Instead of making a separate thread i will add the Bocksaga article here.
Very interesting imo about the history of mankind.
Again translated from Swedish!
"The Bock Saga:
About the origin of mankind, the North Pole, the origin of Santa Claus and Hell (hell located in Finland), Nyland -Uusimaa, Atlantis
Santa comes from Finland or…maybe it’s the all-father it should be instead
According to the legend, it was ordered over 10,000 years ago that the surviving Bock family should release information in 1984 and not before.
It was understood that at this point Human Genetics would once again have the capacity for wholeness, enabling people to understand how to live in harmony with nature and each other and therefore use the information correctly.
In the 1980s, a group calling themselves The Positive Foundation got together to begin excavating an area near Helsinki, Finland, believed to be the site of the Lemminkäinen Temple.
According to the Bock Saga, in the Temple’s hidden halls is a repository of human knowledge and existence on our planet dating back millions of years.
Science has now come to the realization that we are descended from light and sound.
According to Bocksagan, our civilization has just re-evolved to this basic understanding.
It is therefore understandable that Saga should come to light at this time.
The story is about a sound system that was used and understood in detail by many
a thousand years ago – a technique based on light and sound that also incorporated a spiritual understanding of how to work with “nature orally”, that is, “naturally”.
But somewhere in our dark mists of the past, that knowledge was lost and so was our ability to utilize it.
The tale, given as an oral transmission, conveyed and maintained in correct form, via the Ring, the elves’ baits, or the alphabet, the Kela of sound.
The alphabet is in the original Rot (pronounced root) and the slang (Finnish).
The teachings reveal a natural sound code in language, which contains and holds keys to information.
The sound system creates an internal logic in Saga.
It is understood that this system creates a coding in the brain that triggers the genetic memory.
In this way, the story teller can transmit the information, which enables the listener, after 20 years of learning, to take the story forward.
(Actually, there is in the word saga itself – sa meaning “receive” and ga meaning “give” in both
root and habit language – is an understanding that one must first receive before one can give.)
Take is to give (germinate the seed knowledge) and Root is the sounds.
So the Bocksagan is mainly an oral tradition based on the doctrine of sound.
It is not a written tradition, as it must be heard and experienced.
The use of English language spellings to convey the original sounds is a challenge.
For example, the name Odin is pronounced as oo-den. Other __________ Words can have similar sounds but quite different
meanings in English.
For example, the English word “heathen” comes from hi-den (pronounced hee-den), meaning “whole” and “worthy”, and is not
In antiquity, at a time when this knowledge was common, there was a Common Philosophy: A breeding, an information system, a giving system, a ring that created health and
Our forefathers understood that this generation would be ready to receive its birthright: the knowledge of our origin, contained in the fairy tale.
The origin of humanity
The saga is a story and a mystery so great that it cannot be described.
Ior Bock released the information about four major periods in Earth’s history:
The time of Paradise, Atlantis, the time after Atlantis, and New Times.
All this knowledge is known as the Väinämöinen mythology.
According to the story of evolution of the saga, which goes back to the first seeds of life on this earth, the seeds grew and developed to a point where the eel was formed.
The eel then gave rise to frogs, which eventually evolved into monkeys.
At some point, the genetics of the monkey and the goat (the goat, also the symbol of the Goat family) were combined to create the first two humans, Frey and Freya.
The saga does not say who was responsible for these genetic manipulations.
This creation took place around the North Pole, where the sun revolved and never set.
Around the pole there was a country that became the motherland.
It was known as Odenma or Uudenmaa.
In the center was Hel, which means “ready”, “home” and “complete”.
The people were known as [I]pi-pol[/] (pronounced pee-pol, meaning “people”).
All knowledge could be understood within Poland
and the ring.
(It is important to note that binary math is based on 0 and 1, a ring and a pole.)
Uudenmaa, Oden’s garden, which later became known as Eden, was located in what is now southern Finland.
It was a tropical paradise and the home of the first humans, known as Aser.
Ringland was created outside Nyland, and within each Ringland breeding system was introduced.
The people who lived outside Nyland were known as the Vaner people, and their language was Van, meaning “One”.
Within the cocoon of sounds that make up the root language was knowledge of how to become one with nature and our plan-et, plan meaning “plan” and et meaning “family” – a family plan to create wholeness.
