Originally published at: ARGENTINA'S GOLD IS MISSING

When I read the following article shared with us by T.M. (with our gratitude), my first initial thought was that I was having yet another episode of deja poo. If you don’t know what deja poo is, it’s that sense that you’ve heard all of this crap before. In recent years I’ve blogged about story after story of…


Hypothecating gold creates interest expense. Then you need to earn more than the interest expense to make money. This is arbitrage. Great for the lenders and brokers placing the trades but hardly a prudent gamble with the People’s money.

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… and meanwhile, in Texas …

although this says Feb it was on the 2nd of August.


London is the liberal’s mothership. It where they gather when things get tough.

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Climbing the ladder of inference without any evidence or facts. Charging them with money laundering? Perhaps they were couriers for a gold buyer. The stamp on some of the pieces PAMP may be their employer…


Whitney Webb did extensive work on Milei government and her conclusion is, he is completely captured by Israeli and NYC bankers with Chase Manhattan in a prominent position. Goldman Sachs and JP Morgan bankers are in charge of Argentina financial reforms. I am itching so badly to find out if Sullivan &Cromwell were a brokering firm in that gold transfer. :wink:


What is the population of Argentina and Mexico?
What % of the population is jewish?
What % of those are zionists?
What are the chance these nations “elects” two zionists who weeps at
“the wall” and goes all out on israeli interests over the interests of their own nations?


This is like 100 ozs of gold. Bars? man they be some small ones… coins more like it.


Whitney Webb. Blackpilling expert, deluxe. Yawn. No longer fits my narrative. I agree with others that if you are able to cut out the negative, Whitney has nothing to say.

Time to rebuild and cut the debate.


…hummmm…this one really has my mind leaping off the high octane speculation twig…

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… yep, it sure do don’t it. :slight_smile:

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… yep, it sure do don’t it? :slight_smile: … My first thought … are they real or tungsten? … catch and release couriers? … so many possibilities.

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@Scarmoge How about ‘free range’ couriers? It’s the latest thing don’tcha know. :wink:

Australian gold went “ missing” too …


Hmmm,… So, let me recap and get this straight:

Unknown, yet ostensibly huge, amounts of “gold”* held in local, unknown, but allegedly vast, quantities, though of unknowable provenance, of dubious metallurgical repute, all the while constantly being lent as interest-craving “money” even as any possible loans and/or especially offsets borrowed against that principal, do refinance any, and all, technical shenanigans®️ as well as possibly every wrong thing in this world…

So yes, by those lights an Au. standard sounds like a capital idea…

*Gold, to wit: as in Guilt
To mean, an in-finite( set of) payments on a not-finite( as in permanent) debt…

™️Shenanigans – a division of WuwoCo. – not affiliated with ScarmCo.

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Maybe Argentina needed the gold bars recast to remove the Reichsbank stamps from WWII.


Well yes, she is a bit too much connecting dots everywhere (Theory of Chaos), especially that in today’s world of business and media almost everybody is connected somehow, so making conclusions is difficult if one wants to make ones from her writings. It does not take away from her that she provides lots of useful information though.


So Chinese are continuing to pay us back for Opium wars, on all fronts. Fentanyl, tungsten bars, land grab, what else they got in their sleeves?

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Perhaps climate warfare?


The plastic “casings” that the gold are placed in are usually done when the metals are authenticated. Even though gold is allowed to be owned, if you sell it, the government wants their cut. Maybe that is how they felt money laundering was a legitimate charge? It all seems rather odd but, from experience, you can horde the precious metals but good luck trying to cash more than a few. This amount would surely require filing a 1099a to the IRS for US citizens, for example.