It is arguably one of the most important fights there is - The Fight For Election Integrity.
Lindell is paying for lawyers to battle on the nitty gritties in targeted stolen elections, it is not big, it is quite the battle of “small wins” but they add up and become important.
Apparently the way to fight the dirtiest legal tricks imaginable, is to have a legal trick that fights for justice. One of them, a “black letter law” was just deployed by a judge to allow the fight for Kari Lake’s election to continue when a motion to dismiss was filed against it. they have uncovered hundreds of people involved in switching hundreds of thousands of votes … I don’t understand all of it but I am so glad these legal battles are being waged by SOMEONE… the wins will cause ripples and set new precedents … here is a filing using the black letter law in the Kari Lake case Once upon a time Black Letter Law mattered
And this is how Lindell explains it - Maricopa County in Arizona seems to be the stand where the election integrity team has dug in to fight. " First, we announced the major hearing focused on the 100,000 fraudulent case signatures on ballots in Maricopa County. Now, we have word that Judge John Napper, a Division 2 Superior Court Judge in and for the County of Yavapai used a black letter law ruling to dismiss a challenge in a battle against Arizona’s Secretary of State Adrian Fontes over signature cards!
Nonprofit groups we are working with are suing Fontes over signature comparisons and the use of signatures on documents other than voter registration cards. This order implies Fontes violated Arizona law by trying to stop using signature comparisons!
This is why the Lindel Legal Offense Fund is fighting hard to overturn Kari Lake’s stolen election in Arizona. **There were clearly numerous election officials in Arizona involved in this fraudulent election, and they were willing to do anything to avoid hundreds of thousands of false ballots being counted."