A great review by tino von struckman


Pretty good, but Tino statement " … victorious allies…yet they committed practically the same crimes sometimes even worse" is a bit too much.
Tino claims to travel all over Central and Eastern Europe, mainly for battlefields, I wonder if he visits dozens of concentration death camps over there to see scope of German evil horror there. I guess you can’t take a German out of German, even if he calls himself Duch German.


I read an article the other day and can’t remember if it was on this site or another.

The person who wrote it was highly ‘vocal’ about Nordstream sabotage being abusive toward The German People and urged Germans to fight back against aggression, etc, etc.

While in principle this sounds good, I have a hunch the writer was much younger than Boomer age and I shutter to think what would happen, after the examples of the last 2 times that Germany ‘fought back’. The writer really had no concept of what that could mean…

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This was very well done. The photographs, voice speed and pronunciation made it easy to follow and understandable. The information was very through. This was the first time, the elephant-in-the room that begs the question has been mentioned in depth in my experience. The elephant? The neutral country that borders France, Germany, Italy. Rarely mentioned by name, but always hovering in the background.


In context of “their” euroatlantic determinist mosaic [1][1] and “their” deeper n’w’o agendas what I am still in doubt is how as aligned to the northern faction are swiss!?, and could they pretend anyhow by habsburg line as bearer of the last roman rex regalia for crown faction [2][2][2] practically one of the northern flow [2][2][2]-[2][2][2][2] that in various lines stretch all across the europe [3][3][3] maybe the last pope will come from “their” court [4] guessing how popes were poisoned and swapped by multitudes in the past would not wonder at all! [5] tho this is just speculation coz simply it could be in question some infiltration by any spooks mids the vatican see [6] Practically I am posting this so would see who can share more info on the european black nobility [7] and in context of this thread about the need for vaticans coronation mids eventual n’w’o of “theirs” if we know that universalism will glue [8] all probably borgged down!?

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Going to have review and delineate locations and members of these northern and southern groups. The Swiss are neutral-ish of course.

The Habsburgs are an interesting clan. In an old book on ancient Hebrew history, found at a used bookstore, there is some speculation that before being called Hebrews, they were Habiru or Hapiru. Of course Habsburg is not the real name of the family, only the name of their castle in Switzerland, but it did catch my eye.

Another item about the Hapsburgs came from another book found on a library bargain shelf; it provides the perspective of members of the Austrian Hapsburgs on the assassination of Franz Ferdinand that was the supposed cause of WWI. It seems the surviving Hapsburgs felt that not only was Ferdinand’s assignation set-up and approved of by Arch Duke Franz Joseph, but also that of his son Rudolf. Both of the heirs held the same beliefs: Rudolf overtly and Ferdinand privately. Both planned to make major changes once on the throne. Even Rudolf’s estranged wife thought he was suicided. And so it goes…


What could be drawn as conclusion is that that clan belongs to teutons, what is interesting its that it was alchemic nest for all medieval neopagans that there were taking “refuge” under “rudolf IV der stifter” patronage what eventually lead also one of the oldest rosicrucian universities to popup there [1][1] the same also could be said example for rudolf II [2][2][2] eventually its question how so suppressed venetians and “their” alchemic university in Pisa [3][3] or whether “they” actually influenced the medici clan, but also its troubling how later kept aligned to vatican if teutons who didnt embraced protestantism!? While about hapiru habiru hm if rosicrucianism is kind of neokabbalism surely khazarian enclaves there had have also huge influence but did those forged own empire hm if so why would not establish kabbalism as prime religion, or maybe were as concealed elitist rosicrucianism why kept chatholic cloack so would not drew direct animosity, hm this would be extra too good to be true simply coz khazarians were not white and would had have been easily noticed!

