WOW- Watergate Scandal and Its Reporting: A CIA Entrapment/Blackmail Op and Psy Op, NOT What Was Reported

New Book: Postgate by John O’Connor - baby boomer generation journalist and also prosecuting attorney who demonstrates how Watergate was not only a CIA entrapment and blackmail operation using the Watergate as a brothel and another local brothel, but the subsequent reporting on it was total fake news cover up of this CIA op, with Pulitzer winning, book/movie deal enriched Bernstein and Woodward actually just fed everything and playing ball with the CIA narratives, and the entire episode was the actual beginning of sell-out journalism in the US, where reporters became team players and propagandists for the US government and or elements of the Deep State.
The handling of Watergate by the CIA/Journopropagandists was also another successful coup on the President as it ended Nixon’s tenure with his resignation, and it is well known now that Nixon had no love at all for his handling by Bush Sr. from within the CIA.

This is very important even “bombshell” reporting that of course, is getting next to no coverage. I don’t usually ask this, but this one is worth everyone who sees it passing it on somewhere down the line to see if it can get more coverage in alt media.

O’Connor’s interview with Kim iverson (in the latter part of the show but the reporting on the arrest of G. Lira for being pro-Russian in Ukraine is also of interest)

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