On Economy (past current future)

Practically this thread was more like reflex to RomleyS theory which cant say whether is correct but do hope JPF will give opinion, simply I am nor theologically nor metaphysically enough literate so would say that such babilonian causality was overspilling from civilization to civilization so would reach the current modern’babylonian’slavery, at least that would be the conclusion on romleys diagram of binding oath and by trickery lost freedom!?, and as I’ve said altho “they” maybe believe that is the case, stil we as Christians are warned give the caesar whats his while to Our Almighty Lord whats His … thus how we can become slaves by soul and bound to perdition if part of some system!?, defacto as belonging to some state society community we are all bound to particular laws written or unwritten and balance our Free Will accordingly otherwise it would had have been anarchy, for all practical purposes done such hierarchical rule of law coz survival and safety as group, but even more knowing that we also have the Gift of Law and Order also thus even dont want to are motivated at least on balancing!, the problem tho comes when we are chasing ultimate perfectionism like pharisees while in same time forgetting that Man should not be overburdened by default i.e. how to expect that all can and must behave like robots, yet when that is done solely coz the sake of the ruling system or ruling elites and “their” phantasmagorias normally such wrong safery&survival is bound to perdition, isnt!?, just how many time was proven through the known history that the cycle of decadence its culprit for collapse of some civilization [1][1] simply once some population loosens that by itself provokes piling risks which if not addressed in time but just pushed under the rug normally sooner or later will provoke particular inertia either towards restoring of some system or its collapse!, but go restore things by “their” revolutions, normally that that will provoke debacle i.e. legalizing even pedophilia is next on “their” menu, yeah what can go wrong!?

So by romneys terms since babylonian times those elites would survive and continue with “their” hijack over and over again, hm, but that even as radhanite hype (as successor of babylonian usurers) cant have logic, or!? [2][2][2] hm, I’ll understand that the energy behind many ultra usurious elites societies or groups is same by nature i.e. once some made idol from money its logical that mammonism and its spirit will consume and push “those” in further abominations till “their” fake might dont implode, what as causality is not per’se result coz usury but coz apostasy that follows after the lavish lush lusty lifestyle day after!, hm, think that as metaphysics its more like trendy crowd moment and till the vibe lasts many are hooking on the rollercoaster!, something that as euroatlantic trend has its own medieval causality that has nothing to do directly with babylon altho indirectly through kabbalism it could be said mirrors such vibe [3][3][3] yet that is far from substantial assumption that is word for some babylonian conspiracy!, if so then russians are macedonians who will again crush babylon but now in opposite cycle i.e. instead west to east east to west [4][4][4] what opposing flow tho can be seen more in context of euroatlantic roman greek phoenician akkadian lineage as babylonian flow than khazarian counterpart, hm maybe against both at once as antiimperial and antiesoterical babylonian flow!, hm hm hm what as theory would be wrong projecting simply coz as energy so as culture is morphing constantly so it cant be claimed utmost authenticity from cain or avel, coz its simply the similarity to some ancient cycle of similarity is solely on level of Righteousness and wrongness i.e. how some culture values and imprint of virtues or vices were standrdized as imperative for survival, yet even everything is ideal still that dont means that viruses cant hijack some realm eg. bolsheviks as infiltrated atheist flow mids Orthodox Christian Russia etc. etc.!, thus employing rigid logic in this kind of conspy reasoning think its not so effective measure of Truth!, even wrong creatively to accept that coz someone believes in something that we all need to believe in that coz sounds compelling as romneys claim in his hierarchy diagram of ownership i.e. if ea’determinists see “their” magna’carta’flow like that that dont means its like that altho if succeed to convince many to follow “their” projecting magic as if we’ve signed some contract that we are bound even with our soul to it, no it only applies to the law thats is embraced, tho be afraid of “their” kgbt apostasy laws that debt skims, aside that in reality if its introduced in time eTOS environment “their” current plutocracy will be cornered thus exercising less space for corruption or slipping experimental skims&spins as normal, actually like that citizens will control at least the controllers if not expertise the experts or helping own representatives, what altho now exists yet coz mids closed system its painfully ineffective exercise of direct democracy, hm all citizens can sneak peak in irs auditing of bank’corp’oligopols!?, or even better being paid for paparazzi shots of the lobbying process or citizen live inspection and reward share of every fine!

What is interesting to be pointed from economical perspective is that greed is result of not awaken Soul for the essence of Life what would be The Holy Spirit!, thus rarely who among those asleep would raise some moral shield as virtue not to get corrupted or withstand in front of stealing temptations!, now on all that also plays role the environment as trends&habbits but also how we are aware that slavery comes from and to the sin than to some elites, practically if there were no elites there were some animals around to punish Man for his wrong behavior!, and if we stand firmly in Truth even we were framed till death still we would reach Salvation what per’se is the main purpose of our Life in this world!, yet go keep focus on Salvation while choked from all sides by the enlightenment era luciferian neopagan hype of way of life that reached now levels of secure path to oblivion regarding Salvation!, from start we are born in debt and from start lusting for gains without pains!, as on individual so as on collective level!, mammonism became our cult of worship either chased through socialist or capitalist side!, also emerging idolatry of rat’race’consumerism as in centralized so as in decentralized places economies hype eg. the current crypto’smartcontract’market and the next full’digital’economy also follow this blueprint but pumped on steroids knowing how all IoB and IoT need to be interconected!, and till can it will last altho the risks that goes along this trend of fictive agreement of value of exchange are so huge from many aspects how the very nature of ours is tweaked without any certainty that that will not expose us to various hacking risks [5][5][5] indeed its question whether at all full’digital’economy is pushed coz survival or just from fear and idealess’dead’end due the obsolescence of the current fiat casino, or maybe coz some hidden agenda behind the scenes [6][6][6]!?, lets say “someone” thinks that its doable to experiment with all however wants (yeah assured by a.i. simulations) towards postponing its collapse i.e. trying to make reset of its own reset!, but how hm by borgging down all till hived planned economy managed by some cyborg elites (which will decide who is fit to live or not) will be reached equilibrium!?, hm alone such wrong projection from aspect of Christian Salvation will provoke devastating causality, yet obviously euroatlantic determinist are not at all worried about us, simply for “them” what matters is who will survive day after, but in all “their” exceptionalism defacto “they” fooled “themselves” that have workable survival bunker agenda or safe trip in space and/or that as cyborgs could survive and thrive!, in all cases it will be living horror how “they” dont care what could happen if push “their” utopian nightmare till noreturn!, but go tell to possessed’hackable’animal chill out!, simply demonic-energy-anathema-to-it hacked “their” wrong deist will and is driving “them” crazy thats why we need to Pray “they” as elites to be released from such misery so would not pull all of us with “themselves” in oblivion!, thats why we need to debate instead attacking “them” in agitprop way, I am even seeing this mine forum’blogging also as risk coz its not cornered by debate so would not become anyhow ultracorrect manual for accusation, simply generaization is wrong by all means especially when “they” havent officially revealed that “they” are luciferians as plutocrats or shadow’elites, practically as freemasons went acting covertly and not so publicly if hold position or managing funds!, so I can only assume by the global events and how they are splashing us that is word for obvious utopian agenda, yet why “they” are afraid to debate it cant grasp!?, and only few from the academia exponents of transhumanism kurtzweil alike stepped out and shout “we” are going to become gods!, the rest are quietly announcing “dont be afraid to become hackable animal”, while plutocrats are just looping build’back’better coz its for our good even with wide’eyes’shut to become borgs coz if we dont others could and that for “them” is risk beyond imagination coz for “them” what matters is not democracy but secured slavery!

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I’m actually starting to understand you, Pel! Either your punctuation is improving, or I am getting more fluent in the Pel-lish language – perhaps both! What a happy problem! The thing I like about this: it’s organism-speak and The Life Spontaneous. Not a corporation, which is actually a fake Corpus Christi. Those corpses only maximize interest/usury/mammon, as if enough would somehow equal one tiny drop of Holy Blood. Good to see you. Alicia xo

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Probably this will be most borring read coz I am trying to find explanation why the current economy cant instantly dump capitalism but neither cant instantly enact socialism, and think it should be crossbreed voted and balanced individually by every state depending on the future global economy and postdebt society!, if at all the same is possible to be achieved as reset of “globalooney”!?, and Coz in question is philosophical subforum, I am trying to explore more the metaphysical aspects of the past current and future economy in our World, which since the emergence of capitalism as on credit chased and secured growth (altho in the beginning crediting foremost coz war (in middle ages coz securing or expanding possessions [1][1]) and most probably due to continental european swap of Christianity by neopaganism on elitist level - what probably as consequence brought such misery upon all that think death was less and less perceived as passover to Eternity but merely earthly occurrence (which fastened by fears for longevity and once neopaganism sized to be tabu) eventually lead to despair and despondency - when the medieval europeans elites as more and more consumed by the neopagan hype started to behave like beasts thirsty for conquest of whatever was available for grabbing!, blueprint that think among “them” as black nobility still lasts!, blueprint which eventually was secured by the reductionist humanist and atheist leveling of the Spirit on level of animalistic reflex!, at least economy as capitalism was divorced enmasse from any normal motivation for profit but it became turbo’hungry’monster once removed from the Christian Ethos!, yep what as alchemic humanist blueprint last to these very current times!, hm how to be explained all philosophical excuses of usurious capitalism as normal altho exist rather for and coz the visions of the elites [2][2][2] (or what “they’ve” approved) than for the needs of the people and their eudamonia (happiness) that should rest on the Quality Of Life now hijacked by individualism due to *debt’survival’hype or coz *consumeristic’mall’hype idolizing even happiness so would serve in such *context [2][2] instead to come from the selffulfilment of belonginess to shared common joint ownership like culture tradition customs that are endangered marks of uniqueness almost by force deconstructed in various ways by the current wrong’utopian’globalists and why so “they” would preserve “their” power through compacting of the means resources and capital in one’unipolar’stew!, an stew that actually is backed by antichristian will of humanism which defacto and dejure is kind of academic enlightenment era deist luciferianism [2][2][2] which as neopagan can bring only wrong’side’effects [2][2][2] yep we are victims as Christians or Traditionalists of “their” fears&ideals thus now subtly suppressed if not plainly decimated so “their” current capitalism would be upgraded till unhumane (as paradox to “their” humanism) exploitation by technocracy&transhumanism for more effective built up of surpluses of (what in such circumstances will be labeled as) capital ~ what hm in my opinion will be the health [3][3][3]-[3][3][3]-[3][3][3] coz surely such cyborg shift till it reach any eventual normal phase will have many pitfalls even it was embraced by all as needed coz whatever higher cause!, altho the cause now defacto stems from capitalism while the same per’se offshoot of neopagan fallen reasoning&will!, altho over and over again presented as mere result of spontaneous interests and need for trade, hm as if “someone” intentionally leveled it to strict earthly reflex so would harvest many souls by mammonistic lusting, souls that now came to level of living coz the idol profit - or even worst coz servicing a debt - what eventually is leading to selling whatever could be sold so would be reached “safety” even that would mean selling Your moral tradition name body - hek even soul if nothing else left for selling, hm arent in despair many falling to the temptation of rejecting Jesus Christ so would evade own wrong greedy’gluttonous’grave causality to own more and more (yeah isnt “I want it all I want it now” meme norm for happiness nowadays altho even then still many are sad simply coz live empty selfish life) and to be even more sad coz such mirage of happiness naively ready to trade own souls for meaningless temporal lusts of shallow bodily sensation or eventually psychological empowering like exceptional pride even tho such wrong thirst for earthly joy success or might is throwing them even further in abyss!?, still many do that coz blinded for The Truth and solely coz disoriented mids “their” secular selfish individualist freemasonic corrupt closed republican system when if by any means got stuck cant easily escape some trap or survive thus not rarely ready on whatever takes so would get back on feet or sustain own life on debt!

And ignoring the fact that those very same processes as usury exploitation consumerism selfishness and alike vices have particular driving force as spirit behind them like that left to bubble till extremes definitely are stealing the chance for better future, simply it needs to be recognized such vices as wrong instead like now to be raised as virtues of success - practically such ultraliberal capitalism brought us to this level of “in same time having all&nothing feeling” - an emptiness of progress coz rest on the humanist fallacy how we are just totality of natural processes, praising anthropocentric ideals of the possessed elites even till level of deist apotheosis [4][5] what when observed as spiritual flow mids the world economy as tied to virtues and vices (except supply and demand) points specifically to certain path towards Salvation or perdition (as individually so as collectively) for our civilization!, And maybe what makes the same utmost wrong capitalist regulation is how reached level of financial gambling [6][6][6] and grabling [6][6][6] what as vice dont need to be searched how wrong it is but just compare it to the legacy of casting lots at golgotha [6][6][6] thus I’ll project in context of the warning of Saint Apostle Paul (in the last 6th footnote) that usury as one of the most potent mammonistic idols is just one side of the current world economy as abomination of the wealthy while the other one is gambling ~ what for “them” is not rarely just from fun gaming gluttony as choked by materialism elites per’se ~ yep euroatlatic neopagans reinstalled the pagan practices for sure!, tho go verify this officially mids “their” covert’infiltrating’mimicry mids the western Christendom yet we can recognize “their” stamina on various levels [6][6][6]–[6][6][6]-[6][6][6] through which also since the renaissance era was planted a seed of wrong’slavery’commerce and wrong’extorting’banking hm how sounds this as if the label was motto how neopagans would “ban the kings” ruling with Blessing of The Church, altho defacto to that process of neopagan emergence west reached through the vaticans flirting with neoplatonism ~ what actually brought scholasticism and various other isms [7][7][7] and I’ll speculate the very same improvisation led also to zealous condemnation of money landing mids western european realm, something that in Byzant eg. was regulated by imperial decree [8] what somehow is present in lutherans too tho not so as from providence but from weakness observation how sounds MartinL [8] logically as sovereign the byzantine Tsar surely asked for this acclamation by the Patriarch what guess was approved by ecclesiological basis through the Christ Proverb about the talants!, logically the metaphysics of the sin is when the lander becomes “usurer” by making idol from his profession when defacto is falling in deadly sin, hm maybe not for granted and/or immediately but as in every field the extremes are by itself risk Issue that is not so exploited as topic for debate [8][8][8] what about in finance when the same is idolized till mammonistic levels eg. when with ease the “lander” will see profitable even to saw discord and/or bloodbath among brothers (ukrainian crisis comes to mind), or unmercifully extorting debt even from the poor, or through loans making slaves from borrowers [9][9][9] anyway that medieval western trend to be leveled borrowing to canonical vice from start in effect brought hidden banking sector!, tho the hidden was plain theocratic spin what reflected to many “wrong” things later [9] i.e. instead the same to be secured publicly from risks needed to cross under vaticans (templars) protection, or later when templars got corrupted till unimaginable level [9] and as consequence dismantled (coz while acting “holy’usurers” provoked on “themselves” dualistic apostasy) right after the very same medieval profession became ashkenazi job [10][10] so western rulers would exercise banking but without risk of condemnation!, hm did vatican maybe intentionally stirred such zealous inertia [10][10] so would keep upper hand as southern nobility above all by centralizing the profit from landing in western europe!?, what has logic if is considered the prime thesis in the teuton’julian’theory [11] consolidation of euroatlantic finance capitalism till the monopoly capitalism [12][12][12]

So, is capitalism per’se wrong thing?, logically not if is regulated publicly and by equal decentralized means but foremost relieved from any kind of gambling skims!, but like now exercised through blackmail corruption nepotism plutocracy or trickery surely is leading to perdition once such inertia became normal “thing” for the majority!, as on local so as global level or as on wall’street so as on main’street nowadays what matters is cold’heathed’profit!, where what is public vice became private virtue and vice versa i.e. the ultraliberal exploitation on debt is pushing many to embrace fraudalism as normal thing [13][13][13] what later when reached level of trendy behavior (even as regulated lobbying process so bribing would be legalized) that is mark that we’ve reached decadence’par’excellence in the current western imperial cycle!, when hypocrisy is the greatest western luxury, when what matters is the business and not the worker, or the joint and not the community, or the individualist possessiveness and not the sharing belongingness, hek as paradox street’ghetto’gangs are exercising greater virtues in this context than any bank’corp’gang that hijacked even the prime cell of community glue what would be Broader Family and isnt this paradox that we can find nowadays greater bond among the ghetto’boys than in our siblings pack!?, tho not all but those who lost the edge for debt’survival and from necessity ended up in ghetto’pack as kind of modern urban commune survival mode [14][14][14] Yet think overall the reasons why capitalism became ultraliberal (dog’eat’dog) trend ~ is not so coz mammonistic greed or profit devotion - nor some reductionist soulless opportunism - nor cleverness (or deceit [15][15][15] or trickery [15][15][15]) for attraction through marketing&advertising ~ but think it is solely coz removing competition!, an survivalist competition thirst for making idol from some brand or band, altho what till is done by creative means maybe is not so dare problem (yet again even then under assumption that idolization is recognized as vice), but when such swap is secured by force or trickery (threats extortion plutocratic nepotistic elitist corrupt means someone to be removed from the corner) that is certain path to demonized environment even reached particular monopolistic equilibrium!, and when such trend for quite long time is normal occurrence somewhere (particularly the euroatlantic realm) then its more than understandable how so such wrong exceptionalism got rooted till level of deist nihilism towards everything that stands on the path of its preprogrammed agendas for control growth and survival!, to what additional fallacy is the enlightenment acting of libertarian decentralization coz democratic freedom of choice altho defacto in effect is constant inertia towards greater and wider federalist centralization for “them” as elites logical consolidation merger coz capitalist survival, but mostly for the bank’corp’elites which imposed rat’race’system for abundance through debt juiced by planned obsolescence on top dictated by lobotomizing’marketing’trends when the quality not rarely rests on fakery&trickery or is victim of overproduction thus as consequence suffers as the ecoethics so as the bioethics!, simply “their” elitist visions for this World departs from the reality even as plain reductionist reasoning in context of Society and Well Being, simply as bank’corp&utopian’humanist elites “they” see us as burden to “their” pharaonic lust for exceptional right on dog’eat’dog idyll!, simply got lost on various antichristian humanist levels as will for progress eg. through racism [15][15][15] trough nihilism [15][15][15] through darwinism [15][15][15] through malthusianism [15][15][15] through unesco-bilderborg-w’e’f-great’reset and all of wrong neopagan alchemic inertia of “theirs” wrapped in sureal’deist’smudge of wonnabe’ubermensch’utopia!, altho somehow the culprit in the past century maybe is not so the greed of the bank’corp’elites as the wrong’utopian’alchemy of social’darwinists which are dictating academic trends that are resting on wrong humanist variables (till “their” utopia) as if “they” as invisible’college convinced “them” as bank’corp elites that whatever “those” do need to follow whatever “those” will project for lasting euroatlantic empire!, hm what if in time of paxbritanica was maybe not so obvious yet in time of paxamericana became more pronounced, while now before unravelling of “their” paxuniversalis is raising to level of “scientific dictatorship” tho by rigged peer’review’process and hijacked legislative’licensing’leverage of dictating what should be followed agenda even the same is deadly wrong!, yet again the bank’corp’elites probably expect that will keep the lead in that n’w’o of “theirs” as upgraded’deist’cyborgs logically seeing eg. “those” elites from the academia as “those” in the military simply&solely like “owned” pawns that function is to prepare the terrain for “them” as modern pharaos of philosopher kings!