Now not sure how true is the theory that templars got refuge in Switzerland and coz that got prominent rosicrucian nest, but knowing that the swiss lands were constantly shifting hands probably it became kind of truce knot as negotiation place between the southern and northern royal factions!?, and if we know how dippen in blood was that swiss neutrality defacto that points that not accidentally became place of interconnection, why at all eg. european u.n. subsidiary or bis leveler of global central banks would be there if wasnt that case!?, hm maybe the swiss guard fits in this logic too [4][5][6]

We can be sure just one thing that european nobility and its wealth didnt disappeared it just took new bank’corp’form what actually got more lucrative for “them” i.e. if and when the economy fails “they” are not at fault but for that the responsibility goes to the national administration i.e. whatever “they” would do again will stay unchallenged!, altho in uK got another form that shift probably coz city’of’london became “their” nest thus if and when “they” will mess up as joint european black nobility the blame goes to windsors!, practically there is no liability for “them” since the enlightenment era onward even horror world wars happened and for that are responsible some “secular” automata broilers of “theirs”, in same time as southern and northern groups are constantly fighting for greater position in one or in another realm from banking through commerce till politics eg. jpk morgan supposedly is the vault of the southern band of factions, playing kind of statist monopoly game till rig the stage for n’w’o and constantly failing hm maybe the greed keeps “them” drunk altho from time to time “some” among (or above) “them” will pull crisis so would remind “them” that “their” running out of time, isnt!?

The international bankers have had hundreds of years to organize and implement their ruthless plan of ownership of all wealth and human capital. Nothing, absolutely nothing has been or will be off the table to complete their mission.

What is interesting is that that plan dont rests solely on banksters but “the energy” behind “them” as I am continually pointing that the main plotters are demons-anathema-to-them!, and without it simply “they” are lost and “their” agendas failing apart, eventually knowing that we are tempted with purpose by Our almighty Lord Providence i.e. due to our Free Will Gift we are falling away from The Truth what as consequence pulls such causality that all need to be reminded again Dont play with fire, yet coz whatever reasons many simply dont care and are becoming hijacked literary to give “their” free-will to demons-anathema-to-them what eventually through time is aligning many fooled to fell in demonic cauldron where are boiling various souls from bank’corp military politics sorcery apostasy etc. alike kneeled if not sold souls what eventually is ending up as stew served cold to all that are fine how are accustomed to particular standardization and comfort for which are ready as hypocrites to overlook any wrongness in “their” system just living indifferently coz what matters is the smooth hedonistic and consumeristic way of life, simply the western academia dont care anymore about bioethics or ecoethics what about to consider anyhow Christian Ethos from aspect of social theory, normally selfcensorship became for many norm coz could get fined if not released from duty if raise their voice against all wrongness of ea-determinists!, and even if do that are not compact focused but almost like blobs or spikes of righteousness, altho even that is Feat in western realm wrapped in neopagan and utopian propaganda in which many are lured to rest their case on various covert ways!, simply for system that is for quite so long involved in evil inertia on various levels from colonialism through exploitation till tricksters plutocracy its logical that now will do its best to hide its wrongness once the masks will start to falling what became more obvious if not ultra obvious to the majority of western citizens first by the covert plandemix bionic vaxing and now from the ukrainian crisis escalation till such extremes that is unreal how so “someone” is ready even on “friendly fire or earthquakes” so would arrange its position for final global ordo’ab’chao clash!, and tell me is this work of humans or demons-anathema-to-them!?, logically when such evil is nested for quite long time in some power elites now it has reached levels of ultimate monstrous preparedness!, but lets Hope it will be restrained so would not be released!

  • So we’ve been for quite some time all hijacked by wrong humanist neopagan enlightenment inertia and now we are as World in its crescendo of lusted utopian projections and reality that never favors its revelation!, yet possessed by that lusts and aware that too much time as stew of euroatlantic determinists were fooling many to follow altho “their” utopian dream simply unreachable on World where by Our Almighty Lord Providence cant be reached heaven’on’earth thus now whether from fear whether from despair before all “their” utopian fallacy burst [1][1] “they” are trying to provoke one last attempt for ordo’ab’chao scenario, seen from this perspective actually to that very same fallacy of evolution doctrine “they” were fooled in “their” wrong deist system exactly by “their” demons-anathema-to-them!, probably knew how stupid are “they” when rejected Jesus as Savior thus knowing that “their” utopian mission is Fail still whispered to be imbedded such fuse like “ordo’ab’chao” so as many souls as possible would be drawn in eternal condemnation once is built enough dismay and all are turn on eachother normally coz someones wrong exceptionalism!

