Anybody having spiritual/lucid dreams through this?

I’m not claiming to be a sleeping prophet and it’s hard for me to tell my real self from outside influence. I used to lucid dream when I was young. I had one very disturbing dream as of late. At first I woke up in a place I once lived, but I has full control. I thought, wow, I’m awake on my old street, super cool, and as horrible as this is to acknowledge, I was going to find my neighbors and see what’s up. Maybe I’d play poltergeist, I didn’t even know, I was just so excited to be invisible and have full control of my body. Keep in mind I thought it was a dream. So while I’m plotting that, I didn’t have much of a choice cuz I was swiftly carried up by a sort of Jacob’s ladder. The only way I can explain it. Anyhow, I was standing over the Whitehouse. And it was being torpedoed. What bothered me about the vision was there wasn’t a single light on, yet I could see inside every room. It’s similar to how my dad explained 3 mile Island, people literally gone as if told so in an instant. He told me the coffee cups really bothered him cuz he could still see the stains. One day, people drinking coffee, next day it’s a rat race to flee. And then I was taken above and there was a dragon lobbing the missiles. When I woke up, the ladder was still there, but something, like a shadow figure was looking up at it. I was completely lucid the whole time, so much so I thought if I’d go in my body, I’d surely die, but I was put back in it. I remember thinking how that could never be something. We have NATO, China. Russia what have you would never use tomahawk type missiles to stop us. Mind you, I thought this in the lucid, that this was impossible. I felt upon waking how dumb, no matter how real. They’d nuke us before an invasion of the homeland. Now with the changing or NWO, it’s not impossible. I know it was Reagans and Gorbachev relationship and the honor of a handshake that let the Soviet Union breakup so peacefully. Would China and Russia sit idly by while we figure out who gets the nuclear stockpile amongst ourselves. Is it a multipolar world or a NWO? Or was it all a dream? So I googled this experience like a consumerist American, and hit massive results and these visions seen over major cities. The good part was, hardly nuclear, bad part was totally devastating. Has anyone else had these dreams or any type of experiences. I’ve had lucid dreams before, so I’m not some prophet or anything, but the pulse been more frequent and surprises me cuz I don’t do yoga, I can barely attend church. I’m a prepper, and I’m not that great at that. So before I get hammered, I’m not wanting confirmation of any dreams, but it’s strange to me it’s happening now as divorced from my spiritual roots as I am, I can only wonder what people on this forum have.


I’ve had no such dreams, but read plenty of comments on other sites about those who have.
They report terrible events similar to what you saw in your dream.
Keep praying.


If you listen to this analysis of the conflict in Ukraine, Gonzalo Lira, who is in Ukraine, explained that Putin had no intention of carrying out a war like the Americans or NATO. He has no intention of obliterating the country, flattening everything to a Syria-like rubble. If the Azov Nazis had not completely infiltrated the Ukrainian military, it is likely this conflict would be over. They are described as psychopathic criminals that Putin wants to eliminate so their surrender is impossible as the Russians will murder them, and torture them slowly. So they create false flags, like THEIR bombing of the maternity ward (all patients had been removed a week earlier) then hire instagram models to make it look like women and children were slaughtered by Russians which they plaster over social media. My point is this, related to your dream, we have been so completely overwhelmed in horror stories, years of nuclear bomb threats to heighten the fear level, and American strategies of bomb every country they want to “reform” down to a planar landscape has been so deeply moving to you that it has taken over your thoughts to come out as an extremely graphic dream. The NWO crowd, of which GHW Shrub was a founding member, is godless, amoral, psychopathic group of barely humans who would clearly carry out your dream if they could.

They CAN’T. Despite what you are hearing, they are in full panic mode. Lights are on, cans of Raid are being dispersed and the cockroaches have no where to hide. We are winning. They just don’t want you to know about it.

The interesting truth about Ukraine: RexCast #22 | UKRAINE CRISIS: With Coach Red Pill in Kharkiv - YouTube


Reacquaintance with nature might work soothing and grounding.

I agree with Justa, NWO crowd are in panic mode.


Interesting, neru. I have a friend who is nearly an electric source and it was suggested that he start wearing leather soled shoes when he couldn’t walk barefoot. Grounding. It is really hard for some people to relate to nature, unfortunately, through fear conditioning and never really learning to see or hear (or really any senses).

No doubt that the people connected to nature scare the NWO crowd the most. No way can you immerse yourself in it and not feel the miracles created by God, whatever religion you chose. Truth surrounds you. No faking it.


In my little corner of the world since the whole war folly nature preserves are in a revival. Birds, ducks returning. The dying green has become the living vibrant green again. The spraying in the air is not there anymore. I don’t know that is the sole reason but it is wonderful to hear and see.


I am fortunate enough to be the steward of an interesting biota in the Hill Country of Texas and have spent a lifetime studying and designing “natural spaces”. It is spring here, redbuds just trying to pop out today, and some of our axis deer are sporting new tiny fawns. Our first foal was born on Sunday. First round of lambs are hopping around the paddock in races together. Wild turkeys are done strutting and the hens are scarce. Like our geese, they are probably on eggs.

Spraying hasn’t stopped here but there is too much going on the ground to focus upward, physically. Hard not to do that spiritually.


