Animal sacrifice?

Call me suspicious, but is somebody advancing animal sacrifice, to “shock the medium” or for some other reason? Like the stories about the chicken farms…


Kerrygold butter will disappear if this goes ahead. Insane.


Could that somebody be……


No coincidence… Very Hmmm


I am reminded of serial killers and how they started out with animals and graduated to people.


A politician in Norway, well know from the green party, stated the other day that we need to follow UN’s plans to secure we had a climate to live in and food in the future.

So…slaughter cows and chickens, trashing 12 million eggs or what it was, shut down farms with force and burn them to the ground is to get food in the future…Makes sense.
Makes lots of sense


When will flatulence be made illegal?


We think there is great darkness behind the animal question, including how they get used in narratives. Most of us have some visceral feelings when we hear about animals being harmed, and so there is a reason that narratives around animals are controlled, as our behaviour depends on the narratives.

R.A. Boulay’s book “Flying Serpents and Dragons” offered a provocative idea about animal sacrifice. He suggested that, during the early stages of human history, some kind of intelligent monstrous aliens (referred to as “gods” in the bible) used to feed on humans, and that humans were very frightened of these creatures, who also wanted to use humans as slaves for their mining operations. Because the humans ran away in fright, it was hard to catch them for food and service, so they invented a priest/royalty class to act as intermediates between the aliens and the humans. The “priests” contrived that the human first borns were to be collected and offered as “religious sacrifices”, and then the priests brought them to the aliens as food. But the people still had a problem with that, and thus, Abraham eventually secured an agreement where animals would be used instead. And thus was born the animal sacrificial cult to replace the human sacrifices. (And even though Boulay did not go this far, I personally wonder if animal sacrifices were likewise repulsive, and so were humans then taught to eat them, and treat them as “things”, so that they could go through with the idea of killing an animal…) I’m sure that my paraphrasing is perhaps a little simplistic of Boulay’s ideas, but somehow, I find his ideas about human and animal sacrifice gets the mind active in wondering… That book got me wondering whether the WHO and WEF are a kind of “priest” class interface, as it seems that this sacrifice thing is now in full force against all of life: the animals, the forests on fire, and it also seems that child sacrifice seems to be back with this injection program and the harmful ways that institutions (interfaces between the population and the unseen inhuman controllers?) are behaving towards humanity and all of nature.

Sociology Professor Dr. David Nibert’s books “Animal Rights/ Human Rights” and “Animal Oppression & Human Violence” described how very similar the issues are behind all the appalling ways animals are treated and how humans are regarded and treated, all tightly intertwined. The (very well written, in our opinion) books were disturbing to read, as there was so much violence described to both humans and animals, and the interconnections were very stark. He talked about how our institutions serve as covers to enable all the abuse that’s going on, while suppressing our being able to talk frankly with one another, as people who question get labelled, and there is always an ongoing “Tower of Babel” so that people never grasp what’s harming them from the top power structures, always bickering amongst one another. Those who control the narratives can then conveniently use the sacrifices of living beings how they see fit for their own ends.


Brilliant! + Always appreciate source material. Taught to eat animal flesh just as taught to eat human flesh.
The World Wildlife Fund has been hunting animals for decades. Corrupt organization.
So what was going on in the Garden of Edan? What was the “red” apple? And what knowledge did she and Adam gain from eating it?
If you get the chance, take a look at Tracy Twyman’s “Money Grows on the Tree of Knowledge”

Trauma for the people of the world. Previews of coming attractions. Hellstorm will take you all the way there. These people know no bounds. Our “heroes” are our greatest traitors.

@Sphinx I believe Green Party is controlled opposition.

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Yeah, but she drinks vodka like a fish drinks water.

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Only the ‘elites’ experience flatulence. The rest of us just fart.

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oh,mos def !
I’ve felt that for the longest time now too.

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