… Still knowing how intertwined are the euroatlantic determinists in whole past millennia its really mindboggling to grasp who’is’who among “them” and how so in the end again “someone” inside vatican will crown the false prophet!?, at least to that witness few accounts as prophecies that suggest such outcome [15][15][15] altho one need to be very careful how is taking such accounts for granted [16][16][16] coz as could be seen from the last 16th footnotes there are various accounts!, simply its better not to bother so precise around possibilities but to anticipate from where when to fly away if dont have Martyrs Feat [17][17][17] and hm its really arguable who projected what to “whom” among “them” as neoplatonist’utopian’blueprint if we know eg. that industrialists as carnegie&co proposed l’o’n as first n’w’o attempt (see the next 19th footnotes)!, hm unlike corporatists were banksters (or who exactly among “them”) were against such ideal!?, probable assumtion coz such utopia would mean certain path to socialism and less power wealth and control in “their” banksters hands!?, hm I really cant say what where the motives of every modern faction among “them” as neopagan’neoplatonist’nepotism of euroatlantic elites!, yet if “they” indeed were such then surely “they” would had have as always lust for greater utopian dreams that by default are knitted by demons-anathema-to-them logical if we have in mind how coldly sterile enclosed artificial soulless empty minimalistic happiness project as idyll [18][18][18] (see also second 20th androgen footnotes) coz per’se dreamed upon neopagan antichristian ideals!, I can just imagine how in times of storytelling and despair the euroatlantic elites were seeing “themselves” as unique reforming futurists (i.e. had have need for utmost fantastic mindset guess so would find meaning mids “their” neopaganism simply coz the same per’se is empty in understanding vision and knowledge due to less Grace as result of “their” wrong’neoplatonist’apostasy), hm cant grasp just how poisonous environment was that then when on one side were merciless southern jesuit agents and on the other the northerner freemasonic infiltrators, hm what surely lead to blood drinking by default till success!, lets say dog’eat’dog capitalism started exactly coz that elite north’south european bickering for dominance and leadership mids the euroatlantic realm!, hm but trying to align all levels of elites to get in one utopian boat guess it was always tricky thing thus reason why it never reached level of steady and secure compactness so would withstand its’birth’pains!, probably coz that would ask for greater sacrifice by all on what not all factions were/are instantly ready, but thats why the invisible’college will invent invisible’threat if cant find visible one so would try to push all towards utopia!, what as we know attempted by their’world’wars few times but always failed to score, and I really Hope will not attempt again altho already are trying to rig the stage for spinned’controlled’chaos how it would bring all states as fast’as’possible to one’world’government and superhumanity!, hm are “they” convinced that now have better chances coz have specific’modern’tools for blackmail submission and lobotomization!?, or in question is fear that “their” long projected new’atlantis’blueprint could fall apart as rosicrucian’alchemic’brainchild thus afraid that will miss the chance for apotheosis!?, or simply know that “their” narrative can quickly faint and like that could lose “their” academic’humanist’exceptionalism!?, aryan’alchemic’academy which for whole century is fiercely pushing trial&error whitepapers of utopian’metropolis’ideal as city’state’centralization whether by leftwing or rightwing neopagan utopianism [18][18][18] dont need to guess whether that was pushed coz altruism or coz more efficient functional policed utopia where “their” broilers would have been more easily controlled at “their” sterile emotionless tehnocratic city’state’pharms!?, why I am saying this, hm once it was projected the new’world’order as goal at the end of 19th century and consequently arranged geopolitical spins that will lay agenda towards, in same time indeed burst various academician proposals as base for “their” utopia mostly by reductionist automatization mindset suggesting efficiency through ghettoization and industrialization as norm for unlimited progress till apotheosis!, Hm is it safe to say that that utopian process was stirred since the enlightenment era and reached experimental and implementation momentum once elites started to grasp that mids wide liberal capitalism will start to pop up various and plenty independent states thus emerging existential risks for “their” western imperialism!?, hm was that enough motive so “they” would conspire to chase “their” utopia?, or it was energy that was carrying “them” on that path?, think both were at stake!, and eventually through vast trials&errors “they” came to certain will inertia and plan how to reach one’world’government now to the wider audience announced by “their” utopian euphemisms great’reset or A’21 (Agenda’30) probably enough psyop’ed for half century so would look like very normal process [19][19][19]—[19][19][19]–[19][19][19]-[19][19][19]-[19][19][19]–[19][19][19]—[19][19][19] actually once the euroatlantic’imperial’apetite reached apex as pax’universalis’ideal when pax’britanica was slipping in pax’americana as joint venture towards own global’pax’universalis (somewhere after the second’industrial’revolution) immediately after darwinian’attomization’automation hit the bell as social&urban planning as ghettoization till perfection of canned sardines broilers or eprouvettes so “they” would say see happy’euroatlantic’neopagans rule the world [20][20][20]–[20][20][20]-[20][20][20] ~ And seen from economical side definitely till big extent that concrete’jungle’stacking laid ground for ultrafast ultracompetitive ultracorrupt capitalism coz its word for socialist’urban’blueprint thrown mids capitalism (where only sharing connection is the sewage) ~ altho which trend as exponential growth by debt once became norm for the Third World suddenly that became ecoethical and bioethical issue while it was never for or coz “them”, even tho such hysteria was/is only sidekick excuse for euroatlantic determinists to stall the progress of the eastern empires so the same would not become anyhow competitive and like that risk to “their” utopian plans or unipolar monocultural and superimposed authority that became somehow superhero archetype for “them” since “their” enlightenment era!, practically as long planners ea-determinists stumbled on “their” exceptionalism so would reach even some wonnabe utopian society and maybe if were not “afraid” to share (or greed to grab all) the land would have chance to see some form of multipolar globalism [17] but how when racism is one of the main variables in “their” enlightenment nihilist kitchen what in context of current geopolitics defacto is clash between Orthodox Christian Russia and “their” neopagan’euroatlantic’realm [20][20][20] altho “they” tend to negate this supposedly coz still even Russia is secular yet avoid to explain why “they” standardize and promote as euroatlantic’globalist’determinists antichristian policies practically raised humanism on pedestal of academic social and cultural truth that should be swallowed without second thought!, not even leaving room to be debated what about to be voted on referendums “their” idea for decomposing the essential Christian nature of Family as Man and Woman Parents now decimated to numerical “thing” as p1 and p2, or equaling deviance like kgbt to “human right of molesting the majority with its unique subcultural orientation” till level of debauchery yeah but coz some luciferian’androgen’agenda [20][20][20] and who will make profit from it?, normally demons-anathema-to-them while harvesting with ease as much as possible souls “they” can!, how else to be explained all the deception with which we are splashed by ea-globalists towards hackable’animal’future once to it we would put the spiritual point of view along all antichristian bragging of “theirs”!?, to be even more ridiculous the majority of citizens are Christian yet brainwashed as wage’slaves to accept’obey’follow whatever is thrown to them by “their” luciferian neopagan gnostic humanist nihilist and/or atheist elites!, as if “they” hold monopoly on the truth coz somehow alchemically traced altho defacto just selffooled to believe how “their” system&ideals are something exceptional, yeah too much chasing of dark energy blinded “their” nous!, and yet agian x2 “they” will say see happy’euroatlantic’neopagans rule the world&beyond yeah beyond “their” current in eternal horrors coz “their” exceptional apotheosis selfdelusions!, actually cant imagine how deep goes “their” oblivion!, Pray never to find out …

Simply “they” traced path towards oblivion altho for few centuries were left to Repent yet stubbornly refuse to do that so it will fell Judgement on “them” and all that prefer to bow on “their” lies coz a lie can never be the Truth, nor can it ever be pleasing to the Lord [21] thus as exceptional deist utopian lust its condemned on failure whenever put in motion by whatever means military economic or political!, yet “they” are always learning this on the hard way, altho on misfortune to all that are under “their” umbrella, but to be even more frightening with no guilt for the collateral nor having any liability coz as true’puppet’masters are hidden deep behind the scenes!, yet all under “their” umbrella need to be aware that are hijacked and at constant risk to be used as expendables, thus its better to focus on Salvation than chasing “their” baits of secular usurious idolizing life of false joy and promised utopian neverland!, altho go focus on Salvation when pulled by “their” centrifuge!, hm doable if aware how we are enslaved as dependent, for what think indeed the maslov pyramid has logic [22] as independence secured once we’ve meet the basic levels of survival, what tho cant be reached easily if the majority is tied to system in constant upheaval of improvised urban livelihood, instead to be safeguarded by rural selfsufficiency!, but we know why Agrarianism is not subsidized on west simply coz its risk for independence of “their” broilers, that eventually maybe will be left in such mode once accept to get borgged down in “their” homo’sillicone’hive!?, actually everything is doable only if You apostate from Your very nature as Mankind!, thus dont wait “they” to push You on agrarian mindset but do that with own will coz own freedom what would be must do if want true independence [23] but also prepping for any eventual undisclosed natural political or spiritual risks ahead [24] Dont Waste Time coz even building a backyard shed asks for plan resources and will what about doing that offgrid outside the concrete jungle, hm it would be ideal if we were stimulated on that with little help by the community yet noone is reasoning in terms of agrarian risk management coz any eventual future risks but primary think how automatic warehouses will print wormcans and meatcans for “their” broilers!, again coz if live from the fruit of Your hands like that You are becoming burden for control and manipulation towards “their” neopagan’eprouvette’utopia of alchemic’prima’materia which by all means as esoterical knowhow is just an demonized-energy-anathema-to-it!, hm I really cant explain this how so but You will grasp easily if You observe “their” final humanistic fruits as social darwinism eugenics behaviorism transhumanism and alike especially how covertly and by force are imposed as one without alternative as exceptional unique measure yeah of wrong ideals defacto!, So has the time came for “them” to chillout with “their” wrong exceptionalism or would we all be thrown in oblivion coz “their” stubbornness, hm and who will suffer, think all, those who were prepared for Transcendence will reach Salvation and Eternal Joy while those who were asleep will reach eternal emptiness and/or eternal torment!, so now indeed its time to focus on Salvation … (check the last footnotes at the end of this post) altho I will not scare You like “them” with “their” plandemix on contrary will say be bold and raise Your Christian Shield so would evade and escape “their” traps coz the same are very real coz simply “they” as luciferians satanists neopagan’evil’worshipers antichristian’euroatlantic’determinists deists lost’souls as such “they” can bring misery to many and think dont need to point to past or recent monstrous events instigated by “them”!, tho dont fear “them” coz “they” cant kill the soul if You are blackmailed anyhow altho can and do torment us but secure Your Patience through Jesus Christ so would reach Peace and Salvation …

It would be really simple to see economy just like circumstantial emergence of global trade among people parties or states [25] but that cant explain how even by extra inspection laws and agreement still is emerging widespread limitless greed when competing for some market, also modern exploitation of (physical emotional social) wage slavery, on top in times of supposedly guaranteed human rights and “potentially” greater safety&ease due to automatization, what in my opinion has own metaphysics that supras the reductionist logic that economy is physiological side effect of capital circulation in states as bio’mechanic’system!, what even when seen like that always pops up the power principle when alone from disrespect what about projected geopolitical positions simply it could be disrupted whole world economy, go tell to someone the ukrainian and georgian nato enlargement is logical!, altho by shallow analysis it could appear as such [25] yet even by mathematical measure knowing that through lng reexport of oil through India example or gas through Turkey again the russian energy will reach eU, so only viable explanation with reductionist mindset would be geopolitics [26][26][26] so we cant observe economy like simple balance of trade but realm directly tied to the spiritual world!, as consequence I can freely assume eg. that if and when will be introduced full’digital’economy many people will be robbed from the chance of feat of Mercy simply coz in theory in such system there will be everything for all on the basic level of maslows pyramid!, tho it will not be the only disruption of the current balance and simply it cant be predicted what kind of variables will bring what kind of side effects in context of Soteriology!, hm another example that I can use so would back my understanding that above the physio level is spiritual one for granted is the notion how the neopagan secular vibe by default is pulling many in the dark’black’market even dont want too [27][27][27] what now actually think is already in motion for mass laundering through the bitcoin’back’door so would be cleared as effective day after the lever for digital dollar will be pulled!, altho cant say whether such shift will be gradual thus left space for continual clearing of “their” black budgets coz its really ultra impossible everything in time to be laundered so would be ready for redistribution under table i.e. so the infiltrators would stay afloat day after [28][28][28] altho it really depends what will happen geopolitically, and maybe thats why “they” are pushing escalation so through controlled chaos would reach smooth shift from democracy in technocracy once the plandemix skim failed!?, Hope I am wrong!, otherwise the risks from fallout are certain [29] in which case already now People need to Contemplate how to reach Salvation in my opinion doable by Orthodox Christian Ethos and Ecclesia … altho it could get handy to have some knowhow about natural immunity boosting mids vast radiation [30] or disposing graphene oxide [31][31][31] old story new long story short pharaohs trying once more to chase us cross the sea, yet again and again will be drawn!, the problem now that there are many not willing to left “their” realm thus its question what will happen to all of them!?, especially knowing how are not willing to recognize that have problem regards Salvation if dont get back on Orthodox Christian Roots so would not drop too oftopic I’ll point who want to grasp this logic engage in reading and debate on the right place eg. JayD analysis [32][32]

And what can go wrong if we as Christians allow ourselves to be chipped, count the odds that transhumanism experimenting if not universalism coercion (forced consent, remains consent! - Coacta voluntas, tamen voluntas) just like with the canadian truckers and their suspension of unblock bank accounts You will be kneeled if dont want to!, So Do Your Best either to confront and stop that full’digital’economy agenda, or my advice run away in Russia if cant reach offgrid selfsufficieny in wilderness!, altho looks maybe promising that “they” will step back if we have luck to invoke extra Grace upon this World!, not that there are not other problematic risks from aspect of Salvation eg. “their” ordo’ab’chao skim, still in all cases what is projected by “them” as expected constant reality is digitalization on all levels even till internet’of’bodies transhumanist cyborgization, which is not even hidden agenda what says big time that rand will rant out and cripple You for sure if not fry or dismantle You (as brain as mind as nous)!

