I try not to think like that but its hard. I wonder if I’ll see my daughter again, then I rebuke negative thoughts, say a prayer and carry on. Its all we can do.
There are good ideas about the food we eat like Keto and reducing or ridding the body of oxyilates. I have had a lot of serious health issues and I do believe that intermittent fasting, Keto and reducing oxiylates helps. I have sciatica and what I eat helps reduce the inflammation. By freeing up the body from toxins which get trapped in the joints should help to improve blood supply I do believe that we are kept ignorant about keeping truly healthy. We are pushed into the an anapatheic health system as opposed to homeopathic and it is too our detriment as we are now seeing. Faith in God is no doubt one of the best remedies .I have spoken with my therapist and we agree that the body holds onto pain and psychology plays a part. Hope this helps
Very wise advice, I agree with all you say. I also detox wit various clays and Diatomaceous Earth (food grade) - all helps.
Everything is upside down now, the more knowledge and understanding the more difficult life becomes. I look at those who are ignorant or deluded as fortunate and protected in their ambivalence. Seeing the insane amount of evil, greed, gluttony, perversity and cruelty takes its toll.
I had a huge blood haemorrhage and my blood pressure dropped so low I was rushed to emergency. From the vax, and yes work and social pressure. But still, I didn’t believe they would truly harm us, would they be that evil?? Now I know different, yes from the hard way but at least I now know what we are up against. I wouldn’t go back to being asleep. Now I care more about my health than ever without the evil Globalist NHS.
A million stories like that I guess.
The thing that hit me is the people who try to get something from doctors, drugs, disability claims etc, I was in that group but I was trying to get them to sign a paper saying I was allowed to work. Kind of an inversion.
That and not knowing how to grow up psychologically. Next to poisoning humanity gets psychologically abused, so most of adults are somewhere psychologically stuck in childtime. Seeking treatment results in more abuse and psychological deconstruction.
I can’t rap my head around how Western culture has so devolved and the ramifications theroff on our prodgeny!
Sad to think we had the best health and dental care in the world once. Its total pants now: got an eye infection at Xmas and waited 6 mths to be seen at the Eye Hosp. Was given useless drops and told to return in 2 wks. The new appointment, when it finally arrived, was for September. Got a letter last week to say its been cancelled, no new date give. Absolute pants.
Not only are most ignorant, they want to stay that way. I tell people not to take any more jabs and try to get them to notice the white sky. Most are now so used to it they’ve forgotten the sky should be blue. I’m amazed at how unobservant people have become - too busy staring at their phones.
The old saying Ignorance is bliss comes to mind.
There is most definitely a herbal solution to alleviate the problem with your eye. For thousands of years we used herbs, plants and minerals to keep well and I do believe we were the better for it. Maybe research some homeopathic sites or seek out a homeopathic practitioner nearby. I have learnt through all this Covid scamdemic to pro actively go out there and look after myself.
I’ve found a remedy, thanks. Its getting much better.
My hairdresser told me her kids would NOT be getting the vx & she would pull them out of school before making them wear the msks again!! We’re talking Central NYS here!!
T. Colin Campbell’s book “Whole”, about commercial corruption of the nutritional sciences, talks about “reductionism” versus “wholism” in the sciences. Chapter 7 of his book presents two figures (7-1 and 7-2) about glucose metabolism and other metabolic pathways (and how our high school presentation of “Kreb’s Cycle” was just a reductionistic simplification of this complex process). The sheer complexity of these pathways is stunningly mind-boggling. He discusses how the nutritional “sciences” would focus on “this” nutrient versus “that one” and people get herded into fad diets (and expensive supplements), and then get sick. And along comes allopathic medicine to give them “this” medication versus “that one” to supposedly treat the ailment, but what happens is that some other parts of the metablic pathways get destroyed in the process, and people then become chronically sick and dependent on lifelong medications.
I found that book to be a sobering read (as well as his book “The China Study”, in which he studied the epidemiology of cancer in China).
At the very beginning of the covid operation, we listened to Dr. Campbell warn against following the crapzine nonsense. He didn’t buy any of that crap that was being pushed, as it was antithetical to good health.
If you see the book in a library, maybe snatch if off the shelf, and read the section on “The Biochemical Basis of Nutrtition” in Chapter 7 (“Reductionist Biology”), and see what you think. I could not stop staring at Figures 7-1 and 7-2 and contemplating his point.
His book encourages me that we can find ways to break our chronic dependence on medical clinics (even though I am still grateful that they are there in times of emergency).
I’ve downloaded six pages (unfortunately, my old scanner is not the greatest), so you have some context – he also explains from where he got that image.
Thank you so much! I will look at this later .
Unfortunately, the scanned pages are a bit faint, and you only get a gist of Campbell’s thoughts, perhaps just enough to know whether or not it’s worth a visit to the library.
Book is available in Archive….