Practically its word for egoism, and not mammonism or hedonism, as prime deist force on the scene, which as force actually is fueled by demons-anathema-to-them how someone is so special and above all the rest ~ altho defacto we are all just dust&ashes, but coz somehow that “someone” has secured some power (what about that securing was done for long time through few centuries) then logically consumed by that pride of “extorted usurious wealth” got blinded till readiness to embrace malthusianism as ideal or darwinism as eugenics or transhumanism as some new normal!, tyrants?, no, monstrums in sheep cloths!, yeah fabians comes to mind!, altho some will say nah they were just western socialists, yeah which emerged from the freemasonic enlightenment and built upon the very common neoplatonist globalist niche [2][2][2] which suites “them” on various levels as decent inheritors to the alchemists utopian cause [2][2][2] hm infiltration which as teuton rosicrucian fuse can be easily catched solely by semiotic examination of the ruling insignias [3][3][3]

last 3rd footnote quotes about the jacobite rose
  1. From the union of the White Rose of York or Rosa alba semi-
    plena and the Jacobite Rose, Rosa alba maxima, the Tudor Kings Henry
    VII and Henry VIII created the unique Tudor Rose. This was a five petal
    white rose placed in the centre of a five petal red rose, surmounted by a
  2. This dual symbolism of rose colors fitted appropriately with the
    unification of the Houses of York and Lancaster. The unification
    followed the bloody Wars of the Roses from 1455 to 1485, finally ending
    on Bosworth Field. After this decisive battle, King Henry VII ascended
    the throne and married the daughter of Edward IV.
    From the union of the White Rose of York or Rosa alba semi-
    plena and the Jacobite Rose, Rosa alba maxima, the Tudor Kings Henry
    VII and Henry VIII created the unique Tudor Rose. This was a five petal
    white rose placed in the centre of a five petal red rose, surmounted by a
    The union of the roses had meaning in a more esoteric context. It
    represented both the image of the rose of Minerva and St George, and the
    unification of the lineage of ancient Calebite-Zaddoki bloodlines with
    those of the Christian Church.

obviously tradition that was alchemic acclamation, as kind of covert signature even of infiltrated popes [3][3][3] later raise to level of european neopagan trademark [3][3][3] which in essence was built upon the earlier templar tradition [3][3][3] so per’se the fabians are not at guilt for whats happening in this World now, but in question its band of various neopagan factions which got summoned to embrace freemasonry as european neopagan religion while republicanism as utopian strive, go catch who’is’who among “them”, enough fake so cant even unravel “themselves” in true light!, yet as we can see in its core will for upgrade till “their” apotheosis “they” are not just unhumane emergence of wrong idealism but also by rejecting Orthodox Christianity are becoming defacto the final adversary to the Mankind!, will we still act stupid and give “them” boost ~ whether rationing the global events by “their” reductionist spin (how we see just economic power struggle) ~ whether by indifference and ignoring of “their” true stamina thus leaving “them” to advance!?, yet its up to us individually not to be cornered and deprived from Salvation if thrown in “their” utopian n’w’o and superhumanity skims i.e. if we see that noone cares then prepare for the worst case scenario in which case its certain that many will end up in oblivion!, it would be ideal if “they” at least step back if already dont want to Repent, altho many indeed will in the end the question is whether will have time to reach Redemption, coz only the poor in the spirit will pass without barriers, but for all of us that are sane there it will be Judgement by merits …