This risk altho valid if we know that many exercise their charitable feats only in this manner i.e. on the go throwing some dime on beggars, is greater danger to be restrained for on the go gathering Grace by all especially all those that are not Inchurched thus could popup greater risks i.e. those who act (helping others) by prayerful apophatic way will continue with their merciful feat even mids full’digital’economy yet those who are more prone to the cataphatic charitable approach for sure will be at best paused for such feat, hm I am aware that here I am projecting potential risks ~ even on first look maybe not so important ~ yet knowing that for many exactly that is the last straw so would not slip in oblivion in these ultraselfish individualistic times then from aspect of orthopraxis indeed there are such risks mids full’digital’economy [1][1][1] simply for many as last straw for extra Grace are such deeds from Mercy simply having no time for other charitable work but to share the change!, Still knowing that this kind of soteriological point will never be considered anyhow as valid anti-f’d’e-argument by the humanistic economic experts So I Dont Expect kind policy check&balance coz as secular system is never contemplating the risks from soteriological nature eg. in Macedonia we still have stubbornly stupid elites altho from Orthodox Christian Place that are not aware about “their” actions even from moral what about spiritual ground when pushing particular wrong solutions [2] so I expect even less awareness for such metaphysical risks from the neopagan’euroatlantic’elites which will say better full’digital’economy than nothing, altho that nothing in case of collapse of the dollar (and in row as result greatest economic depression) is not per’se end of the world but end of particular world’curency’cycle still “someone” practically is afraid not to lose its exceptionalism even if joint world currency is introduced [3] so for “them” its either all either nothing, and “they” will make like that dare mistake coz once some empire (in this case the euroatlantic) chase totality of might in this inconsistent world coz rests on certainty of cycles then surely instead that empire to cushion its minsky moment by currency and asset devaluation so would rebalance its “economic sheets” its further and further pumping the bubble of all bubbles (in their case derivative market) that eventually sooner or later will burst even full’digital’economy becomes reality ahead which is just another postponing of the 2008 meltdown and another try to be revived the western casino by intensive care venting, in essence some bank’corp’elites are afraid that “their” fictive might will evaporate if left the economy to restart itself so “they” are rushing to introduce “own” reset which by “their” terms by making from us hackable’animals will secure longevity for “their” system rule and might, hm who gave “them” the right first of all to see “themselves” as sovereign till extent of acting pharaohs tho from shadows!?, hm maybe think with magna’carta achieved that i.e. had have ground to impose “own” neopagan rule once uK broke free from vaticans yoke coz in effect that coup lead to “limited monarchy” and formation of islands “model parliament” in 1295 effectively swaying little by little uK in teuton hug of is correct the teuton’julian’theory then this point that was case for intentional divorce from vatican has logic something that was in constant motion but finally in attempt effectuated with magna carta [4][4][4] now I’ll digress bit further around this logic coz indeed as brits so as french dindt like vaticans meddling in their temporal royal things what eventually after magna’carta and later french charter happened something that surpassed even the neopagan ingenuity for trickery i.e. it was issued the infamous heretical unam’sanctam’bull by vatican (practically the julian southern european guelph italian nobility faction) when the pope tried to secure by wrong means an submission of the unobedient western european kings, and indeed vatican reached papal’monarchy by the theocratic heresy of u’s’b which seemingly was rejected day after but defacto just renounced [5][5][5] while by the later proclamations obviously still very alive bull [5][5][5] but where is becoming mindbogling twist of supposedly teuton gain in context of magna’carta (as neopagan ace for claiming pax’britanica on basis of pax’romana but without vatican blessing) is some claim how actually by magna’carta vatican secured uK as colony from within [6][6][6] what tho dont have logic if we know that uK became full northern base from protestantism through freemasonry till commerce [6][6][6] on contrary everything goes along the logic for teuton’julian’theory that eventually northern ghibelline line of merovingo’ottono’hohenstauffen’habsburg succession survived and imposed itself as heir above the rest [7][7][7] altho obviously various factions reached various degree of might and independence so per’se its not that it must be this or that line on the top [8][8][8] but in question is constant power struggle who how among “them” will built better position!, and by the logic that j’p’morgan was jesuit investment [9][9][9] even tho infiltrated many times by the north in the past half millenia still it is not far from sanity to speculate that indeed as there is norther so is still alive southern european nobility and black’guelphs “black neri” that divided their roles as white black and gray pope (the grey pope is the one in between the white and black, but unseen, yet controls the left and right hands of the RCC) hm is this true cant say!, tho that julians are stone around the neck of teutons that is fact if not else need to be consulted for whatever next scenario, and hm isnt vatican already onboard n’w’o [9] so maybe waiting on its turn at the end!?, hm just how compelling sound the shady pope robes in comparison to grey black and white markets in economy [10][10]

Are gray markets tied to the regulated economy, I’ve heard some time ago that 40% of all global economy is grey one!?, in which context suppose that the same needs entrance and exit somewhere in the regular markets, thus I’ll be not surprised if the recent SVB crash was actually result of exposure to such risks i.e. the panic was done by shadow banks operating as standalone hedge funds or broker dealers that now “somehow” sees opportunity with SVB [1][1] (check the last 8th footnotes) [1][1] possible or/unless its word for intentional burst by “someone” that saw fit trough removal or swap to get grip on the usaf’tech’hub [2][2][2] and rescale reinvest and refresh SaClaV so usaf would get as fast as possible what it needs as innovation or reinvention of its weapons!?, I am giving emphasis with the 2nd footnotes topic repeat (whether the svb burst was rigged or accidental) so would point how gambling became very normal occurrence on all levels for the financial realm what in effect is pulling down not just funds savings lives “or whatever” with it - once burst - but also whole communities, and as usual it will be blamed the rusty fintech software of the bank but what dont have logic for such bank with such portfolio, unless the same intentionally was left unupdated!?, anyway to me in whatever way smells like particular rigging!, hm black budgets or clumsy banks simply cant steam up the intellectual engine in the Silicon Valley, yet which even j’p’m stormed there eg. as svb byer think will never reach momentum as in '80s simply coz mids envinronment stimulated on/by greed like that there will be always motivation engineers to leave room things to be retweaked and like that get new opportunities for further profit, I mean how so on such amount of “defense” billions usA still eg. lag behind Russia with the hypersonic missiles!?

Now this casino bump speaks for itself how wrong it is and how problem it would be if it is upgraded by cbdc and unlimited space on negative rates for fed like that [3][3] thus I guess either the system will be en’masse restructured and relieved from the current gambling financial chips or will create further stupid hit&run risks till complete overconsumption by these criminal mechanisms!, and it will not make any effective change even if all citizens accept cyborgization coz fintech liquidity!, ~ what tho “they” are not doing as auditing with “their” casino but yeah need to catalogized You as masses, ask Yourself why!?, simply so would keep You kneeling even it became obvious that You were/are/will be played [4] hm “they” will say to You tho “we” must co “the belief” must be secured [4][4][4] thus defacto “they” are playing all by mammonistic trickery eg. through skewed cpi and fake statistics keeping Your belief in the dollar and like that “their” casino alive [5]-[5][5]-[5]-[5]-[5] hek as could be seen from the last epic footnoted video even the electoral representation is fake coz the lobbying what in effect brings plutocracy!, thus its not at all far from reality the claim that we are speaking about modern magi (“their” most potent magic became vaults’bonds’debt and money creation) [6][6][6] not that I am after collapse as solution, but “they” are defacto pushing “their” ponzi in such mold, thus I am warning that all independent experts need to engage in constant 24/7 eTOS debate as pro and contra ideas till useful consensus, or it will allow to the very same shadow elites and “their” plutocrats to rig as usual something that is not in favor to the people but for “their” euroatlantic bank’corp’empire and “their” transnational globalist utopian dream to rule above all!, and I really dont get why “they” are afraid from debate, why constantly are pushing under the rug the systemic problems that “they’ve” created as with the fiat so as with its gambling derivative upgrade!, wonder what would take so this ponzi skim would reach default ~ logically the longer it takes to u’turn the worse its gonna be when the default will happen!, yet “they” want complete reset but by “their” terms, and obviously one of the scenarios was such planned economic collapse, but that didnt passed with “their” plandemix, yet are we seeing now maybe plan b!?, or just looks like that!?, still in same time that means disbelief in the dollar if eventual domino is triggered, so it could be as well this with SVB also wedge by economic’hitman’speculation!?, wonder how close it could be to the next assumption on the naked short topic [8][8] >

> edit: pretty close probably [9][9] and by this proverb in this last footnote we can assume greater risks for whole casino, but surely fed will intervene thus it will be issue who will buy svb and restart it, and if that is ElonM then the usaf’tech’hub not that is just secured but probably the tesla’mission’mars will be reinsured with bulk of directed enthusiasm, plus unburdened local bank from all unvetted chinese cross-startup refinancing!, probably some will say for ElonM or whomever dod asset is more cost effective raising new bank, but hm like this is more cheaper to enter the scene on small door plus by acting savior to attract even greater hype for renovation of the usaf’tech’bub!, again assumption valid only if fed react in time with cushioning of the domino panic!, but who knows in same time is also possible (I’ve learned about recently) a year of hunger!, tho I tend to evade such alarms by cushioning them with agrarian bumper i.e. that if we focus at least for stockpiling seeds and some Agrarian knowhow in time [10][10][10] that we can evade certain hunger on long run even “someone” prepared the system for collapse!, Hope “they” didnt tho!

I really dont want to be pessimistic thus predominantly in the case with svb see eventual plot from other interests than rigged economic collapse altho one cant avoid the notion that smells on cbdc building up pressure for acceptance [1] yet if svb ceo was on the local fed board but also it was known that the bank will have issue with the [2][2][2] so obviously it was logical to be secured svb by whatever mechanism and practically this with the default is another one in a way so the software startups potentially would get another breeze!?, as I am speculating maybe so usaf would restart the valley!?, altho one thing that stands out is that the bubbling inertia for bank bets popped up in '80s [3][3] exactly when popped up also the reminder for “their” phoenix as one’world’currency [’4][5] and if it was announced but also prepared and tried few times [6][6][6] why exactly now that is not used every opportunity for introduction of rigged economic collapse [6][6][’6] so it has logic this year to be rocked the boat while the next to be ripped “their” digital euroatlantic currency!?, if not even this year if it has some truth the gideon alarming [7][7] altho as could be seen from the second 6th footnote “they” have left room for complete reset till '32 i.e. agenda’21 postponed to agenda’32 but hm all that depends from various factors and factions that are ready or not for this or that, and to me now the svb crash looks obviously like intentional push over the edge ~ but hm is it with other motives than general’domino’wedge ~ hm again to me smells like pentagon psyop coz steady focusing of the usaf’tech’hub, tho I could be as well wrong coz simply I am speculating with hope that we are not trapped in “their” skim but “they” got trapped in “theirs” thus now chasing ordo’ab’chao scenario tho which is even worst case than rigged’economic’collapse for which tho not sure whether was easier to be pulled with the plandemix lockstep or the intentional ukrainian’crisis’boomerang or will be by fed’high’rates (practically I am not economist so its hard to predict what “they” want mids what “they” have) [8] if so coz what “they” need to get all brains focused on what its needed coz stockpiling new operative tech in usaf!?, still for that “they” need time thus we can say if so we have another decade free of charge global peace, altho looks more than disturbing how Turkey is pushed on submission [9][9][9] and is it possible to be avoided “their” scenarios hm this with Turkey shows how adamant “they” are as euroatlantic determinists to close the space for final confrontation with the eastern empires on what additionally adds up the recent preparedness in Georgia!, almost as if need to secure from “their” anaconda doctrine what it can be secured [10][10] normally so would have (“they” hope) wider space for maneuvering mids hot ww3 clash, hm who knows maybe “they” bluf that the otan stockpiles are off or cant be replenished quickly and now just need to secure the “loosen chain” of geostrategic spots!?, tho I can just Hope that “they” will calm down!, altho having in mind “their” wrong stamina ambitions and fallacies and how the same were stormed around the world whole past century hm I really cant say that I can rest assure that “they” will not ignite geopolitical cataclysm!, hm if “they” were doing whatever “they” like with the banking realm [11] what is the assurance that will not with the geopolitical!?, and even when cant are fiercely trying to rig what can be rigged till hot ww3, wasnt that case with the lust after no’fly’zone in Syria, or the phosphor false flags trap so DonaldT would take the bate and engage in “their” chaining yet luckily he was not fooled completely as with warpspeeding later [10][10]

Can Someone point to similar interesting informative docus like this series of The Trust Game by the unique demystificators Truthstream Media, strangely but think Minds Of Man should be also part of TTG puzzle in context of “their” chipping hiving ubi system as control mechanism so “they” would do whatever “they” want as long “they” want mids all realms under “their” boot [11]

  1. Is f’e’d and its private lusts the root of the problems that crunch our reality?
  2. Will full’digital’economy bring stabile future even was embraced by all as total solution?
  3. How Christians would give consent to “secular” tho defacto neopagan elites?

~ 3./1. (to experiment with us humanistically as “they” are pleased just like till now!)
~ 2. (how “they” would pardon our debt and we “their” pharaonic exploitation?)
~ 3./1. (who has still stomach to embrace whatever comes from “them” as normal?)

These rhetoric questions need just some more appealing videoart acclamation marks so would be even more juicy for chewing of the Ideas of the Dilemmas of the Uncertainty whats next on “their” menu, or what we can do so would cushion the logical dead end of “their” casino, for what can come as good videoart proposition whatever clip of TM [1] but I am afraid that how more and more people are reluctant to grasp that Yes there is way out of the current traps through which we are played towards “their” solutions!, if that wasnt case we would had have seen enmasse eforum debate among all knowledgeable that would lead as to amortization of any eventual risks from this or that scenario so as to calming that its not “their” fault that “they” fell in “their” own traps that as projected to all willing to follow entrapped many other to take part in “their” system and now waiting on “them” for solutions, and yes “they” offered one known by the n’w’o euphemism great’reset yet altho the same is not the wanted answer for many still not even respectful some among those many opposing that skim (with all do respect to all that are mobilized as opposition in one or another way) found will to debate publicly 24/7 as experts so would clear the fog around what if scenarios ahead and logical Christian response to it!, tho I do Hope we still have time but somehow experts are afraid to step in public and gather on constant open debate either on party or ngo eforums!, even analyzing what lead to the current mess of casino euroatlantic economy!

Now, let me reassert the RQs again but with kind of metaphysical explanation how came to the current system of wrong interconnected vessels!, and think till that wrong basis is not acknowledged and resolved its hard even to grasp what kind of cushioning will be needed so we would reach balance realist win-win circumstances!, and Hm again and again I’ll throw the finger on humanism, and particularly in case of economy not so much to empiricism but nominalism per’se when banking is in question, those who are not familiar with the epistemological genesis of that neopagan vibe check the next point [2][2][2] tho see in context also the later footnotes in the post!, practically the wrong standards were seeded by nominalism altho think were upgraded in various other alchemic ways which actually with deism reached ultra exceptionalism which now is threatening to tear apart this World by various ways from economy through biology till politics and sociology almost all realms of existence here are at crunch coz the very neopagan lusts but also fears of the exceptional euroatlantic determinists!, tho I really dont get how “they” think to provoke hot ww3 without functional hypersonic missiles!?, hm maybe rely on haarp alike manipulation and weather weapons tho always forget that coz not compact as western empire will never score just by good psyop!

With Nominalism, moreover, there is a formal division in the representation of social uniqueness. Society is analyzed according to differentiated categories in a more marked way but still always mutually necessary and interdependent. The doctrine of Ockham (1285-1347) breaks, therefore, the traditional banks: the community is no longer an organic entity tending to a single goal, but a polymorphous set of individuals gathered in their actions by a common will, namely, the administration of public affairs” (Dupuy 1989, p. 35). Man, his personal behavior, and his inter-individual conduct become the new object of the social sciences. A passage of time occurs in the very content of social research: from the general definition of ethical standards to the description of concrete phenomena, their causes, and their consequent influences. The reflection becomes more intensified and subtle; the cases multiply, and the analyses are meticulously detailed with pragmatic examples12.
Another consequence, shortly thereafter, is the creation of the Mounts of Piety (charitable pawnbrokers) – by Barnabas of Terni (d. 1474 or 1477) and according to the juridical systematization of Fortunato Coppoli (1430-1477) – to provide loans of limited size at favourable conditions and moderate interest in exchange of a pledge. All this hermeneutical richness evolves in the European universities, where the tensions and demands of the international commercial and financial companies were gradually transforming the cultural substratum.
In such an interconnected world of travels, discoveries and business, an integrated system of banks – with a dense network of agencies and branches in Europe and the Near East – not only arise and expands but also emits promissory notes, leading to a new form of financial transactions. In this framework the abacus schools are fundamental in the formation of new commercial techniques and in the development of double entry bookkeeping as well as a modern accounting method, which would be later systematized by Luca Pacioli (1447-1517) in his Summa de arithmetica, geometria, proportioni et proportionalita (1494).
The authority of these scholars – with their interpretations of the common good as well as of public and individual utility – remains for centuries at the center of academic courses and is the basis of national legal and administrative structures, where the interconnection between Roman law, customary law and Canon law still plays a predominant role. This approach of analyzing, propagating, and implementing general codes of conduct was extremely significant in the Ibero-American colonies, where the presence of a normative literature – the so-called Pragmatici – is particularly widespread through small compendia for confessors, catechisms, and popular summaries of greater moral theological works with specific juridical argumentations18. Their legacy is undoubtedly an important step towards modern political and economic theories.
Giovanni Patriarca ~ Introductory Reflections on Scholastic Economic Thought. From the Thomistic Approach to the Franciscans
Iberian Journal of the History of Economic Thought - ISSN-e: 2386-5768 - Reflexiones introductorias sobre el pensamiento económico escolástico | Iberian Journal of the History of Economic Thought

And hm hm hm knowing that power principle is by default connected to military might in the past few centuries logically “those” who got grip on the vaults logically conspired towards absolute power&might!, thus indeed nominalism is interconnected in case of euroatlantic imperialism among economy and geopolitics [3][3] and how came to all this its not so difficult to be sensed altho I am far from expert so would neatly connect the dots i.e. were towards this mess more contributing venetians and scholasticism or alchemists and ochkamism [4][5] maybe both little by little how secured divorcing metaphysics from all aspects of our lives and leaving it solely to theological but philosophical analysis instead to be Prime motor in all motion on this World where indeed the basis for it is the spiritual one … hm probably the unam’sanctam’bull pushed motion so ockhamists and alike to chase excuse for divorcing vatican from the royals coz whatever reasons, but defacto what took the opportunity from that secular spin is alchemy!, stirring further inertia towards various isms on the european universities that too late or coz backing by the aristocracy were not resolved promptly but till removed as wrong proneopagan theological interpretations till rooted out already the damage was done and more and more alchemists popping around!

Anyway nominalism secularism deism (behaviorism atheism eugenics) as solution to the piled ballooned or implanted economic traps are offering an simple solution in form of homo’silicone and/or homo’chimera future as neatly hived for common good in some of “theirs” holodeck (metaverse) economy that now once is mastered the radiated (beamed) brainwashing (tho not something new by the older claim from the next first 6th footnote) [6][6][6] eg. brainwashing through 5g while as some say kill-switch through 6g, yeah So why You would object at all “they” will say, after all for “them” we are just statistics of human resources that need to be managed by some a.i. of “theirs” coz as elite “they” were chosen by lucifer-anathema-to-him to lead as “his” devotees!, eh deist are “you” so blind to grasp that “you” are in huge error, or till dont get undersverse cant calm “your” urge to deceive all enough disoriented how “you” are bringing heaven’on’earth!?, I mean whats the point of acting exceptional if defacto “you” are just fist of neopagan shadow elites, hidden behind facade of plutocratic puppets that need to rig for “you” what “you’ve” decided its necessary till astray again on the path till “your” utopia!?

