And of course…Flouride in the Toothpaste and the Mouthwash as well…
from Taboo Truth!
Just yesterday The Defender, the journal of Children’s Health Defense, presented its article “Report Linking Fluoride to Lower IQ in Children Made Public After CDC, HHS Tried to Block It.” The comprehensive meta-analysis report by the National Toxicology Program, “an interagency program run by HHS that researches and reports on environmental toxins, conducted a six-year systematic review to assess scientific studies on fluoride exposure and potential neurodevelopmental and cognitive health effects in humans.” Note that the NTP is a sub-agency within Health and Human Services, as is CDC and NIH.
This report was ordered by the court considering the legal case of Food and Water Watch vs. EPA over human and particularly childhood exposure to toxic fluoride, not just in drinking water but other sources as well. Now, 6 years later, the results of the study are presented.
The impact of fluoride evidently isn’t too severe, these folks were smart enough to carry on the lawsuit and research question and answer for over six years.
Allegedly, when Fluoride was used in both Russian and German prison camps, they found that they could halve the guard…It didn’t prevent cognition, but apparently it stopped inmates from being able to resolve or properly plan anything- including escaping…
Oh so that’s why the “investigation” took so long? I’m sure there was fluoride in THEIR water while growing up.
Perhaps fluoride has lowered people’s intuition and IQ in a gradual fashion -so as to allow for the “Covid Scamdemic” and other subsequent Ops to be so readily accepted… I’m not much of a believer in the “IQ” as a quotient of Intelligence, but in regards to other perhaps higher functions, there’s something to be said for the possible affects of fluoride on the pineal gland… Maybe that’s why we all end up corralled in Forums while nefarious octogenarian villains persist with their blofeld-esque plans… But Heck, Whatyagonnado!!
They didn’t start putting it in the water in the UK until 1964… It was 1945 in the States, and currently 74% of the US population’s water is fluoridated …
My kitchen sink has had a filter system for drinking and cooking water for the last 12 years. Prior to that I’m sure I was exposed but never drank very much water from a tap.
My iq is over a hundred so I’m good.
Resolve and planning ability aren’t linked to IQ as directly as to motive impetus, I’d wager. Could be fluoride affects other things rather than cognitive capacity, as @Bill10558 seems to be hinting.
Yeah, that’s what I was thinking in terms of the Pineal gland…Instinct, Intuition,- a sixth sense if you will…
Even with intuition, though - you need the ‘oomph’ to follow through. Like, a eunuch can have a sex drive, but can’t do anything with it. Bright zombies are no threat to the NWO. I think it’s the executive function that’s affected. [Just my 2 cents].
It makes sense…A “Disconnect”, and added to that- Bad food, Bad medicine, Misery & Boredom…and you’ve got a rolling lobotomy… Happy Days!!
Lobotomy about sums it up. Grim as anything!
@David8pies - to come back to this, have you seen anything re. effective ways of removing fluoride from water?
I don’t know any more than the average Joe… Fluoride Action Network | Top 10 Ways to Reduce Fluoride Exposure
I actually had to argue with my dental hygienist on the last visit as she was sure I couldn’t be right about the toxic nature of fluoride. At least she is open to listening- the dentist knows everything.
None more brainwashed than those whose livelihoods depend on ignorance… Mind you, it doesn’t get more poisonous than amalgam fillings…they’ve been proven to continuously “Vent” for 20 odd years or more…
I am over 70. When I was living in Florida, I worked in a health food store and someone explained the fillings. First paycheck I had to cover it? DONE. I left in 1981…
Let us NOT start in Dentistry. I explained I came from two physicians (med school 1936) and dated a guy in college who planned to put his hands in people’s mouths. Goodness. My dad said he had a professor who said the understanding of the importance of teeth in relationship to the innervation of the entire body makes you want to pull them all and stop all the ‘shorts’ (we are electrical, after all). I had a session with a clinic run by Dr. Tennant and they could tell me by testing the toxins and muscular responses to the exact location of implants. Pretty eye opening.
Your teeth are like the fuse boxes in your body.
Yes, I’ve read they are akin to piezoelectric nodes in one’s noggin…