probably its better to share these points now than later, I am on mountain anyway and dont have easy means for liturgical inertia currently, thus it would be more useful now to push up further MR (mosaic reasoning) on this topic, than for the 12 days of Nativity celebration in Orthodox Christianity … also I have another more synoptic reason tho, but about bit later in the post!
brey, most of the texts where it could be found summary of kozyrevs ideas are tied directly or indirectly to pagan or neopagan reasoning, almost as sure trap for soul’scraping if one continue diving beyond the quoted lines, and as we are all curious, even if we were fenced by extra Grace (as living inchurched cosecrated life) still we are at risk to be pulled and thrown in doubts, what at best could push us on universalistic mood leveling Christianity as just another drop in same bawl of omnireligion, what by no means is case!, so be careful what how You are swallowing and leave to penetrate Your hearth as conviction!, do take time after this kind of reading, to read also something eg. from the Desert Fathers [1][1][1] so would keep sober if get drowned by esoteric drunkness!
The Russian astrophysicist Nikolai Kozyrev also discovered the secret of this superluminal ether as a scalar wave - Time is a form of energy. "Cause or Asymmetrical Mechanics in Linear Approximation "N.A. Kozyrev calculates the qualities of stellar matter where it functions as a transformer of time-form energy into heat-energy. It is concluded that the transformation involves several electrodynamical processes, but, generally, any closed mechanical system can produce energy also if it is an asymmetrical system. The asymmetry for mechanics by Kozyrev is cause-effect asymmetry, and if the mechanical system includes the non-reversible cause-effect connection it can take the energy from time-flow. By my opinion, this is the theoretical basis for any kind of perpetual motion system.
Joseph P. Farrell extrapolates on Kozyrev’s research to speculate on secret military powers and ancient civilizations - his “Grid of the Gods” 2011 book Farrell argues for an ancient global high civilization based on alchemy and then he includes a section called: B. Music, the Alchemical Medium, and Astronomy: The Vedic tradition is full of allusions to the “luminous nature of sound”. Indeed, the word for light (svar) is similar to the word for sound (svara). — This as I have observed elsewhere, is another clue that perhaps we are viewing a legacy of a lost sophistication in physics, for the idea of a “sound-light” can also be understood as “electro-acoustic,” i.e., as longitudinal electrical waves in the medium, recalling the “Sound- Eye” spoken of in the Egyptian Edfu texts.—…In other words, our “ancient topological metaphor” is also a musical metaphor…the use of musical codes in the Platonic and Pythagorean traditions— rather than the quantum mechanical and astronomical encoding, that points directly to the next necessary stage in our speculative case that pyramidal structures are hyper-dimensional machines, designed to manipulate the medium itself, in all its effects, including consciousness… The Pythagoreans, in otherwords, were preserving a secret of hyper-dimensional geometry…The key point of Kozyrev is that, unlike Western science, the scalar is asymmetric resonance and it was the key insight to explain paranormal research in the Soviet Union.
Asymmetry is a basic property of life. This can’t be a chance thing, Dr. Kozyrev thought. … Perhaps the energy of “time” flows in this pattern. Tim Maudlin - NYU Philosophy of Science Professor - The Directionality of Time as the Fundamental of Reality - time is asymmetric order: I think this is a really nice place to go fundamental…We shouldn’t try to give a further explanation or account of the direction of time…it’s doing a job that doesn’t need anything underneath it to further produce. The other thing about taking the direction of time, this is where we ought to end, at this asymmetrical before/after relation…It is the fundamental ordering principle. [2]
so this sounds that if astrophysics have sonocelestial vibe, then even more the microcosm of cells as sonogenetic and sonomorphic one!, thus it would be ideal if Aether is medium through whom we can speak out or thought out beautiful vibes, so sing sing sing, and as higher are the Praises so is the feedback [3-5] tho balance the vibe between Love and Awakening so would not end up in blind love nor selfish awareness!, what is almost impossible mids times like these, where the bulk of vibes are turned to grabbing instead of sharing!, the noospheric torsion field got cycled by fears uncertainty and possessivity!, so we need to invoke more Grave so at least we would balance the wrong weight!