I really cant say what moved the tide behind the svb sg ftx etc. recent crashes simply there are too many variables [1][1] among which not rarely neat agitprop thus its difficult to grasp what exactly is happening!, especially difficult when the theories are not debated as thematic concentrated demystification on e’forums but pushed by the current trend of ultra’fragmented’socnets!. altho the experience I have is that if want “they” can rig whatever “they” want [2][2][2] simply its “their” casino and “their” lead without any fears from auditors thus I am aware that if wanted f’e’d&co could had have intervene to stabilize certain recent failures in the bank’corp’realm!, I can imagine have on alert firefigting a.i. brigade that is pointing where what is getting out of place in “their” casino, tho the problem is that various factions have various ideas or needs thus not always can be balanced “their” ego and sometimes guess things are left to roll coz at risk are even greater things coz whatever wrong earlier inertia pulled by “someone” eg. how bitcoin became certain fix for laundering of the blackmarket money and now that becoming obvious so more and more are exposed the crosslink banks what creates panic and as consequence that crypto skim by itself collapsing from its weight!?, **but who can tell for sure whats really the trigger behind some boom&bust!, hm the speculations tho will not bring clarity about the true reasons unless some insider dont reveal who will profit in the end from such momentum!, or who knows maybe it was intentional sabotage coz maybe f’e’d were trying to stabilize the repo by gold [3][3] while others didnt have that in mind i.e. dont want the financial realm to be stabilized!, normally probably all kind of adjustments by various power elites and interest groups or agencies and states are going behind the scenes!, yet this last gold’gag’guess is pure spin just so would share the shortselling video points and its far from any potentially understandable logic (practically must accent this coz sense many dont even bother to differ what from my logic is true and what imagined projection!, altho in every case far from dangerous in comparison to those on the soc.nets which how 24/7 are poured towards specific market players can trigger indeed tsunami I mean in nuclear’power’plants disaster can happen even everything is extra secured and constantly monitored what about in banking exposed on fintech risks which even if wanted to cant manage it with ease how deregulation became the aim of the game [4][4][4] now if this is problem for pre and post detection of risks and reasons mids regular go then compare it to the gray or black market push-pull so trying to grasp whats happening is not from extra importance (eg. mainstream vs teuton’julian’theory) coz again even when “officially” we will learn still will not be sure coz the forest of intentional or unintentional agitprop eg. I would fell in the later category as momentum of wonnabe demystification of what is happening with our current reality and how the same aligns to Christian Eschatology in context of “their” neopgan elitist lust to hive us all in full’digital’economy altho the same is not fully safe as from hacking so as from emf havoc hm probably soviets werent so stupid when decided that networking is not ultimate card for “their” utopia [5][5][5]-[5][5]-[5][5] but the greed of euroatlantic determinists as faction of bank’corp’elites probably didnt had time to contemplate such risks [6][6][6] just not sure whether the digi’money’hype even earlier was envisioned as good knot to push’of’button conditioning [6][6][6] but only lusted for ultimate control!?, Hm, I’ll not act somehow certain but can just assume and I’ll be wrong coz simply not expert nor devoted on this topic, tho I really hope independent experts will get together on thematic e’forums where will stir insightful debate through which potentially will be reached true solutions whats logical as cushioning and/or direction ahead on everything economy!, I know just that we have systemic problem how neoliberal tho neoimperial or neocon tho neoglobalist or neopagan tho universalist euroatalntic determinists are trying to reach crescendo of “their” lust for ultimate power through some kind of “own” wrong utopian antichristian new’world’order!

And maybe I am not economic expert but what I can anticipate is that many among the experts for sure are not aware about the metaphysical risks (piled as by causality so as debt by sins) but make assessment only on the visible indicators, thus think they cant give ultimately correct anamnesis whats happening now even less what awaits us ahead of if dont take in account also such variables!, hm but how by reductionist mindset to calculate even black market or black nobility interests, what about metaphysical variables to be somehow anticipated like that!?, So maybe its not so effective by anyone to projected what will happen to the current system, but foremost to give effort will and ideas how the same to be tweaked so would bring stable global economy and cushion of particular dread economic near future eg. coz particular natural risks!, for what as we know “they” envisioned total’remote’control by transhumanist biotech that should plug us in panopticon full’digital’economy which so would be more effective need to be secured by urban ghettoization and automatization of all processes exactly like in broiler farms [7][7]-[7][7]-[7][7]-[7][7][7] aside all wrong side effects of such even now robbed from empathy concrete jungles, altho per’se “they” are maybe not all after commie marxism yet planned economy sooner or later will centralize such elitist hype!, till some extent “they” as euroatlantic determinists are after socialism but in essence is chase after ultimate control above all - usually through mammonism - whether by capitalist or by socialist means, hek what is pushed and achieved by more and more greater centralization and federalism practically the very idea for democracy was never true issue with platos republic and as city state think was lack of honest inheritance by worthy rulers like kings as divine authority (not that all republics nor all kingdoms were ideal rule by worthiness or not but defacto in city’states the proclamation for equality was more than rarely fallacy thus trickery and centralization became logical consequence as in antiquity so as nowadays) hm probably as more I contemplate this issue the more will be obvious that the treasury of the king could be also heavy but at least You know who is the king and on what is spent that taxed money, while mids republicanism supposedly the sovereign are the citizens yet they dont have own bank but “someone” elses central bank!, thus the fallacy of equality and democracy!, so when afraid from monarchy and royal vault dont forget at least You know who is to be judged if things went wrong [8][8][8] while in case of republicanism not even ceo’s will be judged what about the “true owners” of the euroatlantic’central’banks which as city’state’elite exercise rule above all by trickery!, in essence the very ancient difference is kingdom vs city’state’tyranny something as contrast that emerged as reality in antiquity [9][9][9] reemerged later in the enlightenment era as republicanism with awakening of the neoplatonic neopagan utopian ideals - something what in various forms whether through capitalism or socialism was striving for utmost centralization and rule by neopagan’philosopher’king - now adored by euroatlantic globalists socialists marxists mids usA and eU (waiting to become usE) [9][9][9][9][9] obviously as pharaonic top to bottom rule, and to be even more sad by atheist neopagans gnostics elites above Christians!, and unlike the majority I’ll say this is per’se freemasonic rosicrucian utopian spill!, altho something that to the rest would look like zionist spin coz rosicrucianism heavily borrowed esoterical flow from kabbalism thus logically it was case for ashkenazi kabbalist elites which stirred this inertia [9][9][9] as some zionist conspy’global’elite that was doing their best to kneel all - yet that is far from the truth (check the 11th footnotes below) simply as rosicrucianism so its religious standardisation freemasonry were syncretism from various pagan traditions!, thus apotheosis was reached as result more to gnosticism than kabbalism yet through kabbalism i.e. indirectly through ashkenazi communes (read ghettos) was copied the ideal for ideal pharaoh-slave hierarchy where the commoners jews were just fine smooth resources for the zionist elite!, exactly the very same mirror with the platos philosopher’kings as city’state’elite!, hm I havent neatly studied this relation what when through whom among the alchemists entered mids the european neopagan isms … anyway this point as centralization and marxism can be indeed seen through the existence of central bank (f’e’d would be just spin so the centralization point would be camouflaged mids usA) [9][9][9] tho marx is just left mirror to the very same enlightenment spin of utopianism [9] practically the need for fed oligopoly was logical knowing that city’of’london longed for quite long to secure it as necessity for control over the american resources and after few failed attempts to stay above all finally succeeded in 1913 [10][10]-[10][10]-[10][10]-[10][10] and seen as agenda its not at all naive to debate how predetermined was the same as hijack of the euroatlanic realm!, the question is who are “they” > an ashkenazi pharaohs [11][11][11] or as such > puppets of vatican [11][11][11]-[11][11][11] or coz vatican was infiltrated > an puppets of teutons [11][11][11]

So we are witnessing neopagan utopian strive for system that by “their” terms should reach equilibrium, and per’se through automation, So ask Yourself from Christian perspective what can go wrong when eugenic mammonistic deists neopagans are pharaohs!?, and indeed now “their” biggest problem is how to convince the western masses to embrace “their” projections as “you’ll own nothing and still be happy” or “lets bug the burger” or “worm the hotdog”!, probably along hackable’animal’meme of “theirs” announced those loudly those ideas coz need to stir some malthusian spin thus “their” obedient slaves would not object how were not informed i.e. the consent is more easily reached when is beforehand massaged!, its like projecting coz psyop acceptance once the skim is rolled out!, the problem is that that is done first by trickery and not honestly then enmasse and not experimentally with some volunteers but whole world became suddenly “their” experiment through “their” plandemix as needed spin for mass sharing of “their” m’rna biotech jabs which would be coz full’digital’economy necessary hiving catalogization!, on top all that above Christians by neopagans plus without anyhow true consent resting on full disclosure but by fear and blackmail coercion for as JoeB was assuring “you all must take’d’jab” with his fracking creepy deceiving whispering voice [12][12] to be honest I cant say “they” need to be hanged’high on the pillars of shame as plutocrats normally AdolfH released ww2 horror yet the same was boiled by househofer&eckhart “they” friedby teutons and all finaced by fed&wall’street, so its same now with JoeB&co aside that DonalT was framed for warpspeedin’ so who is to blame first, aside that big’pharma by law is exempt from liability, dod even dont exist anyhow as culprit, thus it will be waste of time now to be chased witches’ but all energy need to be focused how and what is alternative to “their” wrong deus’ex’machina homo’silicone utopianism, per’se how we can survive “their” spins&skims for eventual ordo’ab’chao or controlled’economic’collapse!, altho if “they” push till extremes (think still havent completely) by itself such momentum will fireback to “them” by causality, the problem is are we aware that now its not so important who how will survive but that its Salvation Time Announced how the geopolitical risks pilled till milliseconds since ww2!, normally we need to focus also on better tomorrow but go tell “them” to chill out and “they” to accept that greeting, hm possible but if we Do That Through Grace … but are we!?

Maybe many are aware for the paradox of centralization as for good or evil i.e. how the same as inertia is actually ideal for reaching zenith in particular field realm emergence eg. in Christianity also Christocentrism is imperative for all as Ekonomia of Koinonia [1][1][1] yet as with everything in this World (coz its in the middle between the heights and the abyss) eg. as with the nuclear energy it could serve any particular centralization of power for Good or evil, so is with banking i.e. if the same is in hands of neopagans it will be for usury gambling or enslaving exploitation simply coz “their” ideal is not empathy but deist perfectionism till anthropocentric apotheosis probably till become some pharaonic earthly’delusional’gods above all the rest, altho there is even worst i.e. when vatican got in the trap to burst in unam’sanctum’apostasy probably so would say to “them” pontifs could get even worst than “them” as neopagans!, what in my opinion now became such obstacle that as such papal supremacy is extra real problem for any eventual reconciliation between vatican and Orthodoxy, something how now is centralized vatican as hierarchy through unam’sanctam’bull is utmost problem [2][2][2] interestingly as could be seen even in Christianity we can seek Christocentrism through Our Almighty Lord Jesus Christ as Head of The Church, but not we cant seek patriarchal exceptionalism coz all Episcopes are Equal in Sinodikon [3] … so ideally union or confederation taken politically would be solution if want secured but with chance for independence system units, so it would be economically if is reached consensus for one global currency, yet euroatlantic determinists are afraid “their” current exceptionalism not to evaporate anyhow like that so obviously full of fears or prejudice are pushing till debacle “their” dollar supremacy!

Another problem that is becoming more and more apparent is how to be reached stable future ahead if mids all mindboggling vibe of wrong ecological footprint (coz we are chasing exponential economic growth on planet with finite resources) to be achieved balance and equality, especially when now the third world by capitalistic measure is catching even surpassing the western standards of quality of life!, what coz those are tied to consumerism and planned obsolescence thus trashing’rat’race vibe simply will make sooner than later from out planet dumpster, So we need not “their” green’deal so the global system would survive i.e. broilered egenic scarcity of automatization and ghetoization to be our goal for survival (as is “theirs” great’reset’projection) but we need to focus how through Agrarianism to reach selfsufficiency!, at least the same to be kind of socialist norm for the basic level of needs on the maslows pyramid as communal farming for all that had end up in out or in despair mids the concrete jungle while still not ready for independent rural selfsufficiency!, what should and can be balanced if are introduced proactive rural reemigration programs like municipal machinery rings at least so all moving in Agriculture to be helped till get on foot for own independent rural efficiency!, lets be honest what even now is important issue for many that are lost mids the current system what about when the global economy will reach the risks of natural or political sidekicks!, altho Survival Lifestyle even now is norm for many eg. Africa!, what about later!, tho with Africa the issue is in this context around and about water, so maybe people will get sober and start investing in Aqueducts that as sea water pipelines should allocate enough desalinized water for irrigation of whole Africa, but who to put in motion such programs when its more easily to manipulate african nations if dependent indebted poor instead free selfsufficient!?, surely we have Hope through Russia how is standing tall against “their” wrong’neopagan’utopianism but are we supporting that stance or we are ignorant that need to stand up in line against the euroatlantic determinists and “their” ultra’wrong’exceptionalism and to point that we need to strive for realist balanced consensual multipolar World where Mankind (instead neopagan humanism and its transhumanism) will have advantage [4][4][4] to be even greater paradox while in same time Russia woke up from the marxist utopianism the euroatlantic realm is getting ready to drown down in it, hm is it such zionist spin possible without nazism!?, but yep both are united in one fine neopagan band by the teuton’julian’theory!

Till some extent capitalism is logical to thrive, even more knowing how those who have earned some capital through the past its illogical like as is w’e’f stating that will be nationalized and it will be like “you’ll own nothing but will be happy” socialism, and what is logical is kind of amalgam among socialism and capitalism kind of centrist balance among the left and right mammonism, what per’se it would be kind of the aristotles golden mean i.e. to be found agreement for all among all (by majority principle coz totality will never come to fruition except maybe in certain cataclysmic circumstances), simply an Third Way of socio-economic golden mean [4][4][4] or better said as Jesus reminded us that the middle way is royal one when we should Render unto Caesar the things that are Caesar’s, and unto God the things that are God’s [5][5] altho as JayD claims that those euroatlantic determinists long also for some of “theirs” own “third way” approach too [5][5] on what hm I’ll say far from similar to the Christian Middle Way coz per’se the same is envisioned as centralized federalized dictatorship of technocratic elite whether packaged in neomarxist or neoliberal cellophane [6][6][6] while I am suggesting eg. libertarian decentralization if it could be labeled like that at all [7][7][7]-[7][7] hm even Confucius had have it as logical mean [8][8][8] hm I would like to see and learn what people think what is logical way out of “their” current casino economy!?, hm will at least economyst mobilize on party eforums with such thematic debates, or will brag again and again through soc.nets as if there are not certain risks on the horizon!?

Think as Parable this Point is more toward the Message of Love as Evangelion so Christians would not follow zealous blind lifestyle mids the World, altho defacto this dont applies to Theology Soteriology Ecclesiology i.e. where cant be made compromise with the Dogmas Law Tradition!, simply Absolute Truth that Arose directly from Our Almighty Lord cant be balanced with any halftruth what about opposite like lies!, so dont confuse this anyhow as kind of ultimate allround projection simply its Advice for reaching by meekness and piety an balance through Love in this World where many are indifferent for the chance for Salvation thus we need to be forgiving as Christians [1][1][1] still when The Truth is in question as we all know Jesus Christ cast the merchants from The Temple thus there is no compromise with the evil ways of man in all instances!, as St. Mark of Ephesus said in the letter to St. Gennadius Scholarius ~ Never, O man, is that which relates to the Church corrected through compromises: there is no middle way between the Truth and the lie… and although one can say that there is a mean between light and darkness which is called the morning and evening twilight, nevertheless between the Truth and the lie, however hard you try, you will never find a mean! [1] ~ So we need to be watchful not fell eg. on wrong ecumenist what about universalist hug coz mildness what would be utmost WRONG [1][1] so practically even as earthly compromise is not always useful the royal middle path eg. how western Christendom theologically was juggling between aristotelianism and platonism!, what sounds as chasing eudamonia through some dualistic balance between the good and evil, what think is not the point i.e. there is no space to contemplate how sins or evil can be balanced with Salvation!, simply if Our Almighty Lord is Absolute thus Life in Feat is norm towards Salvation, yet coz the abundance of the Free Will in this World that as such not rarely is misused but also coz the weakness for Life in Feats and Virtues we are not rarely falling as individually so as collectively thus having in mind that Our Almighty Lord is Love except Law and Order then we are constantly on Mercy and as consequence His Patience brings That Balance until someone or some community Repent, or in our modern case till is not reached graceless state that will provoke by itself misery coz ultrawrong global liberalism and per’se ultrawrong gambling capitalist economic trends!, in my opinion we’ve reached almost to the edge coz abortionism and selfishess [2][2][2] on top all with icing of idolatry how decadence is glorified as normal doing business hype [2][2][2] when going by euroatlnatic’neopagan’deterministic blueprint (yeah coz cocacola colonialism) many are ready to join if not else in the nato’agitprop how the same is done in the name of “their” deist antichristian luciferian utopianism forced coz “their” lust for n’w’o and transhumanism!, So dont wonder that as consequence when almost rarely someone among the western plutocrats is getting sober and standing tall against such idolatry (except Erdogan and Milanovich what was in monstrous way reseted [3][3]) respect to them for the bravery and Condolence for the Victims That Earned Martyrs Fate and Glory) but the rest with and coz their cowardness of “independence” of nato’poltroons will provoke on us all misery as was never unleashed on this World!, What to say about and how to explain such (even in this century) an medieval reasoning like “theirs”!?, released by the “western champions of democracy” hidden deceitfully behind the luciferian’lady’liberty what actually is just a “fallacy of western imperialism” that probably after few centuries neopagan momentum its difficult now for the neopagan’euroatlantic’determinists to revert it back as strive for own n’w’o!?, yet Christians and Muslims need to know that if want to save own Souls cant give nor consent nor help to “those” monsters while now “they” want to pull the World in hot nuclear ww3 supposedly coz “they” care for ukrainians that are now using it as cannon fodder by nazi’komintern’blueprint so would secure “their” anaconda’doctrine!,

