- “Death to the slave master.”
- “Free the slaves.”
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Inspired by John Brown and Charles Adams (In The Course of Human Events)
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Inspired by John Brown and Charles Adams (In The Course of Human Events)
… a third choice possibly … to “Free the Slave Master.”
see Simone Weil’s (Weil pronounced “Vay”) “The Iliad or the Poem of Force”
Yes, it does seem that the “master’s” are the most manipulated, and are in the truest sense of the term, slave. Unfortunatetly, they are paid well and we are not. This dynamic seems to be as old as time, hard to recognize though, that the most manipulated among us are the “elites”. A prestige, a title, a hidden history (false though it may be, check Herr Schwab for example) and people’s ego’s blossom to become the demons they are, weak, yet dangerous. These things have always been known, and you would think in this age of “information” we could figure this out. You know, “street smarts”. Laugh the day long, always prepared to check these forces wherever found. Anybody asking for your submission, through force or flattery, should be dealt a firm backhand, verbally or otherwise. Yes this is an esoteric knowing, and does not practically answer how this situation can be dealt with. As suck as it may be, it takes time to get everyone on the same page. Take the poison or die homeless on the street, with your family, or alone. We have been taught to be sociopathic, and are suffering the consequences of it. “It’s not my problem”, until it is. Dealing with that sucks, but thinking in a binary way of “kill”, only brings death and more ignorance. We are in survival mode at this point and have been all our lives, just not recognized. Can you stand as one, alone without your neighbor? Never…