to wonder who is (and has been) behind this project, and why is it important for that entity to make absolutely sure that domesticated humans do not properly process information from our senses and instincts.


I’ve been convinced by reading Velikovsky and Talbott that Nabiru was probably some moon of Saturn. Longer day/night cycles, lower gavity, and less exposure to sun radiation automatically imply 2 things.

  1. Very high stature for any life there
  2. Unusually long lifespans as the circadian cycle is slow and UV damage to DNA is minimal

A transition to earth would simply be fatal to any such lifeforms. It would make sense for them to have a proxy in place.

The ring structure of the alleged lost city of Atlantis and the “many islands” around it (understand: moons) plus Plato saying it was bigger than Libya and Asia combined. That should tell you that:

  1. It cant be an earthly realm
  2. It sounds suspiciously like the Saturn moons + rings system

Now, Mr global is harping non stop these days about “blocking out the sun”. That is one step for making earth more hospitable to such beings. What is left is the gravity, which is why I worry about that “grid of the gods”

These are of course, speculations.