Hm, its almost unbelievable but think “they” are rushing to throw all World in abyss simply coz afraid that anyway later “their” casino could burst as soap bubble, when will not have the means to blackmail or stack up obedience, plus will for meat grinding, as would dream out another chance for some “own” new’world’order!, in same time how falsified the us’elections defacto are lost in space how till yesterday acted “champions’of’democracy” while now exercised utmost wrong totalitarian spin for securing dominionist zionist freemasonic globalist puppet like JoeB which burden is already so bloody heavy that even his p’chair cant hold it while trying to prepare the stage for hot ww3 and even greater bloodshed!, hm its not time for joking but in all “their” madness what else to say than ~ Can someone hijack his strawberries so we would not all choke in “their” fields [4][2] ~ and think Yes that is doable through Invoking extra Grace upon this World thus get Inchurched instead to wait to see what will happen, if not else like that at least You will fence Yourself with Grace so when the time will come to endure all the misfortune that will fell on our civilization!, altho some will say its not only one now, yet how we are all tied more or less in secularism consumerism and hedonism as driving force of the global economic trends then defacto is somehow still one and the same civilization - for now still per’se neopagan liberal as molded like the current republicanism beautified by stars (as sabeanistic mark of the beast) what tho maybe is not perceived and have such effect upon all still points that in question is specific utopian tradition (of which an freemasonic promethean liberty is the torch since the enlightenment era onwards), but also civilization that now is waiting to become again as last chance for survival an Traditional Orthodox Christian Civilization at least in its center that if evade the turanic logic of AlexD it will become as Slavic central one [5][5][5][5][5] yet unlike me with his turanic thesis he is trying to make bridge to the eastern civilization while in same time he has some strange deconstruction&synthesis of pagan’traditionalism through his more recent ap’di’ci noomahia as attempt to appeal also to the western civilization [6][6][6] at least its my strong impression that as philosopher got too distracted maybe by noosphere inheritance or the russian enlightenment but also the pre and postsoviet cosmism maybe thus now bringing some strange thesis of geopolitical balance on top juiced by Orthodox Christianity as totality of russian philosophical elitists smoothie!?, tho what matters now is that Russia havent embraced transhumanism [7] as eg. did the left and right empires from it, and as long Orthodox Christianity is standing alive it will not for sure!, and it will be like that till the very end!, yet who cant say with certainty how future system under the burden of mass continental migrations coz fallout circumstances whether will not release covertly various transhumanist tech!?, hek if “they’ve” dont that now through fear plandemix coercion then what kind of mindboggling ideas have in case of collapse of “their” system!?

… the last sentence typo has neat point in context of this post western’casino’economy erected on magical base with superstitious pillars and esoterical roof!, yeah neopagans what else to say!

Yep, “they” didnt done that now!, it was in 2020/21, tho with intention to last for another whole decade, yet “their” biotech proved faulty thus postponed the chipping/hiving skim, hm, looks like the coercion for vaxing is solely coz we should sign a consent to be vaxed with “their” jab!, coz if “they” want have the means to stuff us with whatever biotech in whatever way “they” want, name it, biotech shared by chemtrails, spamcans, bottled liquids, even through quakcines!, but as if for “them” what matters is the signature!?, as we need officially to surrender our Soul to the pharmakists!?


Anyway, that typo come as good suggestion how “they” are seeing Life and everything in it from science till ideals, in essence as neopagans for “them” magic is something exceptional wonderful worthy to be chased followed and praised!, and isnt astrology such thing, what mids “their” realm of power was and still is trend among the wrong “noble” by alchemy choked elites!?, I mean in whole midmodern and modern history we will find such examples [1][1] (and this is just one superstitious system of rule through demonology if we know that through such esoteria “they” are exposing “themselves” to demons-anathema-to-them) So go someone refute the notion that on such neopagan base werent thrown superstitious alchemic pillars of “economic science” - (tho alchemic vibe in all of “their” dark empiricism [2][2][2]) - which how reached level of financial gambling coz securing smooth solvency of “their” vaults and tables is nothing else than reinvention of the aristocratic gambling games but on modern green’felt’cloth now reaching an esoterical roof of financial thrive&survival of the western economy but on expense on all the rest, hm, and how the gold’standard was removed and substituted with fictive’fiat’one I can freely say “they” secured way how to stretch “their” mammonistic magic for fake-rule over all by debt&gambling when and where dont prosper and grow those who will bring extra quality or surplus but those who are obedient players on “their” table in “their” casino, what it could be said was kind of skim some say since renaissance [3][3] tho I’ll say even earlier [3][3][3] yep it really sounds catchy the line from the second 3rd footnote as neat similarity between casino and stock exchange capital flow “theoretically, the casino was accessible to all segments of the population, but in practice, it could only be visited by wealthy people – games for big money and adherence to an elegant dress code could not afford everyone” and when since medieval times liquidity was managed by high stakes bets and swaps then how much more nowadays, and the esotery can go even further (if already dont) as gambling possibility Lord Forbid!, [4][5][6] yep one dont need to be Archimed to count the odds that the current western economy is managed exactly through casino skims and rigged statistics [5] fraud became the prime survival game of euroatlantic determinists now lusting to upgrade that fraudalism of exceptionalism on lelvel of cyborg bet so the servitude of the awakening masses would be secured by push’of’button!, I mean are we or “they” idiots!?, probably “they” say to “themselves” what could go wrong if “they” make from every ID gambling chip and throw on all or nothing in “their” neopagan utopian roulette!?, as possessed elites probably see us just like resource on “their” gambling tables where what matters is the survivability of “their” game and positions!?, arent!?, how to be explained all “their” lunatic behavior in whole past millennia!?, which reached crescendo in the enlightenment era with the mass slave trade and revolutions coz blood lust [6][6][6]-[6][6][6] finally upgraded with the past century two’world’wars sacrificial slaughtering to “their” demons-anathema-to-them (and if it is hard to be cleaned from mammonistic lusts surely its even harder to be redeemed from molochian) now longing to be rolled till utmost extremes but what cant be done like earlier through swift colonial conquest but now is pushed by specific trickery till fallout i.e. how we are all pulled on graceless selfish decadent cohabitation as World wrapped in “their” luciferian’liberalist’globalsm potentially (if not certainly) is traced path towards indifference (if not support) for “their” utopian’neopagan’agendas!, alone how the economy as science is spinned in such neoliberal gambling manner says everything for itself i.e. that now coz the numbers cant be secured by “their” equations and the belief in “their” extorted financial might is getting more and more tin SO now in panic “they” are pushing great’malthusian’reset in one or another way (plandemix or ordo’ab’chao scenario), I really Hope I am wrong!, and thats why I am on eforum so would ask for others perspectives of observations, (need to point over and over again) simply I am nor expert nor some insightful on this topic thus cant say my reasoning is utmost correct!, just know that its really mindboggling how we are all part of “their” wrong casino economy!, by which on top half produced food in the world is trashed while third of the world population struggle with malnutrition if not famine, while two thirds if not all of world population is choking in pesticides and artificially powdered food, while we are waiting all that to be upgraded by bionic’worm’proteins as main shelf luxury!, isnt all this debauchery of deist apotheosis idealism!?, and not that its solely “their” fault now like modern euroatlantic determinists but to be left “their” inherited demonology to loom over us as Mankind that is too much to handle for this century of ultrawide literacy!

So can we say we are played by magnitude mids “their” global’financial’casino!?, Think Yes!, for what simple explanation is how derivatives are hidden clearing value in “their” casino, and to this witness how not fully disclosed are those chips, and whether are not kind of esoterical empirical mammonistic system of shared faction control over the euroatlantic realm and global by contracts shared resources since the enlightenment era and beic as corporation’zero mids the commodity markets!, maybe the trick is how “they’ve” made from stocks assets and from them precious swaps what on top got upgrade by gambling boosters like futures and options!, simply “they” introduced mechanism for easy bonus or smooth cheating that rigged by unaudited offshore funds and shadow banking graying made from the global financial markets (read states) an obedient players which servitude will be managed by push’of’button!, skim that now is projected for upgrade till chipping whole world population in full’digital’economy (making from the current for “them” human resources an cyborg’eugenic’assets) where and when only way to keep independence would be Cave Life, tho its question even there whether we will be at Peace simply coz for “them” any free variable is risks for “their” utopia not to survive, hm am I too paranoid, hm hope at least stil not android!, is for “them” all this just from fun game, even “their” neopagan’utopian’ideals pure from boredom&gluttony trial&error gambling with whatever have at hand!?, simply siezed the momentum of secured by trickery euroatlantic stage so now even dont want to are pulled to play “their” wrongly rigged game!?

Hm, on all this many (as in the past so as now) will say lets burn down “their” f’e’d eg. George Edward Griffin [7][7][7] and even if that was real possibility whats the odds that “they” will keep calm on that and step back with smile!?, altho what we can do is to question “their” skims&spins till expose all “their” trickery what most effectively could be done by eTOS circumstances and like that securing momentum for introduction of Direct Participatory Democracy in place of “their” current euroatlantic plutocracy thats rushing to become technocracy so would suspend all current citizens rights mids the western realm if not further, hm some say that till there are nations actually there will be independence which once the national is suspended and pure citizenship declared supposedly we are becoming ownership of united’nations’org but hm I am not expert in international law so would not judge how substantial is this claim [8] i.e. that once we surender our nationhood and accept formaly globalist federalist citizenship that as citizen-democracy instead national-democracy as broilers we are nomore sovereign, hm I’ll say it depends on the preamble and on the interpretation of the accepted signed contract and how obligatory is as local regional or global constitution, simply different things are differently interpreted by different interest groups [9][9][9] tho euroatlantic determinists as wonnabe monopolar globalist through u’n’o are trying to suspend from any sovereignty probably by federalist recipe [10][10]-[10][10][10] hm on this I need to consult medieval legalists i.e. whether on some territory can be applied the past charters and constitutions eg. in eastern european realm the edicts of byzantine Tsars!?, simply who is the prime authority over some land how!?

Does the idea that citizens are not the sovereign mids republicanism sounds strange, hm probably looks too if republic or union of such is substituted by federation when intranational becomes supranational, plus when even dont have the right on secession, altho the dismantle of ex-Yugoslavia proves that when want euroatlantic determinists can suspend the international law and impose “own” will upon all deemed by “them” as obsolete!, but more and more I am getting amazed by the fact how neopagan mindset “they” have as euroatlantic determinists So dont wonder at all that “they” believe in such by trickery rigged causality that it is given right to “them” to do whatever “they” like with us as “their” ownership by debt!, usually derived by elitist consent of the local regional or global’quinsling’plutocrats!, also I do find troubling the notion that the stability of the real economy along the stability of the dollar as world currency is pumped afloat and liquified by mathematical poetry resting on financial magical algebra or I’ll guess with derivatives even magical geometry!?, I mean if indeed the euroatlantic determinists are neopagans I’ll not be surprised if “they’ve” reached such level of bogus calculations that actually serve solely so “they” would stay in control nomatter who will enter in “their” game how (check the 2nd
footnotes in this post)!, simply now like this “they” always have upper hand in “their” financial casino coz “they” are as the owners of “their” theories’of’games so as croupiers!, thus why not to assume that from start all skims as fiat standard so as the later alike derivatives along western currencies and cryptocurrencies are not indeed kind of modern hocus’pocus’deception for control&manipulation!?, tho I will round this assumption with the fact that the real economy is hostage to such financial machinations of “theirs”!, give a gambler a fish and he will make neckless from it, teach him how to fish and he will prefer jewelry instead food as occupation!

In context here are few quote that give some ontopic notion that we are witnessing wrong neopagan scientificism which as neoliberalism is also applied in economy!, hm whats “next” in the name of alchemy and deist apotheosis an wending’machine’citizens!?, maybe with optional hydrant extensions so if too much exploited could easily wake up from “their” aroras [11][11][11] or hororas [11][11][11]

the entropy economics has accelerated the emergence of modern econophysics and complexity economics. These new directions of research have led to many interesting discoveries that usually contradict the claims of conventional economics. Econophysics has questioned the efficient market hypothesis, while complexity economics has shown that markets and economies function best near the edge of chaos. Quantum economics has already appeared on the horizon, which recognizes money as a fundamental measurement device in the economy. The development of these sciences may indicate the need to reformulate all mainstream economics from its foundations.
~ https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC7516932/

Neoliberalism was thus born out of a collision between the controversial importation of the methods and authority of the experimental sciences into politics on the one hand, and the acknowledgement
of the social and political conditions for the discovery and justification of knowledge on the other. It made the pursuit of knowledge
and truth a political question, and gave the question of social order
an epistemological answer: what we can do depends ultimately on
what we can know. Nevertheless, this proclivity for epistemological
investigations did not imply a unity of views among neoliberals, nor
that their conclusions were devoid of political motivations. Moreover,
in their contention to reclaiming the mantle of science, neoliberals
shared many premises with progressive scientists regarding the position and “function” of science in society. This apparent paradox
explains both the fluidity of neoliberal thinking and the inspiration
it has drawn from its detractors at a sociological and organizational
level, two dimensions still relevant today in accounting for the steadiness of neoliberalism and its success in cannibalizing competing
~ https://www.econstor.eu/bitstream/10419/215796/1/Full-text-book-Plehwe-et-al-Nine-lives-of-neoliberalism.pdf

Machine Dreams explores the historical influences of the military and the cyborg sciences on neoclassical economics. The neglected influence of John von Neumann and his theory of automata are key themes throughout the book. Mirowski claims that many of the developments in neoclassical economics in the 20th century, from game theory to computational economics, are the unacknowledged result of von Neumann’s plans for economics. The work expands Mirowski’s vision for a computational economics, one in which various market types are constructed in a similar fashion to Noam Chomsky’s generative grammar. The role of economics is to explore how various market types perform in measures of complexity and efficiency, with more complicated markets being able to incorporate the effects of the less complex. By complexity Mirowski means something analogous to computational complexity theory in computer science.
~ https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Philip_Mirowski

How was influenced PhillipM by JohnM mirrors an spirit of automation that possessed all back in the past century, for what good notion could be catched by technoutopian vibe of rosicrucians which in one or another way was splashing the humanistic academy tho the artistic too and even the western masses were consumed by spiritism!, simply all got consumed by the wrong neopagan hype [12][12] So it came how it came to “their” neopaganism and lust for heaven’on’earth and superhumanity, but what makes link between “such” golem goal [12][12] and economy is exactly JohnM who not that just was contemplating automata golem and logically from and to it cyborg superhuman [13] but also laid ground for chaos theory for theory’of’games etc. etc. scientific alchemy resting on the alchemic humanist vibe that became direction in “their” epistemiological and eschatological system of wrong physics and even wronger metaphysics [14][15][16] and as could be learnt from the last video (strangely also as Nash) he got madly possessed in the end!, what says all how by what kind of energy was fueled the main economic trend upon which later is revolving modern euroatlantic casino economics!, not at all strange also how causally even having ultralarge amount of wealth (financial per’se) how stil selfishness possessivity and exploitation is norm without boundaries hek even its praised the greed as normal virtue coz success (making from capitalism exactly enlightened liberal idol that will stack up as trophies skulls of all killed or exploited coz “their” ubermeshc exceptional colonialism!), simply as “humanistic” system produced such deist apotheosis that empathy is seen as weakness and vice, that either will eat or will be eaten, that positive emotions are obstacle to success, what from Christian aspect is utmost opposite [16] yet for “their” neopagan mindset the same are only logical if exist as lusts that need to service “their” demons-anathema-to-them!, tho how pushed further and further in “their” wrong system came even till such wrong reductionist mindset that simply equal animals with us (thus chimera hype also logical for “them”) or level us to mechanic sum of circumstantial biochemical processes (thus not anyhow wrong for “them” to chase homo’silicone’singularity) again check the past 15th footnote video and compare that logic to the next one when he simply in the name of success as with the manhattan project so as with the philadelphia project didnt care for the consequences coz what was important to him the score by any means, compare it to NikolaT who aware for the risks simply refused to follow such emptyhearted agenda [17][17][17] normally such figure and his good will will be removed from “their” math even tho he became gnostic an even diving astral [18] coz for “them” what counts is not wellbeing of the World but the safety of “their” rule and wrong’utopian’ideals, so its logical why and how is more acceptable for “them” as deist neopagans to see us as statistic of disposable resource!, almost supradisposable in context on neumanns quantum fallacy [19][19][19] hm what good can come out from exceptionally wrong humanistic neopaganism!?

Simply We Are Victims of Wrong Econometrics that see us as mere bones thrown by fortunetellers mercy!


Normally deprived from any emotion but lust for success or status and comfort without merit!

