Fluoridegate 2013 (Full Film / Documentary)


Did you watch it brother?
Is it worth?

Yes, It is very good. These pre-corona plandemic gems fly under the radar since there are many pressing matters to learn about in today’s rapidly changing paradigm. I just stumbled upon it and since there are links to works such as JPF’s “Rotten to the Common Core,” I thought it would be fitting for everybody to see.

Take-aways from the documentary off the top of my head include the bombshell that fluoride levels that cause over “fluoridization” in young people are different for different races so that hispanics and especially black children are at a much greater risk of fluoride poisoning which causes cancer, lowers the IQ, and is very hard to get rid of so that it stays with a person throughout their adult life. This is compounded by fluoride in the toothpaste that kids swallow, dental teeth “cleaning,” etc., in addition to that put in the tap water. Also there is a synergistic effect with both mercury from dental fillings and flu “vaccinations,” as well as with the lead in some people’s water supply due to plumbing fixtures, that makes the combination much more debilitating. Legal aspects are discussed as well as grass roots movements, with top respected scientists substantiating the these very troubling claims, all with the empathy one would reserve for victims of a malfeasance born out of the fascist union of industry and state conspiring to dumb down the population as if they were slaves or in a giant internment (concentration) camp. Important studies are bought by these criminal industrialists and buried so that the public is unaware. Top scientist whistle blowers are almost always either ostracized, threatened, ridiculed, etc. in these types of pushback against the tyrannical methods of “soft kill” protected by corrupted governments with their insane puppets of hidden powers holding the keys to undoing all this evil.

This attack on our children is unforgivable and those involved in the hiding of this conspiracy such as Rachael Levine must be punished severely, but you see them always get away with it which empowers them. We need more people like RFK, Jr. who actually cares about this country and is willing to stand up against this international menace of industrialists, banksters, organized crime, and false religion that are trying to create this one world government of full “spectrum dominance.” In France, they have labels on bottled water with fluoride content, but in the entirely subverted USA, the labels list things like fat and calories!

There are no studies showing a link between the fluouridization of water supplies and the health of children’s teeth in any country, which is the lie they deceive us with to justify their argument for it. Who is controlling the water supply? Who is buying up all the drinking water around the world like Nestle? When you trace these tentacles back to the law firms and banks of wall street, you don’t have to go much further to see the head of the octopus, but this is implied and never answered in these kinds of docs.


That was the single best synopsis that i have ever read in my life brother, you have a true talent for synthesis.

I will watch this true jewel, because, i´m aware of fluoride poisoning since 2006, when i started searching for the true history of the world, and learned that the Bolsheviks used it in their concentration campos, and that the National Socilists learned with them, and applied it in the Jews.

This is a crime so huge that i can´t even fathom the scale of suffering that it has caused to innocent children, their potential and future destroyed by those chemicals.

Here in brazil, there is a University, UNICAMP, that made a study of 10 years in children, to see what the fluoridization of water did, and it showed that the kids who had grow ingesting fluoridated water had much more dental diseases, and other health problems, than those that didn´t.

I can´t find it right now, but if i find it, i will share with you.

Thank you for the great answer!

I hadn’t seen this post earlier, but it’s very important. There is so much deception and many false claims about “benefits” of fluoride. Here is a good resource site. I’ve seen a couple of their live presentations and have no doubt about the false claims and dangers of the procedure. Fluoride Action Network

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