These torsion fields [4][4] are actually “waves of time” which also cause ripples in gravity. Indeed, some scientists now believe that “electromagnetism, gravity and torsion waves are all members of the same family; they are just different forms of Aether vibrations.” [4]
and if this is true, then once this kind of awareness could be employed, if trained, then we can act upon emf spectrum and gravitational waves by own will, flying or teleporting ascetics comes to mind!, but could this be stimulated or prevented by particular push’of’button eg. if the aural vibrational frequency is lowered and the intention stranded!?, from first hand I’ll witness yep that is case, at least for those of us that (coz whatever reason) are not in ideal posture of their being, in my case I am waiting kind of controlled circumstances so would act in fullness eg. rolling rhythmic fractals of Prayers (Liturgy by Liturgy) so would change particular causality or side effects due to it!, in this case the intention is not how to become something, nor how to bring some thing, but how to regenerate given state space environment … renewing should come not in terms of revolution, but acclimatization i.e. the cycle is not static but exactly like torsion spiraling in new trajectory in its asymmetric bouncing spiral …
This idea of an Information Field that interacts through quantum processes with the matter has been substantiated by the models and research of interdisciplinary scientists such as:
• einstein’s protégé David Bohm (76) (Theory of Hidden Variables)
• The Bohm Aharonov effect (77)
• Works of Stanford professor William Tiller (Tiller, 1993 (78)),
• Experiments of Roger Nelson (Nelson, Radin 2019 (79)),
• Evolution biologist William B. Miller (Miller, Torday, Baluska (80)),
• Russian cosmologist Nikolai Kozyrev (81), and
• German physicist and Heisenberg-student Burkhard Heim (82).
The Information Field is considered, by scientists such as Rupert Sheldrake (83), William Miller or William Tiller, to be a guide to understanding the William Tiller, to be a guide to understanding the evolution of life on this planet9. Also, Robert Becker addresses the concept of the morphogenetic (shaping) field from which the blueprint of growth is derived. These electrical fields (according to Becker) contain all information about the development of life (Becker, et al. (84)).The development consists of nonlocal information accumulating as the memory of nature to develop higher-order and more complex systems. According to this model, each local change, development, and evolution is stored dynamically in the Information Field in order to non-locally guide random processes and to increase the complexity and coherence of life. The existence of such fields does not conflict with quantum theory and even suggests that random quantum processes can connect the that random quantum processes can connect the communication between any dynamic system and the global non-local Information Field. In this model, the collapse of the wave function is not a purely random effect contradicting the designers of quantum physics such as Albert Einstein, Erwin Schrödinger, and De Broglie. Rather, it bridges the gap between the Unitarian development of the wave function and the seemingly meaningless collapse of the wave function. In the model of the Information Field, the random quantum processes like physical noise generators express the effects of the Information Field and of intention and consciousness (Henry Stapp 1993 (85)). … [5]
Russian scientists showed in the 1990’s that a torsion field exists (investigated by Einstein in the 1920’s) and that it is comprised of energy moving in a spiral. Dr. Korzyrev found that human thought and feeling generate torsion fields. Kozyrev, who published his first scientific paper at age seventeen, theorized that the torsion field that may be responsible for the spiraling shape we see in the nautilus shell and in the human body that reflects the ‘golden mean’ ratio of 1 to 1.618, and travels through the universe Somatic Intelligence faster than the speed of light. Kozyrev noticed that, “in the presence of this energy flow, objects that are rigid and elastic show weight changes, whereas flexible, elastic objects show changes in their elasticity or viscosity.” Japanese researcher, Masaru Emoto demonstrated years later how the configuration of crystallized water was reflective of the energy in emotions, thoughts, messages or music, and even in prayer. Kozyrev rediscovered Tesla’s non-electromagnetic energy traveling in spiraling waves and labeled them torsion waves. Scientists are working under the current theory that these waves carry information that does not degrade over long distances. Einstein and Cartan’s work in 1913 supports the torsion field theory with their discovery that electrons demonstrate either a right or left-handed spin that can be predicted depending upon their location. We can conclude that science is beginning to confirm that we have the ability to have an effect in our body as well as over long distances with our consciousness, with our thoughts, and our energy.