In the nineteen-thirties, von Neumann more or less single-handedly invented game theory, an attempt to describe human motives and behaviors in
mathematical and logical terms. He was driven to the discipline out of
frustration at the success of (Kurt) Gödel’s Theorem, which demolished the
ideal of a consistent and complete set theory towards which von Neumann
had been working with fellow mathematicians at Göttingen.
Gödel’s Theorem represented another telling defeat for strict determinism. Even when humans were involved, as in game theory applied to economic strategies, Neumann treated all the elements of the system as if they could be described by pure logic. For von Neumann, the human brain was the source of most of the irrationality in the world, or to put it in simulation terms, the human brain is stochastic in two senses: it is the physical incarnation – the source – of the uncertainty brought with the human observer’s role in modern physics, and it is the source of human behavior, that most mystifying and irrational phenomenon. Von Neumann preferred to believe that the human was simply an automaton. In fact, one of the major failures of early game theory derived from von Neumann’s insistence on the strict rationalization of all elements
~ https://www.erudit.org/en/journals/surfaces/1994-v4-surfaces04902/1064963ar.pdf

Maybe the past post examination of the modern economy (as abomination of gamblers, or by gambling secured “virtues” of survival) looks grim as certain (sooner or later) perdition for all tied to it, Yet we should always remind ourselves that there cant be reached heaven’on’earth ~ and altho we need to strive for worthiness through righteousness ~ still knowing that this realm is the place of our banishment from Heaven thus in it coz the vast amount of free will that knowingly or not is employed for Eternal Reward or Punishment it is as it is and we are suffering coz awakening simply by causality, So if per’se this realm is opportunity to reach Redemption and Reentry again back to our previous state then once we’ve astray that by itself is pulling misfortune so we would stand again on the path of Salvation (altho as causality this is consequence usually coz our wrong distancing from Grace or choosing to thrive through vices) and ontologically think we’ve survived the wrong’elitist’inertia solely coz rest our Hope on Our Almighty Lord Jesus Christ so as masses we were spared from evil causality but how now many are tempting enmasse the Youngest through the vortex of soc.nets and poured there lusty hype on maximum then defacto we are nearing the end!, in same time chilling our hearths how by minute margin following there war or psyop narrative, what overall cant bring Salvation but indifference for!, yet how we would know that we have such opportunity if we could not taste the fall in all its misery of false joy ~ or better said wrong temporal life by lusts greed and pride which nowadays became norm for by debt arisen survival ~ how we are exercising our free will as individually so as collectively!, thus as the fear so as all the rest emotions are for our awakening for the chance to reach Salvation i.e. to grasp our position that Its Given To Us Second (or after the great deluge third) Chance To Us As Mankind To Repent To Be Redeemed To Be Saved … now defacto the metaphysics how why or where is given to someone to become temptation or through him or by his deeds to come temptations in this World hm that think is too unknown for us in context of causality solely for or till Soteriology even when to neopagans is given to rule over us as Christians what in essence is punishment provoked eg. coz the misdeeds of our ancestors which till are not undone (causality that cant be reverted only by Our Almighty Lord through our Metanoia as societies that will revert at least the antichristian trends of abortionism [1][1] of kgbt wokeness [1][1] of transhumanism [1][1] of adoring luciferian’lady’liberty [1][1] of praising pharmakia [1][1] as norm for happiness) till then simply there will be burden over our heads even till our perdition, and simply coz not willing to oppose the wrong neopagan euroatlantic determinists and “their” ideals it will as it will be!, start interest about The Revelation and other Orthodox Christian Prophecies so would grasp in what time You live and what is now more important (altho it was always) Salvation of Your Soul or your bank accounts!?, and indeed how we are unselfsufficient and dependent on industrialization and by such reflex how we are not focused on Salvation but on securing comfort (through balancing inflation by debt credit and usury mids gambling economy) for sure that will provoke what will provoke as indifference!, at least there should be wide Agrarian eTOS Lifebuoy if not by party then by ngo eforums where will be concentrate Orthodox Christian knowhow regards “their” current wrong financial casino global economy and what is logical amortization and/or substitution to it, before “they” dont make from us cyborgs what is more convenient or effective so “they” would secure “their” position now when “they” will be more and more exposed as deists (as some earthly human gods of modern pharaohs) actually luciferian’demonized’monsters ready to throw in abyss as much as possible souls once rig secure circumstances for that eg. the trickery of plandemix and by bionic&chimeric jabs to be attacked in such manner many!, Hm are we certain that that plandemix skim was such skim!?, hm maybe released first as experimental phase and attempt to borg us all, but it needed to be tied to full’digital’economy so we would say its exactly that phase Prophesized in The Bible Revelation that it will be coz catalogization till apostasy!, Hm, looks as if “they” were following JohnM blueprint for “selfreplicating machines” seeing us on microcosmic scale like experimental hosts coz achieving x’man’utopianism (instead planets for colonizing) [2][2][2] but made in lab and spread to our bodies coz long lasting full’digital’economy the problem is whether now already there was such nanobot tech in the jabs hm and if “they” easily gamble with/by wrong economic theories why not also with eugenic’biotech’xman hype coz superhumanity for “their” heaven’on’earth!?, (too good to be true, or [2][2][2] or it will be introduced later such xenobot phase additionally pushed by specific wrong tagging [2][2][2]) speculation for which are afraid to speculate as possibility even scientists what about plutocrats, simply for all of them is unbelievable that there could be such covert skim rolled out (or that can be pushed further [2][2][2]) in background even experimentally even not evenly as batch from batch where it could pass without too much hype if some wrong side effects popup!, I mean if dulles&co nazi’clippers end up not just in cia but also usaf then how and why at all not to assume that such agenda is already in motion on various levels [3][3] and actually what was paused with the failure of ww2 (as plain nazi chase towards “their” heaven’on’earth) [3][3][3] now to be finally rerolled as reinvented and repackaged noi’atlantean’utopianism!?, hm what sounds strangely comparable to the annunaki strory and the great’deluge’punishment but now in new attempt and by bionic means [3][3][3] so are “they” just supposedly successors of that atlantean vibe or indeed by wet’dreaming’about became successors [3][3][3] how much some projection psyop or belief evolve in reality if enough is secured by the wrongly employed free will by many!?, can it be that its enough to embrace wrong will so through some time as such to become imbued in the same!?, by simple logic example Aristotle says yes [4] and if Faith is our Destiny as Our Almighty Lord Jesus Christ have Said unto us It Will Be By Your Faith then indeed it is i.e. if with Christ all have chance to become part of Israel [4][4] then what are the chances “they” by chasing some neopagan rosicrucian atlantean blueprint not to become sons of anathemago!?, and if we are aware about particular links [7][6][5] then why would act naive that “they” are solely secular ambiguous euroatlatic elites who yeah never in the past half millennia were driven by monstrous lusts and vibe, we need as StanleyK messaged us just to follow with wide’eyes’shut and everything will be ok!, So Chose Wise … hm, can we!?, think Yes, but that means to rest Your Faith In Christ so would not fell in despair once “things” start happening!

And lets assume this logic is correct then what is solution end secure exit from “their” homo’silicon homo’chimeric full’digital’economy traps!?, hm I really dont see how else we can bring stable future ahead except by Agrarianism in all cases i.e. in all scenarios knowing that “their” skims are wrong defacto those who are aware that cant depend on “their” system need to focus on Selfsufficient Agrarian Mindset, what for many is simply fable if contemplate it from the current mass concrete jungle industrialized ghettoization and all laziness habits that are trend as consequence!, hm indeed one need sportsman condition and organic idyll will so would endure any eventual shift from urban in rural lifestyle and especially if dont have funds tools or means how to arrange investment in small 5ha farm example so would say it can survive and enjoy such shift, and when this will be mirrored as needed for whole societies so would amortize any eventual global economic depression ahead (or even worst fallout) then we indeed need to start debating immediately about Agrarianism!, foremost how to explain why is Christian Virtue to Live Life by the Fruits from Your own hands [8][8]~[8][8]~[8][8] utmost important motivation coz rural survival is only insurance for evading any ill fate or fears as consequence of euroatlantic lust for hived transhumanist full’digital’economy and all the risks that go with it [9][9][9] yet its really questionable whether we have enough time so we would see introduction on local municipal level an will for securing eventual means for eventual fast later agrarian shift coz eventual risks from deteriorating quality of life eg. by stacking if not else of municipal machinery rings [10] still how Christians to grasp that we cant allow ourselves further to tilt in gambling neoliberal exploitation as like there is no alternative to it, isnt!?, and I consider the underlined motivation point of the first 8th footnote extra important in this context … here is also as tagged link the first part of that Agrarian reasoning by dr. MatthewRJ … hm, my experience is that if You do move rural stand in purity of Christian Faith so would evade any eventual wrong local vibe!, simply the spiritual world is basis for this one thus its wrong to expect that in nature idyll comes by default!, also respect the locals as hosts always more worthy of that place as born there i.e. as indigenous their word should always be respected simply it takes time to prove that You belong somewhere and to earn belongingness, this is important going rural and not helping eachother is like driving in city and not respecting street rules, altho urban life is what You want what You demand while rural by default should be exempt of individualism especially if the place is scarcely inhabited, tho that dont means that You should follow the rule my house your house yet asks for cooperation and respect as simple Christian Ethos … tho be patient and evade drunk socializing so would evade instant shareware that can prove unhealthy coz eventual envy of high expectations or cheap contempt, simply on The Country what matters is Survival but so would survive You will need balancing instead loosening will, altho here I am projecting philosophy of fast rural adaptation among strong egos or larger communities, hm I’ve never read some psychological study on the matter how to adapt with smile in every rural circumstance tho what I sense is that alone the very chance to escape the concrete jungle and have organic way of life gives enough will to accommodate on whatever harsh soil or surrounding!, tho tools can be issue!

… just small tools if You have enough effective agrarian knowhow how to rip huge with less effort, even by no-til approach to reach extra harvest!, altho intensive agriculture is way out of collective misfortune if and when the current economic order brake down coz whatever reason when actually due to fear panic migrations etc. alike pressure it would be wise all to have per’se own survival agrarian know how so would be evaded risks like in the past great depression in usA especially knowing that we are not even near to the patriarchal togetherness and communion will of those time [1][1][1] and not that we will not adapt but prepping is always wise thing as I am suggesting at least with agrarian knowhow!, especially problem will be urban areas so its smart people to have will to move as fast as possible rural yep chasing mushrooms and having hunting skills could prove important, but again gardening knowhow will become crucial for feeding larger amount of people eg. with quinoa or spelt even on high altitude would get good nutri flour [2][2]-[2][2]-[2][2] also using one spoon vinegar in the dough You’ll get more fluffy results [2][2][2][2] plus chance for longer hang in the fridge [2] tho whole wheat flour is not easy bake [2][2] but do try altitude baking too [2][2][2] what in the right environment is always appealing thing [2] what is interesting tho is once using Grace as regular companion not just that the taste will be outstanding but also You will be satiated even with little food for what instead inner dialog practice simply Prayerful chanting!, and think that to all this tho what counts most is fresh water for drinking and irrigation [3] and if this is secured all the rest would be reached more easily as roots and fruits!, for what some kind of instant collective risk management is immediately every municipality (if not state) to acquire enough drilling pumps for aquifers [4][4] so with ease would move people on country so if want would selfsustain themselves on small farms than to wait on someones mercy in the concrete jungle!, also other good prep logic is having reserve of seed banks eg. stocks of Kenaf alike seeds if we know that the same grows invasively thus effective substitute as forage for livestock food in emergency [5] yep corn will become issue!, alone just the fertilizer to get bumpy ride mids global recession what about depression and it will be huge problem to balance out the food needs [6]

So do anyone has alike risk management in mind mids their survival projections around the spatial planing!?, hm I am not aware off!, tho what I see is that exist is the need for lowering the current wrong chemiculture trends that on long run are depleting the top fertile soil!, in this context one balancing example is China [7][7][7] but think we are stil far from paradigm shift that first of all will address the wrong focus on plant physiology as correlation of NPK and photosynthesis till high yields!, for what from start will point to one interesting assertion by Fukuoka [8][8] hm hm hm I know many will jump and scream how so we will survive without trashing huge amounts of fertilizers - on what simple answer will be - the current humanistic science sadly but still relay on wrong methods of chasing growth - what is case in various fields tho [9][9]-[9][9]-[9][9] and as “modern” actually stupidly stubborn while claiming that its humanist “alchemic” knowhow is ultimate knowledge in all scientific fields with such wrong mainstream arrogance that even NikolaT was ridiculed as junk scientist once dont fit “their” bill!, what in essence was and is mirrored still across all scientific realms!, eg. in Agriculture in case of plants stil biochemistry is not aware for bioresonance [10][10][10] nor botanics about thermodynamics [11][11] so potentially would offer if not else less invasive extensive agriculture, (but if so like that till dont bring technocracy risks “their” current exceptionalism to be questioned and that is indeed risk for “their” cult of humanistic science and scientific dictatorship of alchemic technocracy in birth), hm in the last case indeed what counts is that per’se the trench is done in such way so even with passive cooling could result with more effective growth, what think also is case with aquaponics somehow at least the next footnoted method as combo of aquaponic and raised bad give in similar manner extra yields [12][12][12][12] altho here in 12 its obvious that nutrients indeed make difference!, on what I’ll say probably it would be ideal combination of the 11+12 method along magnetized water [13] that would bring huge yield, tho this is only assumption but worthy for all even mids the urban jungle that later would stuck with food shortages, hm for what sometimes is enough good condominium will among the tenants and all to get together even mids economic depression!, thinking at least about joint pizza dining [14][14]-[14][14][14] for which You’ll need shrooms at least [15][15] logically some essential survival food [16][16]-[16][19] but per’se info about medicinal plants is must have [17][17][17] etc. etc. ideas how to survive any eventual long food crisis ahead or worst “someones” malthusian eugenic reasoning coz indeed “they” see us as useless eaters that pollute the cult of “their” planet [18] that as a fact “they” are destroying it in various g’m’o ways [18] yeah after “they” introduced debt economy along metered energy and planned obsolescence but also humanists chemical’balance’theory that as euroatlantic’industrial’revolution ecofootprinting actually brought us till ecoethical and bioethical verge of collapse Yeah now we are those that are the burden for disposing in “their” math!, thus dont expect that “they” will give You hand maybe chop off finger but be creative and by Grace take “their” sticks&carrots and turn it on “them” [19] till we secure way out as CAF contemplates like passive resistance till Independence [20][20] from “their” skims’spins’traps and elitism > which for now dont have any will for compromise but only exceptional’great’reset and worm’can’idyll as means how “they” would preserve “their” rule&control without any risks “their” castles and bunkers would not be nationalized if anyhow “their” casino rust away!, what as existential elitist fear bent the academia to follow “their” pattern of utopian’eugenic’neoplatonism helping “their” fake exceptionalism of system to thrive even by wrong math!, thus we have strangely ridiculous survival reflex of kind bullying machoman on steroids that once some cliff will pop up ahead its too heavy to climb it and to slow to surround it!, yet saying it can brake free from its stamina is also questionable up until is not brought the right knowhow will and restructuring!, what tho “someone” sees it obviously as threat to “its” current plutocratic order waiting to shift in technocratic superorder tweaked for cyborgs and cylons as slaves and pharaohs, but lets say “their” nightmare of wrong’utopian’vision will evaporate, so then what we can make so would cushion the hardships due to the need for change ahead and how the same would get more easily evaded!?

Practically if “they” want “they” can spin “their” casino indefinitely how fraudalism is the name of the game, from rigging the stats that moves the balancing decisions through reinventing the gambling wheel in various ways eg. earlier derivatives for stocks now cbdc so from all could be made derivative!, etc. etc. skims that are per’se now rushed coz projected risks from new global deluge due to “their” exceptional fracking solvency [21][21][21] and defacto now in panic except cbdc and full’digital’economy trying to place cyborg panopticon environment also like that potentially chasing eugenic agenda except malthusian one, altho in my humble understanding of “their” fears its not per’se hype coz fear what will happen with us as Mankind but whether “they” will lose chance for “their” implanted utopian ideal for neopagan heaven’on’earth in form of n’w’o and x-man superhumanity!, and actually what now euroatlantic determinists had have done with the ukrainian quarrel is pumping momentum for glacier free World coz now rushing eU to get tied to the fracked methane from usA which surely will pump up the global warming as main culprit for it [22] so Be Wise and in time prep shelter and agrarian knowhow for Your Nephews if not Yourself!, simply coz “they” dont really care about us anyhow!, after all waiting on corrupt elites to have compassion mids grave times arranged as such by “them” its really hilarious!, ideally if eTOS vibe [23] becomes at least ngo trend and experts mobilize so would offer at least workable agrarian survival knowhow for all things to get smoothed somehow, but as I see such momentum still is not rolled out!. Hope that will Change …

… maybe the 22nd and the 23rd footnotes above sound like “proglobalist” club’of’rome reasoning, but its my sincere observation that we indeed have problem with the clime!, altho per’se coz the fracking and thawing methane ~ and not just permafrost but clathrate methane too, so on one hand we are indeed at no’return feedback’loop edge towards glacier’free’world!, but on other that is not coz co2 but ch4!, and even all to stop emitting co2 in the atmosphere that will not have any significant impact on eventual reverting of the global warming!, Eh, potentially if fracking wasnt invented and now that trend didnt got extra widespread hype any eventual stabilizing would be possible, but as we see not just that there is no alarming academician debate about the fracked ch4 emissions but also are silent the eco ngo’ers, hm wonder why!?, hm maybe in question is mainstream’media’blackout about their activities on the issue!?, or maybe cant grasp that for such alarming they will not get paid by their favorite euroatlantic malthusians!?

