There’s also this: The China Study Documentary
Sally K Norton knows a thing about reducing stress and improving your health through diet.
I don’t know if this will provide comfort, but African nations are rejecting the globalists in almost a swarm - it is a revolution, kicking France out of Africa. Victoria Nuland was humiliated by the ruling junta when she flew in personally to visit with her smarmy carrot and stick schtick. The Globalists have lost at least half of Africa, all of China, Russia, Belorussia, -Stans along the new silk road, probably Indonesia, the Saudies, Egypt and others joining BRICS, with more to come, and a gold standard new world monetary order that they will not be controlling, including massive trade and payments. Add the loss of India- billions of people, and trade. PM Mohdi has no interest in working with the globalists. Huge loss for them. Maybe one of the last big dominoes to fall and seal their fate. Allow me to add that the G20 Summit was a total loss for the Globalists just now - 'they failed in a big, big way" is how it is being analyzed. They could not get a consensus condeming Russia re: Ukraine conflict, and they lost making deals with India, both items they had touted prior to the Summit. They are useless and can’t get even the most obvious statements passed in their old G-20 stronghold, which is crumbling before their eyes, and the eyes of the world.
They also have lost half of Ukraine, and a great many of their demonic biolabs, with all the investment and infrastructure involved. Their BIg Picture ideas about a Ukrainian Utopian Hell City built to their anti-human agenda, and all their ideas about destroying Russia and carving it up are just Nazi-tinged punchline jokes now. Elon Musk as a lone individual defied all their pressure when ordered to provide Starlink to blow up the Russian submarine fleet with drones - this is big. And they are so deluded they leak these events in a book written by a lackey, thinking they will be able to use it to condemn him, instead it partially redeems him. Not one thing is working for them at this time, except those programs still operating on auto-pilot, which, admittedly are still very potent and problematic. Like spraying the atmosphere. I don’t think any of them believe they can pull off blocking out the sun at this point, but they can make some countries where they still operate freely, like New Zealand and Canada for example, very very uncomfortable.
They’ve lost at least half of the US Public if not more as far as buying their propaganda, ops and false flag events, but they can still create weather mayhem yes, like the massacre on Maui. Europe is their stronghold but even their the people are increasingly poor and a portion sees how their EU overlords inflicted this on them with backfiring sanctions and kowtowing to the psycho CIA-led neocon Americans. The globalists are like cornered animals and it is still going to be ugly for a year or so, but look - the main message is:
Globalists Can Not BE Globalists with half and more of the world’s people thumbing their nose at them, mocking them, scrutinizing every last thing they do and rejecting them.
What they are doing to your atmosphere and your garden, just know, it might even get a bit worse but IT WILL END. They will lose, are losing and are losers. They are Nazis in the last bunker right now. When Hitler and Eva were in their bunker it took many months… Lost in their own demonic oblivion, they continued on with their charades till the very last moments, they got married, and she would serve cakes and champagne nightly, playing records for dancing. One by one their loyalists turned on them, escaped somehow or just poisoned their families and themselves with hot chocolate right under their noses. This is how Nazi’s end, not with a bang but a sick fake mirror of normalcy, just like they led their sick psycho lives.
We will be seeing globalist rat turncoats, hosts of new “whilstleblowers” granting info for a plea bargain, suicides and desperados. We’ll see them, not with any pleasure, but as measures of a clock ticking down the final days of this madness, not without some kind of last desperate Event, but perhaps not - maybe they’ll fizzle with a whimper, it’s possible. Please take heart, turn to spirit as much as possible and develop all the compassion you can, and love the earth, animals, children and whoever is going through this around you. This is not a time that is meant to be comfortable or normal, knowing that will give you strength. Find your gallows humor, and practice gratitude for every straggly but edible thing you manage to pull from the earth at this time. God bless you, you are never alone.
It always darkest before the dawn. Thank you for your encouraging words, very uplifting. Bless you.
I think I need to take more notice of oxylates, thanks. Shame they are in so many nice things.
… Yes, we now understand, as exposed during “our most recent unpleasantness”, that the “previous world” you mention was never really there. It was, for lack of a better term, nothing but a “Talosian-generated illusion” (see original Star Trek episode “The Menagerie”). One interesting thing is that the PTB appear to have forgotten the technology (magic) that maintained the illusion. “It’s the economy, stupid” … a modern day spell from the swamps of Louisiana unable to be invoked any longer … possibly? The meanings of words and the “energy” of those words is important to any craft political or otherwise.