Men and women were equal.
The man had his story (“history”) and the woman had the miss-story (“mystery”).
Both understood the knowledge of how the light of the sun, known as Odin, enables all things to grow and is everything.
Oden also represented Aserhovet’s familiarity.
A ring, whole and complete, a giving, breeding system, Yehova (“give to Asherhovet”) lay in Nyland, with Hel at its center.
With this knowledge and its proper use, Aser was considered healthy, whole and complete.
(The name Yehova was eventually changed to Jehovah, and “God [good] within” became “God in heaven”.)
From the beginning of Christianity, the pagan system (and all it) has been hunted down and removed or destroyed.
Women were excluded from this new system because much of the misrepresentation, the feminine mystery, had become taboo (“taboo”), ta meaning “to give” (to germinate the seed, which is feminine), b standing for borg (meaning kastel or “castle”), the breeding system, and oo representing Odin the sun and knowledge to make things grow healthy.
Under the pagan system, Shiva represented the sun’s energy reflected by the full moon once a month; the knowledge of the moon and monthly cycles.
The male and female essences – sperm and sap – were considered hel-i (“holy”), and when respected and shared properly they created a healthy and whole I-Moo (“immune”, meaning " in mouth").
It was the woman’s right to choose when she would become a mother, through dreams of Lucia.
This happened on December 13, Lucia Day.
On December 24 Fest-i-val (Festival) day, when the Disas (“Stem Mothers”) were fertilized by Lemminkäinen (the Goat) inside Odenma.
Also on this day, the future Vaner Fathers stood naked on ped-i-stals (“pedestals”) with erect penises, so that the self-chosen mothers could look their “heart’s desire” in the eye and choose
the one they liked.
December 25th was Jule Tide, the birthday of the Sun (not the Son of God).
On December 26, the men selected on the day of the festival had to pass physical tests to prove their suitability to be fathers.
This day was known as Bock-sing Day – now Boxing Day.
However, with the advent of the Christian era, the original meaning and meanings of the language were changed, lost or distorted.
According to the Christian system, respect for and sharing of semen and sap became taboo – in other words, restricted and forbidden.
Consequently, women were denied their natural worth and equality.
Instead of sperm and sap being honored, they were misused and wasted.
Men and women could no longer understand the history and mystery to assimilate
the seed of knowledge, and did not follow the breeding system and create wholeness with Odin.
In the pagan system, certain trees were considered sacred.
Among these were the ash and the oak.
Ancient records seem to show that humans had a lifespan of nearly a thousand
In the time of Paradise, one’s lifespan could have been very long indeed.
When a person died, they were cremated and their ashes scattered around the world.
The base of the ash tree.
The soul could then be absorbed by the roots and ascend through the tree trunk, branches and leaves, to leave this plane-a whole.
This may explain why so few remains of the people of that time have been found.
During the Christian era, these family trees were systematically destroyed.
According to the pagan system of knowledge, Frey was the first Bock (“goat”) and Freya was the first “nanny”, called the Swan.
They understood the alphabet, the cusp of sound.
This then allowed them to understand the reproductive system they were to initiate to ensure that all humans born would be God (pronounced “good”). Frej and Freja had at least 12 sons and seven daughters.
This first family became the Piruet family.
It was headed by Per (“Allfather”) and Ella (“Earthmother”).
The 12th son became the new Goat who mated with the Swan to create 12 more sons and seven daughters.
Freyja and Freja’s first son was named Ra, and the first daughter was named Maya. Ra and Maya became teachers - the king and queen - at 27 years old, and their task was to entertain the hidden pagans with knowledge. But as teachers, Ra and Maya were not allowed to have children.
(It is interesting to note that in some Scandinavian countries, even in the 20th century, teachers were not allowed to have children; if they did, they were no longer allowed to teach.)
Through the descent of the family line, three additional levels of breeding groups have been formed: the Jarlet, Karlet and Trelet lines.
These became Vaner people lived outside Nyland.
From this point the original Buck then mated with a Swan from the Vaner people.
In this way, a second-rank breeding group was created within Nyland.
There were then two groups within Nyland: Piruet and Roset Aser people.
From the Roset family was the 12th son Rabis, who became the breeder of each Ringland and was also known as the Allfather.