I tried finding men’s leather sole shoes for grounding purposes. All I found were high end men’s dress shoes which don’t look too cool with shorts and a t-shirt, my normal attire.
Since I live in a house on a concrete slab that has tile through out, the first act upon entering is to remove my bloody shoes.
I spend most of my time outside when the weather in south Texas allows it, which is most of the time. Vitamin D is plentiful. I be lucky.


I dreamed last night about apple pies and they sure were tasty. “American as apple pie”
They are also good for making cider. I read that years ago people used to offer cider instead of water because it was safer to drink.
Many had an apple cider barrel for this purpose. Remember the Johnny Apple Seed story?

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I too am experiencing lucid dreams lately. I used to have one maybe every 8 months. I just had one last night and last Sunday night.

Last night’s dream dealt with my family whom I haven’t really spoken to since the scamdemic. They were horrible on how they treated me but I didn’t get angry. I experienced love and patience with them. These family members are very left leaning and I feel they still avoid me because their narrative is breaking down. I believe my love and patience with them are because someone posted Ezekiel 33 in the forum yesterday and I prayed with intent reading the Bible.

Now last Sunday’s dream was a bit too much but
I got through it. I was in my own home and was sleeping in bed and realized something wasn’t right. In my dream I got up and walked down the hallway feeling this agony of despair as if I was going to die. There was a heavy blanket of evil all around me and when I walked in the living room there was wall to wall and on the walls old red sculptured carpeting waving like the waves in the ocean. I kept on saying “I do not give you consent” and finally woke up in full panic mode. I calmed down and spoke with God and the Holy Spirits and fell back to sleep.

I think we are experiencing spiritual warfare BIG TIME. I believe the Grace of God will always save me and not just because of my dreams but life in general. So glad you brought this up❤️


I lived in the Adirondacks and his path is pretty obvious, even today. (ref: “Johnny Appleseed”)


Geez, I didn’t expect all these great replies, truly appreciated. I’m glad I’m not the only one experiencing this, and am happy that no matter how realistic it seems, dreams are just a possibility. It was never answered in my dream who was dropping the cruise missiles, and for all I know it could be hyperbole to what our government is doing to us. Either way, I’m consoled by the replies, what a gem we all are.


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Just watched the main network news ABC special report and your dream has substance. Zelensky addressed the congress calling for the USSA’s help. They even had videos. Your dream is right on IMO.

Again, thank you for starting this thread❤️


And I thought the tin foil hat label was inappropriate!! Lol lol the leather soled shoe crowd is going to get alot of flak from the gum sole groups and the loafers the floaters the boaters, owned and wore them all!! Paranoia is necessary only to a degree that degree is determined by the actual level of threat posed or imposed upon one’s mind. I wondered if I could make an historical argument that the trumpets which blew down hadrians wall, were blown by those wearing not tin foil hats to receive or was it to block the signals from nefarious opponents, rather copper helmets covering almost their entire head thus preventing all radio and micro waves from penetrating into their skulls ! This observation on its surface is laughable what on earth is he talking about woe the dark ages that followed…


Somebody/entity is trying to control your mind. Today’s media is great at that. We’re being blasted from all directions by outright lies and exaggerations. Try grounding yourself in reality. What we’re all being saturated with is anything but reality. I like watching anything comedic preferably without agendas. If there is an agenda, I recognise this and dismiss it. If there’s too much agenda then its time to move on and watch/listen to someone else. How you ground yourself is entirely up to you. Find something that brings you joy. To answer your question, any dreams I have disappear soon after waking up and I don’t dwell on trying to remember them…works for me.


There was something like a dark shadow looking up at my Jacob’s ladder for lack of a better world. We are in strange circumstances where things are bleeding into reality on a direct level like mind control. Elana Freeland discussed this extensively on Dark Journalist.

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I have these kind of dreams most nights since 2017. Last night the dream was particularly vivid. I am usually able to remember what has happened down to small details. For example moments of staring in a reflective surface and seeing some other person’s face. So last night I saw a large black cloud over a large city district, this then turned into a growing mushroom cloud from the ground rising and rolling upwards and debris began falling as I run to avoid it.

So pretty standard right, given all the cues and fearmongering that we are saturated with.

Thing I have to say is since 2017 what accompanies these type of dreams is an ultra high frequency that is very reminiscent of short term tinnitus that we all encounter when someone drops a metal object or whatnot.

Now some folks will just roll their eyes and say here we go, another TI fruitcake with habanero syndrome but I put it out there because I believe something is going on in this area between our dream state and the EM spectrum.

Thank you for posting in any case.


Ya. I’ve surmised it by this. It’s the narrative I guess. I mean isn’t that the Ahrimani cult, the owning of the narrative. Is it so much psychic or just plain sense. It’s hard to say, but it’s not unusual which is good in a way. We’re not crazy. I used to think a ccp/Russia invasion is impossible. But with our own feebleminded government tools, and possibly the dismantling of NATO, DC could be the new Berlin. Or my interpretation could be wrong altogether. But I do think when something is reoccurring in a large population, the medium is the message like they say I guess. Who paints that picture isn’t up to us anymore. I mean cultural Americans. NATO is a hellscape, but it is certain death for its arrowhead

We need to add a “s” to narrative. There are too many to track.