Your Data is TOTALLY safe. Tell me another one Mother Goose

Privacy, we don’t need no stinkin’ privacy.


Good news for cybersecurity stocks…

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But digital = safe and secure, dontcha know . . . That’s why we should make all our money digital.

I have given this a lot of thought and since Federal Reserve Notes are just pieces of worthless paper, I have been wondering if they hadn’t fooled us into" 0 - 1" (digital) long ago.

Yeah the tech geeks sold out to the money changers. Data breaches are good for business. AT$T sent a letter to me from their last data breach with an apology and a free one year subscription to sign up with a credit monitoring service, like I should trust them to guard my data? The best thing if concerned is to contact all three credit reporting agencies and place a block to prevent any activity unless the consumer is contacted and verified. But even that probably has a work around!

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