… how will end up “those” neopagans dont need to examine or elaborate simply if the judgement will be fierce even for Christians which havent brought fruits worthy for redemption, then how much more fierce will be the punishment for those that rejected Jesus Christ as Savior or on top served to demons-anathema-to-them and coz that fooled tormented or executed many!, thus it will end up again and again in ruins “their” neopagan ideals nomatter how selfconfident “they” are coz whatever bionic or genetic revolution impose plainly or covertly coz whatever particular rush towards employment of “their” utopia!, obviously pushed by various factions, which are far from compact while rushing till “their” apotheosis, constantly motivating eachother when is the right time for “their” next phase or what to be done in meantime, and while waiting on “their” turn to lead as factions simply we’ve reached particular risks that intentionally or not throwed “them” in spiraling improvising mode, and actually again as in ww1 so as in ww2 unprepared neatly simply are losing as the narrative so as the key elements for any eventual success of one’world’government and superhumanity, and if continue to behave as “they” are will reach only Armageddon and nothing else, tho we are all warned and know how that will end, yet “they” dont care coz blinded by deist pride and “own” wrong neopagan eschatology!, and if we contemplate whats really happening simply at stake is Clash For Every Soul thus if we with our Free Will are silent and ignorant on top not even act by Prayers (what is even more effective) we are giving “them” room for “their” “ordo’ab’chao” when will throw in bulk many souls in oblivion!, thus act in time Dont wait till the last moment!

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In the Q&A live stream about the docu, TinoS making claim how to him freemasonry looks like not so important thing, in my opinion religious glue behind the scenes in ww2, hm to what I’ll say his heading “trading with the enemy” should stay “trading among freemasons”, [1][1] coz in essence “they” rule the euroatlatntic realm through city’of’london [2][2][2]

  1. but so we would grasp how “they” are so influential we need to be aware what indeed “they” are!, first of all as adepts many of the lower echelons of that deist luciferian religion are from start fooled how all are believing in one and the same god i.e. how dont matters from what earlier religious affiliation they come i.e. all gods are one and the same for “them”, what by all means is wrong universalist leveling of polytheism idolatry even evil as anyhow compatible to Christianity, as if we are not warned that we cant serve two masters!?, yet many joying freemasonry are indeed fooled to embrace it as some social club, what cant be even close to the truth simply coz its word for specific religion with rituals dogmas and eschatology [2][2][2] tho what is more specific is that has secret in a secrete level of unraveling alchemy through degrees so would be concealed the true luciferian basis of that religion, and till someone wakes up demons-anathema-to-them are already holding him for neck and simply cant run away, even hard to defy its tentacles through family, when it fires back even its children werent freemasons i.e. if he opened door for them through his freemasonic connections in higher places “they” are seeing that as treason thus even in such case act by revenge, JFK comes to mind [2][2][2] but its something that stretch in various ways till its not extinguished by Christ if the runner is indeed devoted on Salvation coz escape from certain oblivion [2][2][2]

  2. second “they” succeed to become influential coz infiltrated all over the euroatlantic realm!, eg. even since the enlightenment era freemasonry served as kind of rudimentary spying network i.e. all freemasons tied by blood oath were at disposal to their clique faction or lodge depending whether aligned or independent [2][2][2] I mean overlooking such vast network of specific not just idealistic but by religious energy tied bulk of revolutionaries on top financed by the most wealthy brothers’by’pentagram its really lets say shallow coz whatever reason avoided dissection altho by semiotic comparison it could be found extra aligning among the factions [2][2][2]-(one of the link spoilers about usA as pushed by freemasonic ideals: the masonic fruits [1][1] more of them [2][2][2] and further [3][3][3] and after [4] fruitful masonic [5][5][5]-[5] masonic fruit salad [6][6][6])

  3. the same way of espionage was utmost present around ww1 while for ww2 it got more elitist vibe [2][2][2] even in nazi germany freemasonry was norm altho as in uK reduced coz risks from infiltrations [2][2][2] yeah burned everything else but made largest freemasonic collection of texts!, defacto it were huge brotherhoods for sigint as in ww1 so as in ww2!, altho also as wealthy tied bank’corp’lodgers could easily recruit regular joes which for fist full of bucks would rush with admiration to serve own “nation”!, practically after ww2 it became old farts club, altho again all influential political economical or cultural faces would need to be filtered directly or indirectly through freemasonry or its affiliate organizations clubs or houses!, for this we dont need too much exploration just search any ultrapopular name among the elites eg. from '50s till '70s and we can see many even bragged with “their” collars as elites, while after it got more and more obvious that need to get silent simply coz it was more and more obvious that are euroatlantic elites of luciferians ruling above Christians!, so “they” did, altho “their” affiliation got more hidden cultural vibe eg. promoting constantly the core freemasonic esotery through the movie industry, altho present vibe even earlier [2][2][2]

