26 years ago: Fr. Malachi Martin on the New World Order

Yep, that would be the one.

Hi nidster, Yes, I know what you mean. I work quite a bit so it is hard for me to join in on Dr. Farrell’s live streams. If you click the link and go to “about”. Scroll down to Sedona 2005 that is where the meeting/lectures really took off. Basically it is a group of inquisitive minded people who want to learn more than what we are fed in the “normal” education system. The theme mostly revolves around Sri Yukteswar’s book “The Holy Science”. The ancient Indian cycles of time and the concepts of Precession/ evolution and devolution. I just love some of the archeologists, researchers and scientists that have lectured. Not sure about next years meet- seems to have changed since COVID like everything else! Where am I going with this? Scroll up to Neru’s post of DJ and JP Farrell 47:20 There is in essence a De-Coding of the past by making co-relations between archeological/planetary observations and human actions/consciousness from and ancient definitive science that is thousands of years old.

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OK, so what is happening here is we are ‘speaking-past-each-other’. What no one on this website has ‘ever’, ‘ever’, ‘ever’ spoken about, or replied to - other than me- is Dr Gentry’s work that I noted in my above posts. So, although everything what you, and Dr Farell, and many others ‘believe-to-be-true-facts’ the real question is, "Why has NO_ONE ever addressed Dr Gentry’s work, which is INDISPUTABLE SCIENTIFIC EVIDENCE? That is to say this, how could isotopes of polonium 106 - 109 halo inclusion be found in ALL the granite on the Earth, including the Great Pyramid, i.e. The Giza Death Star?

It is true there has been plenty of ‘speculative thinking, and evidence’ pertaining to a lot of 'what-if’s, ‘fables’, and many ‘stories’ from the distant past. None, none, none of those can be proven. START THINKING!!! They cannot be proven to be True, they are simply nothing more, or less than ‘stories’ regardless of how far back in TIME they were ‘written’, or ‘told’.

Get it now? They cannot be ‘proven’ to be factual. No way!!! They are simply nothing more than 'stories, ‘fables’, or ‘History’. All that stuff is nothing more, or less than just ‘words’. It is not absolute, positive, 100% fact, and therefore cannot be trusted to be considered to be ‘TRUTH’. Certainly there are some true facts in those ‘stories’, but what about hard, undeniable, scientific evidence? NO WAY!!!

The List of these esoteric societies and their shenanigans in A-17 folder mentioned by G. Maxwell in her “delusional” rant and connected by Dar Journalist in the latest show.

One can only hope!

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Hey Nidster. You sound a bit vexed.

I guess for me, I don’t really understand the significance of Dr. Gentry’s work other than to speculate that it has something to do with creation as in Genesis and may be applicable to the Earth’s natural energy (the one Nixon talked about) and could be used for bad purposes (like a “firecracker” weapon). Am I close?

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Your speculation is ‘spot-on’. Dr Gentry was a devout Seventh Day Adventist who ‘made-the-evidence-fit’ the 6 day Creation story as it is written in the Book of Genesis. His work does ‘kind-of, and sort-of’ support a ‘nearly sudden’ Creation of Earth. That type of thinking caused a huge problem for any acceptance of his work in the scientific community, i.e. physists and geologists in particular. Those disciplines largely consist of folks who are vehemently opposed to anything that smacks of religion, regardless of the scientific evidence. So, these two opposite viewpoints had a ‘clash’ back in the 1990’s when Dr Gentry held a symposium at Univ of TN Knoxville to present his evidence. About 250 scientists and geologists attended the event. While no one could dispute the evidence he presented they all clung to the idea that Earth was formed over a very, very, very long time.

So, is there a "Third Way’ to explain the existance of polonium haloes in solid granite? Of course, but it is just as preposterous.

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https://youtube.com/shorts/eWGB4pKDJaA?feature=share Cataclysmic events in a past unknown environment may also have possibly caused these features. I don’t have an answer to your theory. I am not dismissing it or trying to avoid it, rather attempting to understand the possibilities of how it may have developed.

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Remember that Dr Gentry’s work involved in discovering Polonium Halos in various places all around the Earth. The most notable one was from the 39,000’ super-deep borehole on the Kola Península in Russia. And the phenomena had to be worldwide. Your link was informative, and a good vid, and it’s a clue. Keep looking!!! Thanks!

research here - Kola Superdeep Borehole - Wikipedia

Another clue that would help is if we see them on other planetary rocks other than earth.

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I love, love, love the way you think so deeply. Plus, think about asteroids that fly-by all the time from parts unknown. I’m sure there are some clues in a few of them. Also, Mars where some strange stuff has been discovered there, i.e. pyramids, and ‘faces’ built, or carved from stone.

[Wayne Herschel - Author - The Hidden Records - discovered repeating cases of ancient Pleiades and Orion star maps worldwide, all showing human origins from one of three sun stars near the Pleiades] (https://thehiddenrecords.com/)

I’ve looked at his work over the years, and it’s for your reference only, I do not subscribe to all his theories.

Wonder if it has anything to do with quartz crystals? They are used in old radios, right?