Worlds Oldest Calendar May Rewrite the History of Civilization

I first heard this theory three years ago while watching an “alternative” archeology conference online. It was in the UK and full of things like Ley Line and megalithic measurements. The non-professional researcher who gave a talk on Gogekli Tempe being at least partly an observatory and a calendar was extremely impressive. They visited the site, took many photos, and used their computer to develop some calculations. They also speculated that if the circles had been buried sequentially rather than all at once, they were put up for a specific “cycle” and then buried when one cycle finished and another began. Sadly, I don’t have the old link on file. In this article, I found the mention of the comet strike about 13,000 years ago, which is remembered in the symbology, especially interesting. I suspect it wasn’t simply a “local” event.


@Melodi Excellent, thank you!

What else was there to do back then (no mass media, internet or podcasts) but watch the heavens and notice a pattern. Our current timeline had a beginning and ours is not the first civilization on earth. Why is our history buried in the “mystery” cults? Knowledge IS power and can be used for good or bad.

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I wonder why “they’re” opening the truth valve; slowly letting the real? history out?
Or, getting in front of the narrative; to steer the “truth” away - from certain revelations?