Anybody having spiritual/lucid dreams through this?

Personally I care not how or who put the loaf of bread on the store self, only if it’s not there when I go grocery shopping. (I prefer Dave’s Killer Bread from their Oregon bakery where one third of the employees have a criminal record and a second chance at stable employment. The bread is made with organic seeds and grains.)
Everyone has a cog in the wheel of life, those who take their role seriously and consciously to do good are our true brothers and sisters.


Coming in on this rather late (new to the forum)… While no one can interpret another’s dreams without knowing what their cultural beliefs/biases are - ie - how you perceive what a dragon means, there are a couple of things to be considered. Lucid dreams are not only being aware you are in a dream but aware you can change what is going on. And the outcome. Lots of people do lucid dream (I can also) and there are people who can literally invade your dreams, yes, seriously. Many tribes here call it dreamwalking. I won’t get into the ethics - that’s another story. But I think foremost is the massive darpa mind control projects - far more widespread than people realize. It’s very insideous… making people think it originates within their own minds. You might want to check out Michael F Bell - he’s written extensively about it. One way to really know is if you can actually take control and change the scenario and outcome of negative dreams. The pervasive subtle yet effective brain entrainment of Fear means cutting off the source of it. be very careful what you are watching, what you are listening to, thinking it’s only entertainment.
Food for thought!


I’ve been open about my experiences on this thread. I am well aware of the consequences of opening up about these things and I do not blame anyone who considers these things tin foil hat crazy or delusional.

With that being said once you have been intruded within your dreams there is no way to un-know that reality.

I consider myself to be disciplined in the scientific method and rational thought. I certainly doubted myself when these experiences began in 2017.

Because of this I sought professional evaluation and underwent examination by mental health professionals including a 12 week CBT course.

They found nothing wrong with me and asked me politely to discontinue.

The targeted individual phenomenon is very real. I cannot say what is behind this or why someone as insignificant as myself would be caught up in it but I think we will all find out in due course.

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Had a very strange dream last night, ended with an eagle shouting at me with the voice of a parrot that made me wake up.

Do you remember what it was shouting?

Yeah, it shouted: “Get rich, baby!”

There was a lot of snow on the ground, in the dream I was part of a crew building a new railroad line. Came across some fences and a vulture on the ground who I think was dead, when we found that Dwayne Johnson showed up and said this was a bad omen. Because of that we changed course and then came across this Eagle.

I wish I were more adept at dream interpretation since yours is chock full of interesting symbols.

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This is a weird time to be alive. Isn’t it an old mandarin saying, “May you live in interesting times.” I think it’s weird because it’s the first time in recent history atleast where people aren’t writing off paranormal experiences as hallucinations and delving deeper. At the same time we are individuals, and something can be nothing at all. It’s fun though. I’m nosy I guess. Grew up in the 90s with the X-Files show, had weird noodles happen to me that felt real as hell as a kid, not so much an adult. A couple experiences. The last one being the realist. But given my young sort of weird experiences, I always asked people within a few moments of meeting them if they ever had paranormal stuff. I’ve yet to meet nobody that didn’t have an earth shattering paranormal experience. Makes you wonder.


My bizarre format dreams continue.

Last night was a large wooden yacht out of control being carried along by immense floor waters. Reoccurring themes in my dreams are people being trapped somehow and then destroyed by this out of control object.

I recently began abstaining from alcohol to see if this could be causing these dreams. Many days in to my dry July and the dreams have not abated.

There is a CGI artificially generated quality to the dream, somehow it stands out from what I instinctively know to be a natural dreamstate.

All this again is accompanied by a noticeable change in barometric pressure and a feeling of static electricity much like being near to a storm.

if you have any copper rods I’d recommend grounding to the earth with those that might help

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I did try grounding a sleeping pad a few years back to the copper pipes in my room, it didn’t change anything in my case but I hear it helps some people so worth a try. Thank you @Bahri.

Woke up this morning with a heart full of LOVE. What a feeling even though it only lasted maybe ten seconds. It was my first feeling when I awoke. I could feel the conscientiousness of millions all praying, sending good vibes of love. WOW, what a feeling. Never experienced that before.

Joni Mitchell quote “Bashing in the veins for peace”.