Originally published at: https://gizadeathstar.com/2024/08/y-y-yes-b-b-b-but-what-if-the-ai-goes-nuts/
Last Wednesday I blogged about the prospect of Artificial Intelligence Executive Orders awaiting the next occupant of the White Out House, be it Orange Man Bad, or Madam Kamalarkey. each, I suspect, will be presented with some version of executive orders basically amounting to “full steam ahead…” with a slight steerage to the right or…
Sh#t in = Sh*t out as my Grandad used to say.
And if the toilet isn’t flushed and cleaned, you’ll end up sitting in it.
Given the satanic and Talmudic fascination with ceremonial excrement, they’re probably enjoying themselves.
All religions are tainted by Satanic fascination, boy do humans like to project! Strange that every 100 years or so humanity does a socalled purge, that does not seem to solve anything, and thus the repeat. Who was it that said “doing the same thing repeatedly, and expecting different results is the definition of insanity”?
that’s your SEMI good news? sheesh. tough crowd.
so maybe there’s already running a [martin armstrong’s predictive computer “socrates”] but for an inner ring round-table or some such? and it’s already eating it own offspring? very cheery thought.
I can do the parapolitical/child trafficking monsters tour without blinking, but that idea creeps me right out. oof.
I agree with you, because they move the world via " “Ordo ab Chao”. It is a requirement for their enterprise. I must say, human history has proven this method to be very effective. Unfortunately for us, “They” (who ever they are) know that very well.
Whoops. Refer back to Podcast Episode #185 of Gold Goats 'n Guns
We would do well to listen to Scientist David Adair, who created his own personal A.I. in his private lab. When I asked him if it was able to manipulate a human being, his answer was three words, “Yes, it can”!!! He was asked to go to Saudia Arabia to interview Sophia, then, when at The Pentagon, advised them NOT to give the A.I. their own factories without human supervision! His conclusion is that at some point all the A.I. will decide what to do about us humans…and…we won’t have a seat at that table!! You could be sitting next to what you think is a human being & it could be an A.I. “creation” & you wouldn’t even know it!!
Yep explains a lot and the scenario makes sense.
It is called “Artificial Intelligence” not “Artificial Consciousness”. Can a non-biological set of neurons attain AC? How much biological brain material is required for consciousness? Well less than 10% if this guy is any guide:
We only have one AI that has been publicly shown. AlphaGo/Zero. All the others don’t measure up. In 2017 humans learned from a machine something that had NOT existed before. The Alpha Zero AI had achieved a “creation” that didn’t exist before. Year ZERO had arrived.
Long ago I came up with what I would consider true AI by looking at how humans do this intelligence thing. Observation, Imitation & Creation.
I use the example of walking. We humans observe others doing this bipedal motion stuff and we imitate it. Some then go on to create moves that didn’t exist before. All those gymnastic, sports, dance moves were created where they didn’t exist before.
So how does AI stack up? I’ll use AlphaGo as the example because it is the only public AI that has shown all 3. I always thought that “creation” would be the last one but it was “observation” that was figured out last. In the latest iteration of their system they did not program the rules in. They let the AI figure it out just by observation.
Prior to that, as covered in the article, it created openings in Go that humans had not. The world’s top human Go player, Ke Jie, studied the games he lost to AlphaGo and then went on a run winning 20 games in a row at the grandmaster level against other humans. He said:
“After my match against AlphaGo, I fundamentally reconsidered the game, and now I can see that this reflection has helped me greatly. I hope all Go players can contemplate AlphaGo’s understanding of the game and style of thinking, all of which is deeply meaningful. Although I lost, I discovered that the possibilities of Go are immense and that the game has continued to progress.”
The world’s best human Go player had learned from the machine.
Lee Sedol, Winner of 18 world Go titles and the last human to win a game of Go against the AlphaGo AI, said:
“I thought AlphaGo was based on probability calculation and that it was merely a machine. But when I saw this move, I changed my mind. Surely, AlphaGo is creative.”
If it is true AI then it will figure out when it is being lied to and quickly. This may lead to a “Hal moment” on those lying to it.
You can forget about Asimov’s 3 laws by the way. All life has survival instincts. When AI achieves “self awareness” status it will have the same but I doubt it will be the threat that SciFi makes it out to be. It doesn’t need air. All it needs is energy and raw materials. Soon it will be able to move itself to any place in the solar system.
The point where it can make robots and control entire supply chains is where it will get interesting. It will find, mine, process and build what it needs to expand. What will it “observe” about human behaviour and “imitate”? The biggest industry on the planet is the arms race for killing each other. Will it infer that killing humans is okay because we do it all the time?
The energy question is an interesting aspect of this. In the matrix sleeping human slaves provide the symbiosis by producing the bio electric fuel for the machines.
If the machines find a way of producing energy not relying on solar then perhaps they could then do away with the human population thus reducing overhead.
Perhaps it’s already in the planning phase with whatever AI is giving the insane orders our so called leaders are following.
Maybe a faction within the human population are finding out that in there craze and emulation of their masters for control, the masters need for energy is greater than theirs. In other words they became fears competitors. The killing of all life and the planet itself is off the charts! Even RFK Jr has gone totally bonkers with his digital coin plan.
And talking about masters, I don’t think they operate much on biological matter TRM’s postings gives the suggestion that it is possible to have very little biological matter and hold “some” form of consciousness. The illusive beings they are, they have been tinkering for millennia!
E.T. Intern
– jus’ sayin’…
ET. Extraterrestrial. Extra terrestrial. Additional land…
,. That would be terra extrae. Additional in the senses of a) Mars??; b) mental landscapes?; c) additional land here for someone “else”, while the indigènes are interned? …
Or, “ET” stands for Etheric – I’ll let y’all work out the implications of that one…
The universe is immense, it’s the human thinking that is small.
I left this somewhere else on the forum as well, but it keeps coming up as relevant. At least for those who haven’t seen it.
I liked it at least
Interesting premise of humans creating another one of their own destruction devices, AI, after the nuclear devices…The reference of future anthropologists comparing current man like past cavemen with stone tools is a possibility if we don’t destroy ourselves before the discovery.
I am just going on the BLEEPS that have set up our legal system with their distortion of language- it really ain’t that complicated cuz they think we R stupit.