Maybe some early interpreters of Descartes (and Descartes himself) were correct in that he posited a Deus Deceptor with, in his own words, “summe potens and callidus”. (see his Meditations on First Philosophy, 1641) Whether one ends up agreeing with Descartes or not still well worth the read.
It seems the great majority of us have been or are slowly being turned into Philip Aylesfords, that we are all part of a giant “Philip Working” (see The Philip Experiment … conducted by mathematical geneticist Dr. A.R.G. Owen and psychologist Dr. J. Whitton, Toronto, 1972). It really would explain much of what we observe going on around us.
Take Jean Baudrillard’s “The Gulf War Did Not Take Place” and instead read the title as “The American Century Did Not Take Place”. It is now painfully clear that our myriad (I say myriad because we can’t know the actual number because those documents are classified and will never see the light of day) “actions” in support of “American Interests” around the world during that time (and still ongoing, I’m sure Giza members can provide their own examples) too were atrocities masquerading as the spreading of Democracy.
Thanks, Marcus, for sharing about oxalates.
A couple of decades ago, when we made a major lifestyle change, we wanted to try and do it so to maintain our health, and had our noses in a good pile of nutrition books, and went to see a renowned Canadian nutritionist who had expertise on allergens and autoimmune issues. And the topic of oxalates came up. Being “cautious” types, we both chose to heed the warnings and go easy (without totally eliminating) on foods with high oxalates, and without cutting the other lower oxalate containing daily greens from our diet – that is, we don’t altogether eliminate the beet greens, chard, and spinach from our diet, but have them maybe twice a week, and the other days we choose foods with other greens (cruciferous, dark bitter lettuces, asparagus, etc). And that seems to have worked for us – no kidney stones for either of us.
Have oxalates been a problem for you, and how have you been dealing with them?
We’ve known people who have had kidney stones, and it seems to be very painful ordeal, and we pray that we don’t go through that.
@Voxypopuli – So beautifully put. Thank you for giving a glimmer of light to give us courage, as we are bracing for a very bumpy road. I needed something like that, as I sometimes feel a heavy despair.
We did listen to a couple of newscasters in India, – they angrily went to town on the Canadian Prime Minister, just shredded him. That is a little glimmer… (although I shudder to think of the clowns they have in the wings to replace him…)
We’ll be out at the One Million March for Children, and hope that people show up to make the public anger known to the sick politicians (so far, the freedom rallies around here have been very poorly attended – people are “afraid to be seen at a rally” – we hope that people can find their way to stand up for kids even if they don’t care about themselves).
Thank you for the link, and bless you and may you be protected.
This is a good link to a group that discusses geopolitical news daily, they are fascinating, knowledgeable and so far through the entire Ukr war have had a spot on record… The Duran
Do you have any thoughts about that documentary, Undine?
I read the China Study a number of years ago, and that got me wondering about what we’ve been told about nutrition. There’s a silent “Untold” lurking, just as with the “Great Untold” about vaccines (that I think of as “injections”). Campbell’s study examined huge numbers of people, and so at the time I thought - he seems to have good sample numbers, which is important for epidemiological studies.
Now, though, when I ponder nutrition studies (in general), and some unanswered questions related to those studies, I perceive an important factor that tends to be “missing” that I had not thought about in the past, and it is the question of “injection status”. I do not believe that it is possible to get any good result from any nutrition study without including the factor of “injection status” and also track what kinds of medications and supplements people are ingesting, along with their food. No nutrition study should overlook these important factors.
For example:
In some nutrition studies that promote plant-based nutrition, we never hear of the “injection status” of the participants. Thus, one always hears about people (“uninjected”?) with lifelong lousy diets who are reasonably healthy into their nineties , and people (“injected”?) on healthy diets who struggle with chronic autoimmune diseases – groups that obviously defy the conclusions in these kinds of studies.
