What Set the ATF and an Airport Leader on the Path to a Deadly Encounter? (Clinton Airport?, Really?)

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Haven’t heard anyone describe what kind of guns he was selling. If modern new ones and he was buying multiples and selling from a gunshow table he had to know he was on thin ice. If he was selling antiques perhaps a different thing. Collectors will often buy a collection to get one special piece and sell off the more common ones. We don’t know.

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Law or no law, anyone coming to a known gun owner’s home at six am and breaking down the owner’s door in less than a minute would expect to be confronted with a gun…ATF knew that would kindle the situation needed to cover his killing. Why they killed him? Probably sending a message to other gun owners, especially those frequenting gun shows. It was gun registration that allowed the ATF to track him down, which is the one thing gun owners abhor with good reason, due to situations like this one. A letter or phone call wouldn’t do?

I think the guns were a mere excuse. The man worked at Clinton airport in a position to know exactly what was and is going on. Think about it…

Double, triple stacked intentions. Maybe he thought because of his knowledge and access to the Clintons, he was exempt from having to pay the $200 and file the paperwork to sell and trade guns. Not quite the same as stamp collecting🤭

Clintons likely told him to never mind the $200 that they would take care of it, and didn’t, in order to save for later, should it be needed. Considering Clintons were probably going to kill everyone who knew anything about them, it’s a done deal from the beginning.

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Murphy said that about 40 vendors had pulled out of his most recent gun show, in Little Rock, because of their concerns over the ATF’s raid on Malinowski.

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Beaver in this case it is what it appears to be at least imo …. A loose end being cleaned up…

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