26 years ago: Fr. Malachi Martin on the New World Order

What he knew and warned about 26 years ago… This interview of Malachi Martin was in 1996. He died a few years later, but … it is worth the time.


Read his books also, very deep, worth reading.


Catch an interview from time to time and always learn from him. It is apparent there is a lot of info the ordinary people are not privy to.

Don’t connect with some of it because am not catholic and don’t have that tradition, but this 3rd secret of Fathoma and Martin’s knowledge of what is happening today is compelling. Seems Vatican 2 was huge and of course the current Pope … everything seems to be falling in line - unfortunately for us all.


I think I heard him declare “ex-Jesuit”. That is most comforting and allows him my trust.


Art Bell had some great interviews with him as well. Good interview: Hyper-materialism opposite of Spirit. Mentions – The shutting down of Churches out of which would create great chaos. Points made and nailed= Overshadowing Fear- A. Uncertainty about sexuality(Multiple genders) B. Uncertainty about Disease(Mystery of COVID ect) C. Political uncertainty D. Moral uncertainty (Profitting at the expense and suffering of others). There will come a day where major decisions will be made by outside forces{ N.W.O.} instead of Governments {by and for the people} regarding Money- Education- Religion.


Did you read his novel " Windswept House"?


In this one, which I’m only partly through, Martin talks about “the mystery of iniquity”, which I find extremely interesting. Just before that, he speaks of the anti-christ. Start at min. 17:28 to 22:40 for both. Notice it is THE PEOPLE who proclaim AC as God, not the other way around. Regarding “the iniquity”, I have to wonder if it’s not that there’s more iniquity, but more people & faster communication of news, esp. bad news.


Know you directed this toward the Colonel, but I would like to read Windswept House, but I am trying to get through JPF’s books and feel somewhat over whelmed. Have you read it?

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No, It sounds good and I was wondering if it was his last novel. I remember listening to him on Coast to Coast years ago about demonic possessions. Scary stuff! Now it has evolved into the Trans Humanism possession which I think is what he is referring to regarding the 3rd Fatima secret. aka Hypermaterialism


Read that, might be his best, Hostage to the Devil also. I’ll have to check my bookshelf but there was one on the Jesuits also which was quite good.


I’m a slow reader… I’ll have to add it to my list!

Who told you that M. Martin ever stopped being a Jesuit.? He always was a faithful son of St Ignatius of Loyola.

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In 1964, Martin requested a release from his vows and from the Jesuit Order.[4] He received a provisional release in May 1965[2] and a dispensation from his vows of poverty and obedience on 30 June 1965[2] (cf. qualified exclaustration). Even if dispensed from his religious vow of chastity, Martin remained under the obligation of chastity if still an ordained secular priest. Martin maintained that he remained a priest, saying that he had received a dispensation from Paul VI to that effect.[6]


Yep, his book “Hostage to Devi” is in my opinion to this day the best book on spiritual warfare. If you really tune deeply into it, one can recognize in it, 4 senses/meanings of Bible.


Each Jesuit swears obedience to Pope above the General of SJ. He was to his last days obedient to Pope :wink:

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Wow, Radiation 23 min in… Geo-engineering…forgot about that prediction. 1:33 Interesting we had Phoenix lights in 97


Martin said that in one of the old Coast to Coast interviews. The one I posted, if I remember right.

I’ve decided to join the 51st state crowd! Yep, I’m down for a new state! A lot has been said about a few choice targets to join our fabulous union. Suggestions have piled up on the benefits of adding Puerto Rico, Mexico and even Guam has been a mild offer. Aside from the state splits that are currently the rage like an east west California and same for Washington Oregon due to competing agendas urban vs ag etc clear lines of demarcation. I’m in the category of fringe but I hardly consider my suggestion idiotic, I consider it strategic, a huge win win, a future with a better outcome, yes you’ve guessed it by now, I want the worlds largest super computer chip mfg, to join our more perfect union, I need the strategic location for my nuclear missile bases, submarine bases, carrier base, yep surely you’ve guessed correctly…I want Taiwan to be part of America!!! Just think of what a wonderful world we’d have! All that high tech mfg needs protection from all the regional monsters! We can just link up with Japan South Korea and our new 51st state, a rich smart proud one I’d love to bring on board, you? Australia with its dozen new nuclear subs made in the USA and god knows what hiding at pine gap, can certainly support our need to make Taiwan a US state…what an eastern bloc…


The final War/ Clash 1:44:17 Very interesting!!!

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