As if you needed any more proof that the regime of Justin Turdeau in Canada is completely anti-human and anti-God, and that as a sign of the decline of the West and its institutions in general Canada cannot be bested, then there is this story shared by one of our Canadian readers, R.P., and a…


An old custom under a new guise.


You can bet “unbearable pain” will include the emotional burden of being born ‘the wrong sex’, etc.

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Aren’t the current crop of doctors too stupid in identifing sex differences?


The problem with Canada is that they have done an effective job of scaring their citizens LITERALLY to death. As I see it, they no longer have a government/viable corporation. It appears that Canada became part of the US in 2017 as it came under martial law and when NAFTA was replaced with USMCA. Governments all over the world are going to be changed soon with persons becoming living men and women and refusing to be the slaves. I am not saying there won’t be stupid people who don’t get it and still want to feed at the trough…


Or may it be that is something trans-temporal phenomenon occuring…from spartan regime directly to nazi regime…and now to canadian regime.Same science, same ideology. Same methods of of removing those that are not genetically in perfect health for war.Strange is it not?

or should i remind you nice folks (wolks) pardon my German here of these verses from “The Holy Scriptures”…


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Abortion isn’t the problem, per se. It is a symptom of a far greater disease. None of the pro-abortion laws mattered until the instigators killed the family and the feminine-masculine impulses that grounded it.

And then the perps could wage their war on Spirit itself …

Let me guess. Then in that case we humans, humanity are just a buffer or a tampon zone between the worlds of the “Spirits”, and their “royal”, “imperial” wars?Simply disposable dolls/puppets. Sacrificial cannon fodder when they need to demand a sacrifice, ie blood tax from us?

I’m surprised Turdeau hasn’t told us we can eliminate carbon footprints this way. :upside_down_face:


How many will take advantage of that (infanticide) because of this?

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I assume you’re talking to me.

Abortion isn’t the problem - the impulse and encouragement to do so is the problem. We would otherwise regard the instigators as demons and kill them all. In other words, the social derangement that brought about abortion made it possible.

Said another way, the instigator’s dream of killing god, and offering up their sacrifices to Moloch, had no power unless they had already won the battle. But by all means, let us engage in a semantical war.

Let me add that the hot button topic of abortion has been used effectively by the enemy to fracture society and help bring about the world that we see. While masses of people have been fighting or supporting it, the agenda creeped forwards on the back of a self-destructive feminism. Trace recent voting patterns and you will discover that the topic has invariably led to mass turnouts in support for it. So while it is easy to raise a fist and curse the world for its wickedness, we more or less chose to fight an (albeit terrible) symptom of the rot that overtook us.

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I fail to see the difference between killing a human before a birth and killing them in a war.


I climbed up a pyramid in Mexico and viewed a putrid green pool below where the Aztecs sacrificed little teenage girls, dropping them into the foul-spirit waters from their highest stone altars – because they were girls.

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And some still do it, we discover.

You assume right.

And what if they did?

My questions were more of a rhetorical nature. No semantic war intended, whatever that may be.

And what if they really have real power, which power they did get from someone or from some entity or something. In other words, was it transferred to them as an inheritance, or as a repayment of a debt to someone?Someone like Yhwh for exaple?

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If I may? While the most high God, the Holy Father, can not and will not be killed, there are numerous examples of instances where higher entities, both good and bad, have bestowed power on humans. The Bible is replete with examples, which are too numerous to state here. I believe that many of the extraordinary events which we are witnessing today, which are attributed to or disguised as AI or other advanced tech, may very well be something entirely different. I can not help but to think of the mystery of iniquity. The conversation is thought provoking. Thank you.


Interesting take on the metaphysical. I did not factor that into my response, but I am clear that this is a prime motivator for the truly wicked.

But I am also clear that these vermin have no power over me. Deception, sure, for we come to the realization that history as we know it is hogwash. But no demon, human or otherwise, can penetrate the defenses of a spirit-born mortal. Their power exists only to the extent that we allow it. Theirs is an illusion, a vision of a malformed world. Their lies created a reality, step by small step, that separated us from the source. Only then could they create the fertile soil for their abominable agenda - including abortion.

To bring this full circle, then, my point has been more or less this: The war over abortion has been entirely to the demons’ advantage because it consistently mobilizes the previously captured, and forces society to fight over outcomes rather than the salted earth from which the evil sprang.

I guess I asked for this, though - I can be a bit of a provocateur. I think we’re good on the basics.


Alg: I like your take about the vermin having only that power we give them by following their narratives. They need minions to carry out all of their demented actions, and as long as minions are there for them, their ideas get manifested.

We’ve been living on the fringe, for years, refusing to participate in anything that does not sit well in our hearts, and we feel uplifted when we see more people questioning the narratives and refusing to abide by them.

We’ve just started reading some books by Michael D. O’Brien (e.g., “Father Elijah”). We haven’t read this one yet (“The Family and the New Totalitarianism”), but when I looked at the description, I couldn’t help think, somewhat, about some of the sentiments in your post. Michael D. O'Brien