Who is going to fund studies that compare the effects of nutrition on people who have been injected (with who knows what over the years, besides the covid crap), versus those who have managed by good grace to sail through life without pharma injections and other products? Studies like that would be a lot more robust and give us better information that could cut out alot of the “grey” areas that cause so much argument among researchers who overlook the “injection” status of the research participants in nutrition studies. (I participated in such a study myself, years ago, as a “subject”, and was truely perplexed at the types of low level basic questions being asked, almost as if the studies had been designed to produce nonsense, and overlook important questions. Not one mention of “injection” status.)
I’ve been trying to put together (in my mind) bits and pieces from this researcher versus that one, who present their topics in insolation of other important factors that could lend more strength to research results. I surmise that they don’t do the proper multivariate (e.g., “injection status” + nutrition + exercise + free environment, + + +), because they wouldn’t be funded for these studies.
A lot of researchers will thus conclude that if someone’s health improves because of a change in diet, that it was the diet that led to the illness – which is a dangerous conclusion to make. For me, right now, I am wondering whether the vaccine program (even the one before covid) may be one of the primary eroders of human health (besides the processed foods), and that once people stop taking injections, that things like improved diet and exercise and the others can help in the long healing journey. At least, it’s my hope that there are things people can do to heal from harms of longterm injections once they stop taking them.
So many theories about so many different diets, something to suit every one. Ultimately it all comes down to what food is available and affordable. I was shocked to find that nearly all fruit and veg has been frozen - sorry - "Deep chilled at -3c ! Getting anything healthy is a challenge.
There’s always so much to unpack when your “words of wisdom” are posted. Hyper reality and the medium is the message…geez my poor brain…
The food industry is as corrupt as pharma industry, in all the different layers, however one prises them appart. It’s as if the two industries feed off of each other. You are very wise to have a garden plot! We’re not keen on supermarket vegetables, and have gone out of our way to find local organic farmers whose produce is delicious. One local garlic farmer grows over 100 different kinds of garlic, and an apple farmer has over 200 varieties of old heritage apples. We’re amazed with what the local farmers can produce, and then see the standard “sameness” at the supermarket vegetables. Not only that, but the vegetables at the supermarket also tend to be ones that if one consumes too much (like Marcus was saying with the oxalates, or also nightshades), then one can wind up with problems. Why are the supermarkets loaded with so much of such little variety, and stuff that can cause problems when overconsumed (due to lack of variety)? I often wonder if it’s all connected together…
I echo Bill here, @Scarmoge – we love your thoughtful posts.
A lot to unpack in this one, and am motivated to look up “Talosian-generated illusion”, “Deus Deceptor”, “The Philip Experiment”…
Something to which I’ve been giving more thought recently is what you say here:
You are very fortunate! I have 17 apple trees (mostly old varieties), 4 plums and a damson, 3 pears, 2 cherries and a fig. Such a shame greengrocers selling local produce are a thing of the past
Thank you, this was good, and it is. But Mr. Globaloney is so much more than just an economic bully…Globalists are toxic to spirit, body, mind, and willpower, but yes this is the kind of things we’ll be seeing.
To everyone, I know Mike Lindell is the butt of a lot of jokes, but he is soldiering on with a big effort to get machine voting to be shunned and he is having success. there are also several court cases and the Kari Lake case that are seeing some wins, and today is a big court day - they have fought for standing against corrupt judges and are seeing wins. You don’t see this news unless you sort of 'opt in" to Lindell’s team and there are a lot of pillow ads that come with it, because that’s how he funds his efforts, but this guy is still fighting for election integrity in the courts on many fronts, frankly more than Trump’s team has been able to, and I support his efforts. Here’s a recent video update from him
i am going to continue to post more kinds of good news where I run across it here in this thread. Take heart- you, and we, are making it through.
Maybe those who say White Hats are in control are not far wrong. I hope for the best. My only fear is that Trump may not be a Gideon but a Judas Goat - part of another DS faction (White as opposed to Black but still DS). Anything is possible, time will tell. But things are heating up…
Be prepared to be even more disgusted!
Dr Berg is one of the foremost content providers of Keto and plant based health products and food plans. He promotes non toxic solutions and has helped thousands of people. Now he is being censored for making content that does not align with the WHO. The algorithm is diverting traffic away from his videos because they represent an alternative viewpoint.
Is he an actual medical doctor? I read he wasn’t.