The Faraday cage experiment by Dr. Hal Puthoff in the early twentieth century confirmed Dr. Nikolai Kozyrev’s assertion that what he called, ‘aether’, or zero point energy, is “an invisible, conscious energy that all energy is formed from.” In an airless, vacuum space that was at absolute zero of -283º C, there was found to be an enormous amount of energy that was not electromagnetic. It’s the ground substance of all other energies. [5]
about the synoptic reason: now if all this knowhow is available to the elites and the mil.labs of the modern empires to experiment with, then defacto we should assume with certainty that clones are real occurrence in this world, where now when “someone” has huge databank of dna (swab testing mids the past plandemix) [6] but also shared to many nanobots (either by vaxing or through chemytrails and/or food&water/bevarages) that could not just program us (implanted memories and codes in dna) [6-3] but also pause us or substitute us for a while with suitable clone!, eg. some “western” leader coz selfawareness who are “its” puppet masters is trying to give resistance, instantly he is switched etc. etc. possibilities for using such momentum!, (DonaldT comes to mind, if its true vangas point that BarackO is the last true human president of ussA "the 44th president in American history would also be the last real president"[6]) but that could be said about the nanobots as controlled’man’machine presidents!, in both ways, what tho could be easily evaded if as I am claiming start living Consecrated (Sacramental) Inchurched Orthodox Christian Life, after what only what “they” could do is to molest You!, tho even then “they” could easily sway Your close ones eg. clone of ur’s to behave somehow wrongly in front of them, or provoke wrong doing or harm somehow someone!, hm, I need to consult with my Spiritual Father is it ok to throw curse on eventual clones of mine [7] in such way tho if I end up wacked my Soul could fly away yeah, but to avoid such selfcursing and stuck here on this plane of existence that is also wrong thing if someone reclon me constantly coz whatever reason (the soul stays 40 days on the earth after death), thus if I curse my clones like that I am freeing myself!, so probably curse it will be in my case, but just if I get certain I’ve position myself focused on Salvation and brought feats worthy for redemption … but lets see whether some military whistler indeed will confirm whether the biotech revolution came to such level, also how would be tied to the fintech commodities, as RomleyS said on paper we are already corp’ses as western citizens [7] probably not if didnt gave oath or signature is enough if its given on paper where pagan or neopagan symbol rests as issuer [8] torsion torsion now waiting just such reality to be re’secured by marked’obedient’clones!?, yeah twin’peaks’freakshow if this indeed is already case [9][9][9] what should had have be the 5th industrial revolution if the 4th is homo’sillicone’mineralman!, oh, is this possible!?, on GDS as topic shared for sure [10] but effectively by predictive programing it was shared through the pop culture for almost all past century [11][11][11] i.e. if cyborgization became already true event that was earlier also firmly projected [12] then why not in case of cloning and chimerization that not to be case!?, only problem is how such revelation will become case!?, yep if anyhow ww3 burst, I am certain Russian OC Anathema to clones and chimeras will be thrown so indeed fasten Your belts!!!, eh if this kind of warning scare “them”, probably we will not see geopolitical cataclysm, if not then only collapse of the western’humanist’empire!, btw sorry for all this digressions, the intention is purely wonnabe scientific scrapping of possible variation on topic aether fields, in this last case with probable ramification to biochemistry, for what You’ll need again to reread what I’ve chitchat with Ch@gpT in the g’doc at the end of the post in the next footnote [13] hm, I wonder was in ussR cloning also hype as in ussA?, as could be seen from savchenkos Otkritie Sebya it was case “After the 1967 publication of the novel Self-Discovery, in which Savchenko warned about the ethical problems involved in the creation of clones, Savchenko occupied the leading position in Soviet science fiction” [14][14] in same time tho if its to be taken for granted EH LBJ and Nixon housed cloning factories, then also ussA began “its” testing in same time [15][15][15] hm am I repeating myself!?, the point is that however stupid it would sound its not so strange way also we to be warned like this about evils that some elites as “our” representatives had have done, whereas we are victims, and only thing that we can done is to seek Salvation for our Souls, as I am continually claiming as Orthodox Christians …
eh I would like to hear ideas by JayD on this matter, but coz piety (I bragged on his discord remove the u’war’category people came for catechesis) some mod or he banned me, so if anyone is in contact do ask for such vlog [16]