ATF murder squad hit on executive director of the Bill and Hillary Clinton National Airport

Just saw this little article on ZeroHedge. Obvious hit but it would be interesting to do the deep dive on the reasons behind it. Unfortunately I don’t have the time. Anyone live in or near Little Rock?


Current ATF director appointed by JB is a career anti-gun activist. No joke. They are weaponizing the agency. They’re terrorizing licensed dealers over trivial form filling errors. If ATF pulls dealer license they have only 30 days to dispose of inventory, cannot keep as ‘personal collection’. Try getting rid of half a million in inventory in 30 days without a give away price.

As always with ZH…read the comments.


The US arm of Dassault Falcon LLC is based out of the airport so maybe there’s a French military intelligence angle.

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Yeah, because God knows nothing else went on out of an airport in Little Rock, Ar-Kansas. Definitely is a place where if you know too much you just might shoot yourself in the back of the head with a nail gun.

On edit: Have I become sarcastic in my old age?

Nah. I have always been this way. Heh. That is definitely an “Ask Catherine”.