Zadok the priest.Coronation anthem

Why is this coronation anthem?Who is this Zadok priest?Or better who is Zadok,and why is he so important to “them”?

Oh right.I see.David.Solomon.Christ.And “Igneus” The Fiery One with his head in the center of the pyramid shining,glowing,blazing white.Much like creature in state of plasma,or plasmatic being for itself, conscious like rock then after and thereafter becoming consciousness or awareness in the process of formation and or already formed.Facinating🤔For us mere mortals.I stress,shocking the medium either path.

I agree - I feel there is a lot more to this and it’s not really discussed.

In the music posted above, the choir sings “Zardok the Priest and Nathan the Prophet annointed Solomon King.” I do not know this history, but how it would relate to an English Anglican King is head scratching and worth diving into. We must have accounts of Queen Elizabeth 1’s coronation - did she have this rhetoric in her ceremony in any way?
Handel was in the Hanoverian Court, was made choir master and within 6 months given permission to go to London. Was Handel on assignment? It was the 1700s, a time when perhaps the takeover of the aristocracy was being accomplished by what I must refer to as the Illuminati of the era. So many questions.

All I have surmised is it does relate somehow to the Temple of Solomon? of which there were also other references in the ceremony. I think one of the vestments of the religious officials included a breastplate with jewels. This is all fuzzy to me, I could be wrong, so please correct me if so, but I’m pretty sure I remember seeing a metal breastplate on one of the church guys officiating at the Charles party.

So Handel was I assumed commissioned to write this music to enshrine the Zadok element into the coronation ceremonies, and this is a continuation? or revival of the practice…

Has anyone here seen that video of Elizabeth 2’s coronation where she is blessed by the Druid priests right at the start or even just before the start of the coronation? It was raw footage being shot that day covering everything that happened…

Some more speculation and musing - it occurred to me the other day that

  1. We know the Would-Be-Rulers want to take the world back to a feudalist society.
  2. Feudal societies have to have kings and queens and other aristocracy.
  3. Think about how the EU/NATO/CIA hoped and fever dreamed of carving up Russia into little fiefdoms, and they even made that map with Russia all carved up into various regions with different flags - you know they were licking their lips thinking they’d be getting their own kingdoms and getting crowned in coronation ceremonies, all over the place, Russia just being some of the tasty meat they thought they’d be carving up.
  4. Well becoming kings and queens takes pomp and transitioning with a ceremony, and what better way to establish a “royalty making recipe” than using Woke King Charles’ modern coronation to cement a formal set of rituals that would be more or less followed all over the place when their plandemic/war/ufo psyops would bear fruit and they’d all get their little kingdoms and tomorrowland castles. “See, if he can become a king this way, so can I!” Using the most publicly celebrated and long accepted royal establishment in Britain to lend legitimacy to their illegitimate power grabs would be simple Illuminati Cabal 101 - of course they would do this.

This is why I think closely studying the coronation is worth it and an interesting window into modern globalist minds, such as they are.

So what we witnessed with Charles’ coronation in my musing opinion is their blueprint for many many more coronations to come if Mr. Globaloney gets his way. It is also probably why it was considered that the few protestors who dared show their face at Charles’ party were thought to be treated much more harshly than usual.
Also think about just the spellcasting aspects of the coronation - people all over the world checking in to see a no-merit prince gloriously elevated by his crowning, as though this was something very relevant, which it should not have been. The whole thing is like priming the pump for feudalism to return with a vengeance this century - and I don’t say vengeance lightly.

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… Kings and queens and guillotines … as the song goes


Are you related to Scaramouche? a la Sabatini of course ; )

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I don’t know if you are asking me, and what or which characters are you thinking of?Specifically. There are many such historical characters,and in many other contexts,for that matter.

Sabatini’s novel of the name. your name just reminded me of it.

I see. I wonder how it happened, and why? :thinking:
But in short, no, I’m not related with that Sabatini guy at all. In no context at all.

lol no not you silly, Scarmoge just above. Our compatriot.

Oh i see.I apologize for me beeing silly.Walking away. :walking_man:

come back - it’s your thread.
and did you have any thoughts on my lengthy oratory?

I know that. I just wanted to say that I am walking away from the possible dialogue between you and Scarmoge, if it happens in the future. That is, not to interfere with your possible future conversation. Not leaving from my thread.

And in relation to this I can initially say that it is a long oratory indeed.It takes time to read it and analyze it, which would take longer,because it is quite lengthy oratory as you say. Although I have some initial thoughts about it. But later.

Händel, as a double( triple???) agent.
Hard to get a Handle on…

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… It is an old Scot word for skirmish, so in a sense yes related somewhat. And one has to admit that Scaramouche does indeed have an interesting history. :slight_smile: