Is China is beta testing the coming [WEF] engineered food crisis?
I think where depopulation is concerned, it surely might be. It might vary from place to place, but food deprivation is definitely a major tool.
I recently saw this video & this guy points out something interesting from WEF. Minute 4:00 is where it gets interesting.
373M under lockdown & what’s with the brain aneurysm rumor?
Putin has cancer & now Xi with this stuff? Hmm
Just happens to be the 2 leaders who won’t submit to NWO?
[above video]
Are they talking about China, or about the global leadership/
Whenever you hear the world China; substitute global leaders.
That this is what the WEF meant; you will own nothing[everything’s rented/leased?]
Those who cannot pay their debt? Won’t pay it. It’s that simple.
So the global escaping “debt” narrative; is what it has always been: WAR.
In this country just look at what Lincoln, Wilson, and the Deep State did[JFK, Ruby Ridge, Oklahoma bombing, First World trade Center, 9/11, Covid1984, and FASB56, to name a few].
Yes, I was thinking along the same lines[in regards to 2 leaders thread]:
Shade of Hugo Chavez’s cancer?
Computer generated voice?
Much cheaper.
Less human traffic = less money = more control.
God forbid, a human narrator emphasizing certain words;
can change the meaning of the sentence, sometimes quite significantly.
The computer’s inhuman voice takes that corruption[free will] out of the equation
This is why I’m against the machine. It is programmed to obey w/o thought.
[China snowfall, is an example of many]
At least here they don’t cut the passports on sight.
But, I’m thinking; these so-called governments, are targeting citizens w/free movement - as policy.
Then, its simply a matter of degree.
If true, the above video of China; looks like a 3rd degree movement burn.
Money tracking is also becoming universal, and as a political tool.
Remember the FED wanting to track withdrawals over $600.00, of already inflated money?
[inflated by the FED/insult to injury]
The covid1984 op is being applied wherever the technocrats want:
travel, money, work, play, home, education… virtually; full spectrum dominance,
under medical cover/guise.
I can’t help but think, China[in above video] - might be many countries future[by design].
Remember many of these “Red” algorithms are being exported and tailored to different societies.
When I hear “CCP”, I have to wonder;
did he mean CDC, or the WHO, or the U.N. - or, does that come months later in the script?
There is the question of systems invisible borg-like presence;
can humans escape this “borg” emergence, inherent w/in extremely large social systems?
[Think ants, termites, bees, and other large socially extremely large organized systems.]
The video ends w/the authorities telling a non-compliant family that they will be punished for 3 generations. The family replies; We are the last generation, thank-you.
[above from China Is Closing video]