Anyway, how is shared and sized the global economy, and how resources are constant issue, on top how half of the world population is located 200km from shores (free estimate), then surely whatever risks of global deluge exists (coz free’glacier’world) its surely utmost scary projection for “their” humanist’utopian’neoplatonism!, yeah “their” heaven’on’earth will be atlantean underwater’bleached’coral!, So I Guess thats why we are seeing panic now once “their” earlier globalist phases of “their” A’21 like ttip got stuck, now also “their” plandemix failed to pass smooth, so whats left next than ordo’ab’chao as attempt for reaching utopia!?, Hope I am wrong!, but how things are boiled towards certain geopolitical escalation by monstrous and meatgrinding means defacto we are pushed towards such scenario by euroatlantic determinists, tho it depends solely from us how we will respond to that blackmail!, whether leave to “them” to spin “their” skims or we will spin-off the same!?, possible if try to mobilize and debate 24/7 so would be deconstructed all “their” wrongness and like that exposing all “their” wrong ideals agendas and stamina!, altho per’se its just humanist idea fueled by “wrong” energy behind the scenes and once that energy is repelled then “their” will in the same gets loosen or even faints!, So Get Inchurched If Claim That You Are Truly Opposing “their” wrong n’w’o inertia!, Hm maybe the same looks to many just as kind of benign utopian projections that only belong in the realm of good’will’planing what per’se it should be that but knowing that in same time “their” power principle even now is chasing exceptionalism above all then how much more if “they” are enslaved as euroatlantic determinists by particular’dystopian’fears!?, surely “they” will lust to secure some kind of “own” imperialism except survival!, and I really dont want to exist in “their” projecting wrong futuristic transhumanistic variables [1][1] but hek the same were very real even earlier as technate will [1][1] or plain technocracy [1][1] but all of “them” as academy building firmly upon the earlier neopagan alchemic [1][1] or their complementary humanist darwinian fallacies [1]][1] - or resting nowadays upon the later deus’ex’machina hype [1][1] then what can go wrong once “they’ve” decided that the time has come for “their” utopia to see the day!?, what is enough cyborg threshold so we would say now we need to pushback!?, or when we need to step away, or now its the time to focus on Agrarianism … Dont Wait on humanistic neopagan futurists to share their wrong projections and equations as solution supposedly to poverty inequality or food security, simply “they” are after automation on all levels even when “their” spins&skims proved wrong!, simply “their” modeling and math are wrong and obsolete yet sadly sold and bought as ultimate!

In environmental futurism, extrapolation is usually a sinister rather than a benevolent force. After Limits to Growth, the 1972 report to the Club of Rome, many extrapolationists (usually on the political left) viewed the unchecked growth of population and the spread of industrialization as preludes to famine and ecological catastrophe. Fortunately, the report was wrong. Despite an expanding global population, food produc tion per capita has been increasing rather than dropping. Where hunger exists today, it is more likely to be caused by inequities of distribution than by shortfalls of production. Most demographers now predict that the world’s population will peak in the middle of this century, then decline. But the good news for humanity does not necessarily extend to many other creatures, environmental advocates reply. The world’s bounty has been paid for by dangerous levels of nitrogen in fertilizer, leading to perilous runoff into natural waters and a different food crisis: the impending collapse of many fisheries.
The principal battles being fought these days between compensationists and extrapolationists are about energy and, especially, climate change. Countering the positive extrapolationism of John von Neumann is the argument of some geologists, such as Princeton University’s Kenneth S. Deffeyes, that we have already reached a global peak of oil production. This analysis, first advanced by M. King Hubbert in 1974, may be wrong, but it’s consistent with recent production trends and with the doubts of some specialists that the proved reserves of the major oil companies are as big as advertised. Its defenders also note that, in 1956, Hubbert correctly predicted the 1970 peak of U.S. domestic petroleum production. Although many earth scientists are (negative) extrapolationists, most economists seem to have remained compensationists. Human ingenuity is “the ultimate resource,” argued the late Julian Simon in a book of the same title. Economists can point to improved exploration techniques, new ways to recover previously uneconomical reserves, and, above all, a range of other energy sources (coal, biomass, natural gas, safer nuclear plants, solar power, and so forth). In addition, there are moreenergy-efficient technologies, such as hybrid automobiles, that can be tapped if Hubbert was right. So the exponential development of technology will offset the gradual decline of petroleum production—if decline is indeed inevitable. Global warming is the great battleground between extrapolationism and compensationism. Whatever the role of human activity in increasing the concentration of greenhouse gases over the past two centuries, a significant increase in global temperatures appears inevitable in this century. At least until the 1980s, as the historian of science Spencer Weart observed in the journal Physics Today, climatologists doubted the very possibility of rapid change: “The experts held a traditional belief that the natural world is selfregulating: If anything started to perturb a grand planetary system like the atmosphere, natural forces would automatically compensate. Scientists came up with various plausible self-regulating mechanisms. . . . Stability was guaranteed, if not by Divine Providence, then by the suprahuman power of a benevolent ‘balance of nature.’ ” [1][1]

Now Just Imagine How All Their Neopagan Humanist Wrongness Now Is Boosted On Steroids with the lust for a.i. and quantum’trooper’computers that need to spew simulacrum specification for bloody’joy’division!, oh dont worry “their” medicine also now is boosted for chasing by a.i. pharmakia so just stand in the line for new “better” or “damn’better’versions” of medicare pathaces to Your problems as “their” chemical’balance’solutions!, hm maybe You will have the opportunity as consumer to play with own a.i. derived formulas of radiated gene therapies, You need just to be politely’conforming’broiler so would enter “their” euroatlantic’utopian’simulacrum of bilderborg’wef’matrix [1][1] with potential for universal’transnational’upgrade through unesco [1][1] Dont Worry Be Happy klaus&yuval been in time updated by herman&joseph probably mengele coz biden looks just like bid-bot-en tho in every bot can be inserted wrong tape So Be Wise Focus On Rewriting and Remastering of all sticked in or around him [1][1]

A key member of the early RAND staff was Herman Kahn, a man whose enormous intellect was nearly matched by his impressive physical proportions. Kahn stressed the need to bring together multiple disciplines to examine the future, a process he dubbed “interactive speculation.” In his work exploring the possibilities of the use of fusion-based superweapons such as the hydrogen bomb, famously summarized in his 1962 book On Thermonuclear War, Kahn developed and applied “scenarios”—plausible stories of the future designed to tease out the assumptions of military planners and confront them with the possible outcomes of their decisions. (Kahn is often said to have been one of the models for director Stanley Kubrick’s alarming Dr. Strangelove.) A new methodology was born, the first of many to emerge from RAND. In 1964, RAND researchers Theodore Gordon and Olaf Helmer introduced a second methodology, called the Delphi technique, with the publication of a study of the future based on the carefully assembled conclusions of more than 100 experts in areas such as space exploration, scientific breakthroughs, and weapons technology. RAND continued to shape futures research when key staff members, believing that their methods could be more broadly applied for the good of society as a whole, left to form other organizations—the Institute for the Future, in San Francisco; the Futures Group, in Connecticut; and Kahn’s own Hudson Institute, in the suburbs of New York City. These and other groups brought new techniques to bear on problems of increasing technological and managerial complexity. I n retrospect, we can see that there was a certain amount of arrogance and overselling of these approaches in the early days—as, for example, when a small group of RAND “whiz kids” migrated to Washington to work for Robert McNamara in the Department of Defense during the early 1960s. They wove together a number of systems-analysis and cost-benefit techniques to create the Pentagon’s short-lived planning-programming-budgeting system and gave us the Vietnam War’s obsession with “body counts.” The limitations of these quantitative methods became even more obvious when they were applied to messy social problems. [1][1]

Hm, having in mind that “they” are depending on such wrong’modeling and consequently wrong’solutions then I’ll not be surprised that as euroatlantic determinists are indeed acting from particular fears!, on which as response what is real possibility is that - coz “they” were afraid from new’glaciation that “they” introduced intentional global warming burst with the fracking ch4 method - so in fast pace would reach hysteria and as solution to impose the co2 hype, which as we know is ideal so states would be easily kept stagnant and like that more easily bought off eg. Africa, and hm this projection maybe wrong on first hand yet coz based on glaciation assumption in the teuton’julian’theory [2][2][2] then defacto sounds compelling as around those fears of “theirs” so as to it “their” more than stupid “atlantean’risk’management” - an problem solution projecting that still looks to the naive eye as something impossible to be rigged, but dont forget that “they” as long’neopagan’planners will do whatever are coerced by “their” evil’puppet’masters [2][2][2] usually the very same inertia for luciferian “apotheosis” [2][2][2] are You aware that “they” cant reject “their” puppeteers!?, how if as apostates will resist if dont fence with Grace, or live on by and for fraud!?, and as departed from The Truth many among “them” cant even recognize that are in error!, simply as elites just seek to survive the day while constantly tormented by “their” puppeteers!, and its not hard to be demystified how such summoning is possible i.e. those who are aware that the spiritual world is basis for this one but also that at stake is struggle for every Soul among the Angels simply those know that when as graceless and possessed by all lusts not just elites but whole societies can astray and fell in oblivion even in this life!, sodom&gomorrah fate is simple reminder that such vibe was as always present in this world, yet on mass scale that was somehow present eg. in ancient’roman’empire as last pagan stronghold - in which very same core later after millennia reemerged neopagan awakening in the renaissance - which as vibe reached completion (as european’neopagan’apostasy) in the enlightenment romanticism!, when looks like that by standardizing atheism through “the enlightened” anathemago indeed done “its” best to convince the naive masses that dont exist or that cant rig even regular’geopolitical’plots what about such utopian’global’agendas, fooled many on mass eyes’wide’shut about the global turmoils which now predominantly are seen like regular just’doing’business bickering or clash coz resources, and almost all forget that by “their” free will humanist’neopagan’deists as euroatlantic elites surely when making fornication with neopagan teachings are blaspheming against Our Almighty Lord by seeing “themselves” as earthly gods when actually like that are becoming earthly’evil’servants which succeed to stay in power by trickery first by acting christians while after the enlightenment era by indebting skims, altho even then didnt openly admitted that are neopagans but covertly claiming how “their” belief in some idols is the very same as belief in Christ what became case with freemasonry as “their” enlightenment era religion while day after in modern times not rarely publicly denounce Jesus Christ even avoiding to be mentioned any historical connection of Christianity to europeans [2][2][2] so defacto little bit coz illiteracy little coz indebting and bit more trendy alchemic or tarot or astrological hype since romanticism [2][2][2] thus even the european masses got carried in graceless submission to accept at least secularism and humanist’academic’exeptionalism!, what had have consequences like open path so “they” would project continual dreaming for “their” utopian’neoplatonic’society!, and even nowadays its hard for many to grasp how so such huge plot can be possible even less not to be exposed if exist!, yet “they” dont hide it altho its concealed by euphemisms and maybe one of the rare examples of honesty comes by pikes letters plus minus similar later public bursts for reaching “their” n’w’o ideal [2][2][2] I mean knowing what kind of deist’alchemic’elitist stamina “they” have it sounds more than probable that “they” were trying to rig skim for easy colonization of the earlier decolonized southern hemisphere!?, hm are “they” still choked by nihilism as pivot in “their” futurism hm think yes, why else by trickery would instigate covert transhumanist agenda with the m’rna jabs!?, yet for many even that is still conspy idea what about that club’of’rome projected coz malthusian needs an wrong green’revolution’agenda [3][3][3] on what bilderborgs forced manufactured real global warming (by fracking) ~ and all of that coz “their” stupid euroatlantic’elitist’fears due to wrong new’ice’age projections by “their” driven by money’lust’academia!, which projections even were real still as result its wrong by trickery some bunch of deist neopagans to peddle Christians to accept transhumanism or “their” worm eating solution!, - exactly everything that is forbidden in The Bible!, hm maybe like that “they” hope we will more quickly lose Grace and kneel with ease!?, how else to be explained such solution as ultimate if we know that with little agrarian knowhow there will be food for all, some will say nah the previous post suggestions for extra yield are not proven, on what I’ll say no “someone” dont have profit if You are free, it was same with the suppression of teslas’zero’energy’will that till now surely is reality yet kept in bunker coz its not effective for controlling masses till submission and servitude!, Anyway having these risks in mind (as “their” skims&spins so as “their” worm’can’survival) defacto its not left other room for preparedness but we all to focus on Agrarianism so we would thrive&survive as natural Mankind!, what is doable coz for granted “they” will not succeed in making from all cyborgs!, simply even now “they” have issue how to peddle all on submission for homo’silicone and/or homo’chimera acceptance (coz chasing “their” x-man hype as complementary attribute to “their” lust for n’w’o heaven’on’earth) what about if “their” system crumbles, the problem is what will happen if we dont get mobilized to respond with Agrarian cushioning, hm surely “they” count on that and preparing to share “their” humanitarian’worm’cans!?, maybe I am wrong but there is some logic that if we are not ready to accept “their” utopianism on front the same to be pushed on back door!?, wild guess would be that even by textile can be shared “their” jabs!, name it!?, hm, not sure how thin is the border between paranoia and real possibilities in hands of neopagan deists that already started to employ dirty means on “their” road till utopia (read “their” new’alantis’dystopia) and I find really useful as additional hook to “their” x-man lusts the next explanation of technocratic economic inertia making from us worms that should make the manure for “their” n’w’o!

I am throwing emphasis on these assertions first coz point to particular skim, then in context of continuity, and finally that is kind of wrong force behind all of “them” i.e. altho those (and similar elites of) actors were not joined in one and the same crew thus envisioning or repackaging same ordo’ab’chao idea (even all of them were freemasons still didnt belong on same lodge or had have same nihilist will) yet again the utopian neoplatonic ideal is the very same glue that is holding together all of “them” as euroatlantic neopagans (freemasons fascists - zionists marxists - atheists transhumanists etc. more or less similar complementary or upgrading ists)!, also logically if "they’ were sponsored for “their” political academic or cultural bursts by the bank’corp’elites then “those” are also aligned thus in question is the very same ultra’evil’energy that is holding “them” enslaved to follow without rest, actually if and when someone among “them” will try to escape that is almost impossible if dont turn to Orthodox Christianity in fullness tho first of all to realize that the Feat for standing up in Truth against the evil is Martyrs Feat for Redemption and Eternal Life through Christ … tho have in mind that not all people are fearless and adored with understanding that in this temporal life have chance for earning Eternal One even more that the merit for that per’se is Life in Christian Truth and Feat [1][1][1] what means Salvation rests as on Law so as on Love and the balance between (nor blind law nor blind love) is secure path ahead!, in same time be Fearless but also Merciful having understanding that the evil is cast out by Grace foremost!, so fence Yourself with Prayers and once certain that temptations are mounting high accept that everything is Our Almighty Lord Providence thus dont despair but focus we are not coz utopian comfort in this World but through Life in Feat to reach Salvation and sometimes its enough not to Judge so would not be Judged what is possible if You are certain that we are at war with evil powers&principalities that can hijack anyone so would throw as much Souls in oblivion by whatever means ways emergence eg. in context of this thread through economy resting on mammonism as debt greed and ultraliberal’centralized’banks what as dynamics is bleaching many to lose by selfishness otherwise secured Salvation eg. if by any chance someone is farmer instead office’r surely will have always surplus for sharing not just with his neighbors and relatives but strangers too, tho officers maybe dont have extra but sharing even as little they have can be soteriological feat yet living mids the concrete jungle as alienated coz disrupted traditionalism almost exponentially our compassion coz various circumstances is getting cold usually coz we need to service all the modern toys&joy that is draining every cent from our pockets aside that coz constant inflationary rollercoster even had have some savings the same for many are just forgotten buried asset that is touched only when investing in business or house So and if now is burden people to be help eachother then how much more mids economic depression!?, except if You move on country and have means how to survive as farmer!, tho one thing is will other knowledge and totally different thing experience, aside that You will need to join forces in co-op’s for easier share of the pains the gains and reserves …

Probably its wrong to generalize that all of “their” euroatlantic elitistwill is per’se evil, simply not all in the euroatlantic realm as elites are neopagan greedy or decadent, yet when expansionist geopolitics is pushed as defensive strategy then something stinks!, and its relevant question How why and through what we can assume that “their” utopia will end up in dystopia!? Hm, first of all when “they” project unilaterally particular future as imminent (what about when covertly are employing the same in form of great’reset mids supposedly democratic realm) coz that very same indicators till now it should be obvious to everyone (even the birds on the trees) that something very wrong is happening in the “lands of d free”, in my opinion alchemic neopagan wrongness that is upgrading on the ancient platonic sabean and akkadian system of pagan esotery which obviously sees perfection in darkness!, and what can be recognized by various scientific hype of “their” humanist academia, but also evident by the obsession with “their” trend for chasing order through “chaos theory” the infamous neopagan motto “ordo’ab’chao” which actually is alchemic recidive - altho even alchemists were preceded by scholasticists with “their” neoplatonism [2][2][2] eg. Thierry of Chartres "From the platonic ideas (ydeas) and from prime matter (ylen), the seeds infused into primitive chaos (primevo globo) engender the world (parturientia mundum semina), and little by little ordain it to
submit to the laws of measure, number, and weight (mensura, numero, pondere). " [2][2][2] where obviously the knowledge rests on the “dualistic” cosmogonic interpretations what by all means is wrong from Monotheist perspective!, and essentially all alchemists drawn “their” later theories on that dualistic basis [2][2][2] on which actually later emerged humanism through alchemic empiricism, and I’ll freely say eventually as seeded rooted and raised on wrong pagan and gnostic vibe simply its logical that humanists will reach to fascination with the chaos - with the darkness - with the dragons - with the evil (seen as creativity) - with the ultimately’wrong’pride of deists!, to which eg. chaos willingly or not as in case with every other of “their” doors’of’perception also to “it” too was given pedestal of mathematical exaltation mids all “their” wrong system of theories [3][3] hm and how this to be overlooked that “they” as ancestors of alchemists humanists deists and alike ists are consumed by that wrong’scientific’spirit and wrong’empirical’solutions which in context of finance some say werent applied [4] yet knowing that in economics the chaos theory got its place [5][5][5] then also its logical that some of “their” predictive programing also end up in central bank context [6] I can just assume (coz this topic is not some speciality of mine) that “their” chaotic dark obsession as naturalist humanism is not just some surficial rebellious avantgarde coincidence of modern western trend but indeed imbued alchemic vibe energy flow (as “their” virtue from vice) that when even dotted shallowly like this its obvious that as scientific exceptionalism is resting not just on wrong but also fake truth as basis for “their” utopia!, as JayD correctly points when someone through pride and with despise of Christianity is searching for truth it will rightfully get rewarded with deception [7] simply as causality chased from scientific sloth its logical that it will fireback with delusion!, yet many (especially broilered on “their” alma’matter’universities) are blinded whether by psyop trickery or bribe to accept that “their” scientificism is utmost exceptional correct and epitome of truth altho defacto only mirage of truth success and happiness!, lets be fair its not “their” fault that some vatican elites astrayed since late antiquity by embracing neoplatonism, what somehow is obvious even to catholics one by one trying to find excuse what was wheat what chaff in scholasticism as merger of Christian and natural theology [8](1h35m)[9] tho here I’ll need to chill coz not so insightfully around apologetics thus will just say again that that flirting of vatican universities with neoplatonism costed us all revival of paganism in form of alchemy and neopagan luciferianism in face of rosicrucian freemasonry and all its later new’age’denominations!, Hm are “their” modern econometrics and economists an kind of modern deist sect of “theirs”, some mammonistic banksters caste of utopian priests that currently are “the philosopher kings” waiting to pass the baton to the olympian x-man!, not that I have something against the trends that became norm from perspective of Free Will if and when such will be acepted by the masses but the problem arose when the same are imposed by the elites so “they” will sustain “their” elitism!, and maybe as modeling is not some crucial problem but how the same became cult of idolizing wrong predictive programing so would be found excuses for costly reforms or unnecesary steps eg. in geopolitics etc. etc. ilogical predispositions of wonnabe excellence in our modern societies!

