A Hell Called Paul: The Hijacker of Christianity

I think that I very well addressed what he changed. If you want quotes, they are in the original poster’s posts

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I’m not questioning the original poster, as I know where he stands. YOU are the one asking me questions, you provide the quotes to be addressed. Your answer tells me you don’t really know anything, have done no study, so, you default to antimason and can’t produce the basis for your questions, or, maybe you just don’t want to do it, which is fine. I’m not wasting my time with you. I gave an opinion and I stand by it.


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Paul got bitten by a poisonous snake and lived!

Wow, things got lively after I bowed out. I’m still reeling from the antimason thing. I didn’t realize at the time we were being set up for an agenda. Thanks, Doc.

I suggested earlier that we are led by necessity to deal with the imperfections of origins and interpretations. Let me add this:

Christianity, while being mercilessly hunted down in the 20th and 21st centuries, and corrupted at every turn, is still its own worst enemy. As long as Jesus’ teachings are treated as some updated version of Pharaseeic legalism, the poisoning will continue. And will, unfortunately, repel a large segment of the population. Just as it did me for many years.

There is no absolute answer for any of us in the interpretations. That’s knowledge, a peace, that arrives through a different window.


At first I thought you were yourself the anti-mason, Celestial Passenger, but you are not?

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Congratulations for your insight. Yes, I was writing posts in this topic under antimason account, until dr. Farrell banned me. I haven’t present myself as a former member, because I didn’t want to get banned again. Mainly I came back, because I saw that some people are interested in the topic.

I hope I don’t get banned again for having different stance than the administrators and moderators of this site, I think we all can discuss as adults, can’t we?


More or less, all people stand for something or are trying to figure different things out. I’m not forcing my beliefs on anyone. You are free to believe what you want.

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Freedom of speech seems to be respected here, but not nefarious intent.

I assure everyone here that I had no such intentions, neither did I want to make dr. Farrell think that I want to defame him. We have different views and I respect his opinion, but I don’t agree with him, aswell as he doesn’t agree with me. There’s no need to cause drama about it.

Haven’t read through everything here, but looked like JPF did ask you politely to leave. However you have apparently refused to do that, which does seem dramatic.

To continue talk it might be better to go to a different domain/site, unless JPF and the site admin fellow decide it is ok for you to stay. Otherwise you may be considered to be an unlawful trespasser at their domain.

According to what law?

Great question, well technically there doesn’t need to be an actual law being broken for someone to be “considered” a trespasser. They are U.S. based, but I believe you are in Slovenia?

That is strong word.Too strong.For you…@Bahri unless…well…

There are the terms of service here that state:

“You may no longer use the forum if the company contacts you directly to say that you may not.”


However it is true a legal term isn’t the same thing as a law. Anyway I cannot speak for their policies, if they see you have created a new duplicate account they might delete or suspend that.

We could go back to talking about Paul instead.

That’s right. You’re not here to judge? Aren’t you, @Bahri?

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I am free to judge anyone, however am not a judge and cannot issue a judgement.

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Really? But this only applies to the Law of the land, not the Laws of others realities right @Bahri?

Well no, I can consider all Europeans in America to be trespassers because they did not ask permission from anyone before landing their ships and making a claim of this territory being their god-given property.

However most people would think that is nonsense, if they pay rent or a mortgage to the bank, then this land is their land, given by God and Paul the Apostle!

Maybe they didn’t ask that in that manner in those time. Although I don’t believe it was exactly like that. In other words, there are other ways of asking, with shiny things, like mirrors, white sheets, and other shiny precious things that sweep clean the human mind.Like and such as bribery for example?

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When you are bribed, then in fact you are also bought. Then you become someone’s property. Regardless of who is the intermediary or the direct buyer. Being bribed and bought are one and the same.