This pastor has made many accurate predictions in the past and for the future. This prediction is warning about hits in America - DC, all Trump Towers, UK, France and so on. I think it is very important to tell you. Please pray this doesn’t happen. Take care - Nita
someone should let him know that he should stand up on firm feat as Orthodox Christian and will evade easily ill or bloody fate!
it would be useful also to to advised to read out few good books for complete conversion eg. something from Desert Fathers for catechesis [1-111] also one very useful booklet for Correct Confession from a macedonian born Archimandrite Seraphim Aleksiev [2] named The Forgotten Cure [3] after what it would be also useful to listen for some OC Chants when going around the country and the world [4][4]
how my post sounds as if DonaldT has huge burden if become Orthodox Christian altho the same feat is probably most easy, but to stay Faithful Merciful and Righteous is acrobatic virtue on his position that as I’ve said if its supported by regular Consecrated Inchurched Life day after it would be Joy and Ease of Rule …
“Holiness is not simply righteousness, for which the righteous merit the enjoyment of blessedness in the Kingdom of God, but rather such a height of righteousness that men are filled with the grace of God to the extent that it flows from them upon those who associate with them. Great is their blessedness; it proceeds from personal experience of the Glory of God. Being filled also with love for men, which proceeds from love of God, they are responsive to men’s needs, and upon their supplication they appear also as intercessors and defenders for them before God.”
St. John Maximovitch [1]
hm, one thing that think he should immediately do is to escort all illegal Migrants eg. to Alaska i.e. give them option You want transport to home or You will help populate undeveloped places in usA [2] but in same time through ngo eTOS genuinity to bring solution for most if not all of the homeless in usA [3] what as inertia can go vice versa i.e. first to count out what is priority, maybe both situations You are dealing now will ask full capacity focus, what can be arranged also through working co-op’s where even as tent living would be allowed in some places populating arable land that will be helped by the local government by municipal machinery rings operated by professional locals and maintained by federal funds … hm, dont read me on this as authority on the topic, coz the right models for different places with different ideas would come through the eTOS momentum … tho it would be ideal if there could be imposed double taxation for those who keep empty the arable land, or to have option to leave it for free to others on few years that at least will plow and manure it, ideally with organic fertilizers …
I see this logic important coz otherwise the standard will drop further and further while migrants swapping the locals with ease coz have greater incentive to compete with more for less due to fixed minimal wage mids ultra capitalist economy [4] while in same time the number of unemployed or homeless locals rising coz they cant risk working on the black or grey market!, and thats why full digitalization is proposed as solution tho with all its totalitarian risks with it [5] preventing day after any libertarian economic will whether on state or local level but imposing greater and greater centralization towards super federal state that someone seeks to jump in euroatlantic superstate i.e. effectively total north western empire tho for which even western europe is not prepared [6] but manufactured reality in form of global economic collapse and/or geopolitical controlled chaos with the eastern empires and voila the broiler submission is guaranteed!, the mass catalogization through m’rna jabs in the past plandemix was also stirred in this context [6][6][6]
so will DonaldT survive hm Pray For Him All Americans aware to what kind of feat he is raised!, he is not Your Parent or Kid, but if he falls anyhow as Your Parent so as Your Kids will fall in totalitarian inertia and need to fight the swamp with own hands!, teach the Children to Pray for their homeland and righteous leaders coz their hearts as pure are most close to Our Almighty Lord tho You need to lead [7]
hm, this is easy to be said but go stand up as middle agers in Prayerful Feat, so maybe solution would be to find some local church clubs where under guidence of Saintly Pastors [8] would stir Your Kids towards Holy Life at least till they are Children will harness extra Grace like that that eventually will be like reserve for later years mids these times of legal decadence [9-6] altho You can also teach them to virtuous life through home schooling by reading or watching stories about Saints that acted through Prayerful Calmness, or maybe encouraging to attend Orthodox Christian camps, what would do miracles for them if those are Summer Seminaries or Holy Places … Saint John actually was doing that in usA earlier tho started with the same practice in Bitola while in exile from ussR [10]
hm, could DonaldT give some incentive for such camps!?, surely that would be kind of wrong bargain in context of equality for all thus neopagans and pagans will also rip such fruits, but MelaniaT could raise private funding for such lets say Orthodox Christian Evangelical and Catholic Summer Camps!
Hmmm, where would you like me to begin?