Economic models are like maps. Maps provide us with an insight into
aspects of the truth, but they do not in themselves capture the whole
tnith. A map of London can tell us how to get from Heathrow to
Westminster. It cannot, however, encapsulate the whole reality of the
city such as the crowds, the smog and its inhabitants’ everyday joys
and disappointments. Economic models are similar. They do not attempt
to encapsulate a holistic vision of the world. But they can tell us with
a high degree of accuracy how to get from point A to point B if we
want to attain certain material objectives, even though they only equate
to an approximation of the reality that they depict. Christian thinkers
should therefore be careful before accusing economists of excessive
abstractness. (hahaha Dali comes to mind) Abstractness is often necessary if we are to reach any conclusions about how certain material and economic objectives might be attained. As Buchanan and Brennan point out, abstraction is a way
‘of allowing economists to impose intellectual order on the observed
chaos of human interaction, without excessive distracting detail in
dimensions of the analysis that are not centrally relevant’ (Buchanan
and Brennan 1987: 53-54).
By the same token, economists should acknowledge that economic
models are only useful for certain purposes and do not and cannot
embrace the whole of reality. A London street directory will not show
11s the distance between New York and London. Nor does it tell us that
we should travel from Heathrow to Westminster. It merely provides us
with some of the information that we may need ifwe choose to go
about attaining that goal. [11]

Anyway, by every economic logic we will need to grasp that the problem are not “their” theories nor “their” exceptionalism, “they” are as “they” are, but is our will to wait on “them” for solutions, what mids closed system like the current plutocratic of “theirs” it should clear that is norm after few centuries humanistic “scientific” establishment however neopaganly wrong it was fermenting!, simply we need to start pushing opening of the system so as Christians would start (ideally through eTOS environment) questioning “their” wrong exceptionalism what think will lead to deconstruction of all “their” wrongness and it will be easily seen what from “their” projections is acceptable and what not eg. little’ice’age can be issue but what if that issue is determined by wrong c14 methods!?, hm issue for questioning is not just climate but every science yet when any eventual alternative theory is suppressed then how to expect that we can reach anyhow stable future ahead from politics through economy till culture!?, how to expect masses to embrace “their” technocracy when from start the same as expert rule is not transparent and meritocratic process but per’se an rigged by humanist worthiness plutocratic deep’state’diligence!, and isnt as idea technocracy not seeded by wrong modeling of utopianism!?, hm just when I see its dualistic logo stamped in gray and red I am instantly repelled even to contemplate that as society ruled by experts will end up far from the neoplatonists dualist vibe!, yeah rulers and slaves for “them” as elitist fabian reinventing of socialism probably sounds normal end of the enlightenment progression!?

some less important tho useful technical clarification

… reminder follow the end links in the footnotes!, and dont mind my alopoetic juggling inbetween, its just kind of spacing among info points places planets or however You like to see it!, also dont search any numerological superstitious meaning in the numbering of the footnotes - altho indeed I have some past flashback for ridiculing through labeling six with sex like kind of reminder that everything pagan or neopagan is seen by “them” as ideal of lusts!, tho I am not using such label in some magic way on contrary aware about as ultra’wrong’mancy [12][12] yet again maybe wrong coz in some artistic way like this trying to mock “them” and “their” ideals along also all “their” wonnabe order resting on fallen joy - now waiting to be upgraded by even greater fakery of joy in form of most unnatural existence - and not just unnatural in context of tech&economy, but Mankind per’se tweaked as tech&economy coz some rush of “their” own fears&ideals i.e. while “they” are trying to reach “their” utopia are ready to sacrifice all of us even till fallout!, is it just so would find some peace of mind around “their” ice’age’phobia!?, or there is “something” more inbetween as hidden’fallen’agenda!?, I mean we have indeed problem with superstitiously’wrongly’tweaked humanist academia that had have feeding “their” heads visions and projections what will be and need to be done so “their” enlightened’alchemic’exceptionalism would survive and thrive for “their” eternity, and just like in wrong scenario from lovely fantasy ferrytail we are pushed in horror scifi serial!, the problem is that we are the celluloid for that shoot so unaware about that “they” fooled “themselves” that we are just some lines in “their” story where “they” are the storyteller, yet constantly having trouble to reach postproduction stage what about premiere of “their” utopia!, and while again and again pushing further with “their” exceptional selfdelusion of deist projection ~ surely we will be again and again reminded: Focus On Salvation coz You Are In This World With Purpose what would be Returning To Your Previous Position In Heaven with Chance Now To Reach Through The Sacrifice Of Our Almighty Lord Jesus Christ Redemption Worthy For Life In Eternal Bliss In The Heavenly Kingdom … thus You have also responsibility to remind neopagans especially “those” who want all of us to be thrown in apostasy and oblivion either Repent or will be Punished till noreturn even in this Life!, practically if hot nuclear ww3 happens it will be punishment from Above and not so neopagan ordo’ab’chao will altho “they” think its up to “them”, surely there are such monstrums among “them” that in “their” lost souls lust for oblivion as ultimate achievement or purpose in “their” life, but defacto not all in “their” neopagan cauldron have such mindset but just longing for some unreachable earthly heaven’on’earth!, and those need to wake up and Repent before “their” war-dogs dont provoke Our Almighty Lord Wrath to fell on all of us coz “their” wrong humanist neopagan deist phantasmagorias now rushing to be upgraded on level of ultrawide molesting by nanobots and emf frying!, practically I can witness that like that “they” are indeed summoning demons-anathema-to-them!, and what do You think how that will end up causally or where You should stand as individually so as collectively when its obvious “they” as euroatlantic determinists simply are blinded to follow till noreturn an wrong geopolitical doctrines which actually are blindly ecured by the wrong utopian neopagan academic selfprograming through the past few centuries!, so potentially this kind of mirroring of “their” true stamina can wake up and move on pushback “their” lower echelons that are not so eager to end up in instant oblivion coz “their” wrong’systemic’programing of Wrong’Euro’Atlantis exceptionalism&utopianism!, as could be seen from the quotes in the past post its obvious in various periods “they” were establishing or removing different patterns for “survival” So probably now came the time to be requestioned also “their” humanistic’alchemic’exceptionalism of humanism and like that calmed down the wrong’neopagan’utopianism which as neoplatonic and deistic defacto it will end up just in the abyss of torment till Final Judgement …

Having some problems with Estulin’s interview with Helga Zepp-LaRouch. Don’t really agree with her. Sounds like repackaged OWO propaganda…

Old World Order, hm in same time she says “there will be new world order” [1] also “we must act as whole” “either we will act as one humanity or we will destroy each other” “national interests are legitimate but it needs to be in cohesion with one humanity” [1] in a way think she is pointing that we need to reinvent the old world order, what in respect of economic policies would be balance between capitalism and socialism, the problem is whether the current democratic meritocracy will be substituted by elitist technocracy, and above all whether “secular” humanists will grasp that Christianity cant be treated like museum relic!, if this is not achieved as balance then euroatlantic determinists will provoke escalation till global hot ww3!, practically she is trying to point that kind of joint multipolar world should be common aim [1] if we want to keep the Peace, but is this possible with the euroatlantic determinists on the stage!?, how to expect any agreement when since the fall of the iron curtain everything “they’ve” oblige promise or sign was broken!, and probably thats why we need eTOS momentum on west till ea-determinists didnt rolled out technocracy as “scientific dictatorship” so we as freethinking independent nonutopianists will be pushed out from the scene!

Seen historically west was acting democracy so would bring new order of reshaped bankcorp feudalism earlier, but now need to suspend democracy so would become western empire or even better reach till new’world’order of “own” utopian neopagan humanist phantasmagoria!, and speaking from eschatological perspective yes we can reach balance on this World - but to expect all to get molded in one globalist transnational trancultural tranfuturist stew sincerly think that such fantasy is really wrong in this World, simply in dimension where we are in middle between the Heights and the abysses defacto cant be reached ultimate absolute eternal perfection!, not that we cant and/or dont need to strive for ideals, but to expect that till those can be reached by trickery or force its really wrong exceptional path to oblivion!, coz defacto it cant be reached mix between sheeps and goats!, yet altho we are warned about this still “someone” is trying to convince us that that is doable, hm as is doable to cohabitate with nephilims too, so either “they” will calm down or it will be as it will be and Glory To Our Almighty Lord For Everything simply coz we’ve earned all rightfully how stubbornly dont want to repent from our evil ways as civilization choked by decadence mammonism and exceptionalism, practically once Christianity was push off by secularism we traced path to certain by causality need for rebalancing so this World will serve its soterioilogical purpose after our banishment from Higher Realm, hm and knowing this probably “they” will do “their” best to push for final trickery by nanobots xenobots or whatever tech so would lobotomize all after “their” ww3 debacle, but whoever emerged as victorious “they” will surely reattempt comeback simply for a long time were infiltrating on various sides thus will not give up even fell, altho it will how now are eager to push “their” cyborg’great’reset by all means, and in context of victory it will be given the eastern empires coz the western as neopagan defacto became graceless!, yet even then there will be attempt by ea-determinists to reemerge i.e. even as fallen to hijack Christianity and fool Christians to embrace the fallen’prophet as mesiah altho antichrist, what points that now we are on the edge of noreturn how people are not interested in debating realistically but cheering polarized, what will have own consequences by itself!, somehow nowadays balancing became acrobatic feat, yet still doable, the question is till when!?

I was really avoiding reading DavidI earlier (altho had have listened for some videos in the past) simply he is newager and foremost coz from Christian perspective its far from appealing to me his understanding for lizard people which as newage reasoning (unlike mine as Orthodox Christian [1][1][1]) is relativizing the Salvation and further throwing people in indifference altho I cant say that he is wrong in his ea-determinists anamnesis coz not certain is it word for controlled opposition or true resistance ~ simply havent paid attention far than the meme The Lion Sleeps Nomore that surely unconsciously reawaken marleys resistance vibe in many hearts if not else, yet once You’ll here him that sticks as awaken to the speed’of’light then its becoming obvious he hasnt awaken too I’ll suggest him try Orthodox Christian Life in Feat so would grasp easily what time it is and where You are at, tho he has right for the fact that as World this one is indeed arrangement But With Purpose where we are coz Salvation as Reward if endure while living in Truth!, otherwise You are ending up in fear and disbelief trying to brake free through panicking than with calm heart (drowning or live’sand comes to mind) simply it is given to us Salvation through Christ but if You are trying to employ it by error there is no certain escape!, as he is trying!, and even You are on the correct path through Orthodox Christianity if dont lower Yourself and understand that You are ashes&dust then You’ll have difficulty to awake what about get Saved above all we are not alone in this World so those who will rush to Help others will earn Salvation thus dont be afraid from “them” but do try to give a hand by Prayers instead hate by cursing, simply its simulation based on causality which causality can be broken only from Above through Jesus Christ!, but not through the demons-anathema-to-them that rule in the astral realm in the lucid dreams or through the psyhics spiritists shabans sorcerers!, to be even more fact we are all at attack in till some level possessed having individually one Guardian Angel and one tempting angel, and as higher we are rising on the ladder of this world like authorities so as we have greater responsibility and if by any chance we get corrupted then we are falling and being overpowered what surely brings misery as effect once as fallen trying to pull others in fall!, yet trying to level all religions like DavidI like evil plot is per’se wrong and it could be said he is at best halfliterate!, altho correct when saying that there is virus in our World altho I’ll say with purpose so we would recognize the need for Salvation otherwise we would had have chasing heaven’on’earth [2][2][2]-[2][2] (hm how are disappearing footnotes a!, the 9th in the last 2nd) yet must say more and more starting to see similar observations to my purely logical from perspective of accidental wandering antineopagan antiglobalist eg. that euroatlantic determinists prefer to act and gain position by subversion fear intimidation chaos etc. alike what think is correct logic of his too!, yet if we see more closely how he is attacking even Orthodox Christianity but also embracing archons theory that is theosophical story [3][3] then defacto he is kind of british rosicrucian alike RudolfS [4] not sure just how refurbished is his “esotery” maybe just dualist new’age’vibe coz seeing the evil like equal to Lord and isnt that the very same gnostic platonic neoplatonic neopagan spin yet in his case peddled in form of spiritual anarchism coz mirroring the gnostic archons or buddhist devas [5] or as many new’agers is freelance rebel that serves good as attempt for conditioning of the masses to keep away from Orthodox Christianity, I mean cant claim he is someones invention or infiltration (if so its logical an tavistock pawn coz directly or indirectly the new’age’hype and the hippie counterculture were “their” behaviorist skim so would be leveled Christian Tradition to dust) eventually how was already shaped by antichristian freemasonic flow the british intellectual elites subcultures and neopagans it could be as well case stirred by “selfdelusion” antielitist guru that was accidentally promoted on bbc prime time and maybe left so would serve the purpose for fooling Christians how ultradeism hit him in the forehead [6] yet how is promoting kind of kali’yuga’shift defacto looks like refurbished mi5 spin as once were beatles with their hinduism hype [7][7][7][7][7][7][7] something that as counterculture was real agenda [8][8] that actually didnt rest as potential if not else as induction for promiscuity and through it by abortionism population control [9][9][9][9] yet I am not familiar with his works some say he was ironing tavistokeans too [10] so as genuine neopagan gnostic or agnostic he became good ace to be played as by the zionists so as by the freemasons as kind of controlled opposition altho how was bashing “them” with “their” paedorama probably became uncontrolled problem if not else for the “black nobility”!, hm coz anglicanism many would astray to gnosticism surely (even earlier was infested by freemasonry [11][11][11] what maybe till now wasnt exploited extra but how now culminated with “wokism” surely will [11]) anyway everything points that on eschatological level DavidI as potential antivirus got bugged while awakening lets say towards spiritual anarchism what eventually can bring only strive towards another kind of utopian chase but surely not Path towards Salvation so his will to me at best looks like tanking revolution fuel that in vendeta case need to flame up the masses so would bring what!?, maybe gaia paganism!?, hm magna’matter pacha’mama cybelle isis whats difference!?, if he goes on that line then he is again just another rosicrucian repackaging that unlike theosophy or antroposophy should apeall more to the modern anarachist thought that is amorphously revolutionary ready to be carried by whatever consensus it will be reached by its band!?, and isnt that already seen, yet from aspect of antiglobalist libertarianism if someone wants to follow him its his Free Will you just need to be aware that gurus especially infogurus cant slay dragons on contrary while attacking “them” are becoming alike simply fenceless of Grace sooner or later anyone will got pulled when diving in “their” caves mud and essence!, thats why I am not rarely suggesting be cautious when You are interesting for “their” wrong knowhow even when You are doing that informatively!, be aware sometimes its enough to start from fun to share demystifying spears and like that to provoke on Yourself attack what about if get focused and start not just hitting the “dragons” between “their” horns but slaying “them” on the go when You will need definitely to stand in Truth as Orthodox Christian so would be effective even like this without any special effort investigation or demystification!, hm I’ll say to him ask Yourself how were possible miracles like fall of napoleonic of lenins of hitlers of neocons rush against Russia and everytime to withstand if Orthodox Christianity was mere illusion!?, yes if and when its leaders astray punishment will follow by default but never fell apart as many times did the western empires!, still I’ll understand his disappointment either from westminster either from vatican but to say that Christian Theology is fake hm indeed You are blinded Man!, its like saying this World was circumstantial emergence but it will take more than Orthodox Christian Theology so would grasp this i.e. need also Orthodox Christian Praxis simply You will never reach Metanoia just by brain but need to plug Your Hearth too, and when Your Noetic Eye is secured by Grace then You will see The Truth when You will see that without Christ we are doomed while with Him Saved …

Obviously Icke has no problem plagiarising Schumpeter’s concept of “creative destruction” and then misrepresenting it. Creative Destruction describes the change in markets brought about by new technologies as old businesses that are unable to adapt go out of business and as whole market sectors become redundant as innovations appear. To use the great Milton Friedman’s example, the mass producer of buggy whips is probably not going to survive the transport revolution brought about by the internal combustion engine. Those factors of production will be better used elsewhere than in the continued production of buggy whips, and the market price of buggy whips and the market price of shares in the business are the means by which this information is communicated.
He does the same thing with scientific terms of course, using them in order to obtain some unearned credibility and then using them in some gobbledygook word-salad to entrance the fools who hang on his every word. [12]