Angelic Invaslion Ufology - Pierre Sabak

Pierre Sabak returns to The Cosmic Switchboard Show to discuss his latest book “Angelic Invasion.” Pierre goes over some of the terms and concepts behind his book. This is an extremely timely interview given all that is happening in UFOLOGY at the present time. The discussion also covers the nature of extraterrestrial entities, their communication methods, and the significance of plasma in these interactions. In Part 2 Pierre discusses Reincarnation, the Plasma Electric Nature of the Universe and much more.


Hi Neru ;)! I plan to order the book. Glad to see someone else is interested too. Listened to the interview. Do you know something about James Bartley’s work or only searched for Pierre Sabak?

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Hi ritabni, have the book “Angelic Invasion” and my only interest was Pierre Sabak.

I have read the book and it is quite the ride. I wonder if people would delve more deeply into the subject would they still be so keen on “disclosure” and contact? I seriously doubt it.

If you get the heebie-jeebies from, oh lets say a movie like nosferatu, I would lieve the book closed.


Hi Neru,
I have read the two previous books by Pierre three times but still needs to be revisited.

Tbh I am not a big fan of the disclosure crowd as it seems highjacked too just as the mufon and alt-mainstream-right.

Most probably the highest alphabet soup agent per m2 is the highest in these places. Also when I look at Mr. Greer I can picture a lizardman easily haha.

I have to watch the video you have sent.


Yes, so did I and worth reading. Got too many books in backlog already. Wish sometimes I could speedread!

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You mean like Catherine (AF) who can pretty much read a book a day. I have talked to her about it and she simply has spent years perfecting the ability. (sigh)

I was faster when I was younger and didn’t have 20 other things swirling in my head as I try to read…


Yep, wish I could read a book a day!

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Yes, me too, I wish I could do that too. What would you day cativated you the most in the new book of Pierre? What would you say is worth mentioning in terms of info? Why was it ‘ride’?

Pierre translates his build up theory into hypothetical working practise in this book. In his mind our history is rife with stange “contacts” with electrical field changes which are used to influence brainwave activity. In his theory those beings are masters in using it and he uses a abduction case to underpin his speculations. Like Dr. Farrell states, humanity is at the beginning stages of hyperdimensional science.

I could never find Jaques Vallée’s book Passport to Magonia in book form because I think he covers the same subject leading to a similar conclusion. I like Pierre because he comes at it from a luinguistic perspective that is more rarely done. Also, when it comes to integrity, I believe Mr. Vallée has more agenda’s to adhere too and total honesty and openess isn’t one of them!

Vallée’s book in audio;

Jacques Vallee: UFOs - Messengers of Deception?

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Thank you for summerizing it, I enjoyed reading it!

Maybe that will be interesting to watch about Nosferatu:

I know the Esoterica channel although admittedly a newbie there. I am trying to finish the Yahweh series because I compare the info to Dr. Pharell’s hypothesis.

Yes, Valle had it’s agenda, although I did not want to slap anything on him, what would you say what agendas he’d adhere to?


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PS: I listen to James Bartley for 10+years. He is a military historian and his hypothesis is very much like Pierre’s I belive, he names it reptilian/alien invasion rather.

Re Roswell and aliens they have conflicting ideas with Dr. Farrell.

Per his own words Jaques Valée has Bachelors Degree in mathematics from the Sorbonne, a Masters Degree in astrophysics from Lille University and a PhD in Computer Science /AI from Northwestern University. All things the upper crust need to govern the world as they deem fit. With those credentials it is hard not to get snatched up by the upper crust from down below, willingly and or unwillingly.

By the way it is Joseph P. Farrell, not Pharell.

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Are there any other points you would mention not just his education. If I would present it to someone, most probably would ask for more just as I do.

I am interested bc he was discussed by rather ufo+co related researchers and podcast host and here the community seems to be more skeptical as I could see. Btw thank you for pointing out my typo.

The classical ufo+co are not centered around “contact” besides the Mr. Greer and ilk ladidah’s flowers, bees & gini kind off contact. From a Christian perspective Fr. Ripperger puts it in a more grim perspective and in essence that is what it is all about; contact between these groups and what basically Pierre Sabak’s books are about. Jaques Valée is grounded and more a modern John Dee character interested in deep science thus magic!

Thank you, I’ll check it out!

So do I understand correctly the ‘con’ re Valee, is his educational background only?

Apologies I was not specific enough, I should have been…, did not mean the ‘love and light community’ also not the ‘new mainstream alt-right’ or the super soldier disclosure movement…

There are more critical voices out there although few as I could see, but they still believe/maintain Roswell was a ufo crash.

Try Joseph little booklet “Roswell and the Reich”.

Brilliance gets snatch up and put to use willingly or unwillingly. I don’t think Jaques Valée is a con, more walking a tightrope.

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Thankfully I have already read the book.

I meant pro and con so the arguments stop by mentioning his educational background as grounds that he has an agenda or agenda’s to adhere to?

Please describe if you have time why he is walking on a narrow edge, I am interested in your own take/opinion.

This interview with James Bartley goes into a deep dive into the ‘rabbit hole’ and examines the wider implications of alien interaction. Addressing difficult topics, this discussion looks at ideas concerning the possibility that the human species and its populations could be ‘managed’ through the infection of disease, a process which historically is aligned to the spread of plagues equated with vampiric entities. Radical, the idea that non-human beings may exploit ‘Emergent Properties’ to control evolutionary cycles, is a concept that is mirrored in the religious tradition with deities and angelic beings taking human life. In addition, we look at the possibility of Non-Temporal AI and thier ‘infection’ within the environment, a concept that closely parallels an Extraterrestrial Intelligence. The evidence although incomplete suggests that Holographic Cultures are able to control time and space. The deconstruction of Quantum Theory relative to the question of alien intelligence has wider implications for Simulation Theory as well as the latest computer models into AI research that is fractal based. Lastly we explore complex ideas, such as Residual Telepathy, Psychic Mirroring and Telepathological Illnesses associated with the induction of telepathic states. This is a highly informative and up to date appraisal of the UFO question that attempts to reveal deep apsects of the alien phenomenon and their intentions for humanity (negative or otherwise), in this explosive episode - ALIENS EXPOSED!!!

I am simply speculating, but isn’t the whole of humanity battling an off-planet intrusion at a very personal level? Some of us know, others suspect and others don’t know what you are talking about. In order to answer you question in specifics I have to read Jacques Valée’s work in depth, which I haven’t.

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