Bombshell: Tucker Carlson’s Exclusive Interview with Vladimir Putin in Moscow


I don’t think this article is genuine. All links aren’t working correctly and signs the article was written by AI. If Carlson actually publishes the interview on his official site, I’m more inclined to believe it. There’s so much being done by AI now, as numerous people have pointed out, the viewer really can’t tell the difference re: what’s real and what isn’t. Scary…


@TSC provided more info on this. Video below is just my find and out there for all.


The interview hasn’t happened yet, so this is a fake, Will be livestreamed on Telegram and , I think, o Twitter


If anyone comes up with a date and time, or just a real good guess, please let us know.

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Thanks TSC, for mentioning that this interview is a Fake.

I didn’t find mention of this interview on Tucker’s web site.
Does he publish an interview schedule? (I didn’t see anything on Tucker’s site even suggesting he will interview Putin, or that he has interviewed him.)
Just musing on how the rumour came to be so widespread…

@Beaver: Thanks for the yellow light about AI at work! I don’t know what’s trustworthy either. I suppose when we see an actual interview on Tucker’s web site, we may be able to be more comfortable with what we’re seeing/hearing.

Interesting that RT says the Tucker-Putin interview is a rumour…


I will consider everything not coming directly from Tucker, on his Telegram or Twitter channels, as fake


I’m amazed anyone thought the post was authentic.
The repetition of phrases was obviously a dead giveaway. More likely a promotion of the upcoming interview, kinda like what’s done for movies and Netflix.

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I think it’s actually informative to post things like this to let people know what’s circulating out here, as lame as others might think it. All kinds of things that people need to keep watch on. Might want to consider a disclaimer but make of it what you will.

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Information, disinformation and misinformation are all good?

You bet! You have to know what’s being said by as many sides as possible in order to make determinations.

Tucker’s latest update


NICE! Thank you @TSC !

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Sent message to Alex Jones a few minutes ago…

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Here it is on YT. As if it might be allowed to happen. Got to hand it to Tucker for going all out.


So, you believe it will not be allowed to happen?**

They have no means to stop or surpress this I think!


They always have means but any system can be routed. He said Musk would let the interview go on as recorded. This would be good!

He and His team did an excellent job of getting the “buzz” out. Pretty difficult to shut the gates when the dam is spewing water.

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I hope the interview is on every channel of every kind, in full, unedited form.
I think YT is the most likely to scrape it though.