  4. Again Switzerland and freemasonry is issue tho, and only viable explanation again can be remnant of templars that joined with teutons eg. got safe house by hapsburgs and continue “their” neopagan vibe in secrecy!, tho maybe I am wrong [3][3][3] what defacto points how there was interfactional struggle who will lead the n’w’o i.e. hapsburgs were decimated by the french jacobites and that led to ww1, eventually FranzF was thrown intentionally by teutons in slow stroll without any stiff guard as if was marked for execution hm even by layman assassins, tho for this dont have no argument but just had heard about as possible assumption!, simply one need to be extra educated on “their” covert secrete society history so would make compelling theory, yet as real one thing is certain that neopaganism have become prime geopolitical motor in the past few centuries!, saying that now the same somehow evaporated hm it would be on level of worst misjudgment, also saying it didnt follow specific utopian superhumanity eschatology or dont has now its also underestimation of “their” earlier might or accumulated wealth!, and in the end if one cant grasp the whole picture that dont means the same dont exist as spiritual struggle for the Souls of Man!

What can be further compelling demystification in context of modern geopolitics and traditional freemasonry is how “they” had have need to conceal “their” influence what essentially was done on political level by “their” honeycombing approach probably!?, for what only theory that popped up in public was that of ex-freemason Gioele Magaldi [1][1] how true is the same cant tell coz he is too public in same time has some own band [1][1] what by his alchemy book in this last 1st footnote looks either like spin what is more probable coz his expertise ~ either as extra genuine claim which if was indeed such he had have been gone till now!?, looks to some extent like KlausS bragging how “they” have penetrated all governments in this case how all plutocrats are “owned” what would be extra wrong to be assumed knowing that utmost ideal circumstances cant exist on such level so easily!, altho as main point has logic his claim that as humanists alchemists hek evolutionists “they” will seek constantly to shift in more modern ways as for the commoners what would be theosophy or anthroposophy [2] so as for the elites eg. like his proposed ruling-ur-lodges [3][3] what also looks somehow similar to the teuton’julian’theory but as modern interpretation i.e. what actually happened after the complete infiltration of northerners in the southern european stream [4][5][6] essentially the later division ended up between 1. an nationalist liberal capitalist ex-royalist faction and 2. an globalist liberal socialist ex-alchemic faction altho surely there were many subdivisions and realignment depending on the local and global interests!, in both cases the aim was utopian neoplatonic ideal for one’world’government and ubermenschen!, what again was financed in both cases by the very same bank’corp elites as if “they” were experimenting who will reach to “their” utopian goal first!?

Hm, as with all conspy theories we need to ask ourselves how genuine and logical is such theory about modern lodges that serve as link to cfr or bilderborg groups alike of utopian neopagans [5][5]-[6][6][6] what is interesting is that all of “them” are also interconnected with ex-nazis i.e. its obvious that its word for interconnected factions among royals and socialists!, on what JPF would say an nazi’enterprize’surely on what I’ll say yep teuton’utopian’nexus!, so I’ll conclude GioeleM looks more like UmbertoE slip about rosicrucianism but in this case nonfictional hierarchical overview about the global euroatlantic determinists!?, hm would like to hear opinions tho how logical is this fingering, is it possible such by labels vast factional divisioning among the euroatlantic’power’elites!?, hm looks hilarious how the labels sound!

I throw this one in here; Joe Atwill on Freeman, the tinfoil king, talking Nazis and freemasonry.

They (whoever they are) say “follow the money”. With Nazi’s, Satanists, Zionists, etc, follow the symbols. 666

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