Bombshell: Tucker Carlson’s Exclusive Interview with Vladimir Putin in Moscow

He is either tired or very, very scared, that’s what I see in his eyes.
Almost like he doesn’t want to be there. Well, I guess his dues finally arrived.
His father was CIA thru Voice of America radio broadcast for behind Iron Curtain countries.
His whole career in a media is imo handled by boys from Langley.


I know some of his family history, as for the rest, we’ll see.
There’s so many puppets out here, it’s like I said, difficult to believe anything.
I look for patterns, according to legislation and history, etc. and come up with my own hypotheses.
As for the rest, IDK.

Well, perhaps he was given the task of breaking the log jam of the stupid lack of communication since Biden and company raided the executive offices resulting in the Ukraine fiasco.

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He may be doing some unofficial diplomacy on behalf of Trump shadow gov, who knows?
To me the most worrisome is his connection via his father to the CIA.

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I’m really not worried about Carlson at all. I have 2 questions or concerns about the interview though.
#1 How many, if any channels will be blocked from showing the interview?
#2 When the interview goes forward, what will repercussions be in U.S.?

Why is it an issue to listen to what an adversary has to say but it is not a problem to spend billions of dollars without having all the facts?


Not all CIA folks are bad apples, the covert operations branch in cahoots with the Council on Foreign Relations, now those guys are baddies…

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I’ve always assumed that org is doing the bidding of the elites behind the guise of protecting citizens. I mean the deception thing is right in the motto.

I’ve been reading claims that Putin and his government are in bed with the Chabad Lubavitch movement. I’m aware that lots of people will try to associate anyone with “the jews” and but it does seem that that org is far more powerful than most assume.


I really wish I knew the exact date and time Carlson announced his interview with Putin. The article @ColonelZ posted is dated Monday, with update yesterday. Wonder if there was a whiff of the interview that AI picked up on, or, was announcement actually made on Monday and somehow, we didn’t see it until Tuesday? Looking for a pattern here.

Need to keep the article with transcript to see how much, if any, it matches the interview. I’m wondering if the interview has already been done? It appears to have lots of moving parts in it. I guess we’ll find out, huh?

@uintatom I don’t know if it’s Chabad or not; at this point, Israel is deep into this but feel sure this is all a plan and they’re all a part of it, including Putin. Again, as you know, I believe it’s a plan to take all the resources for their use, using a system that they’re building out - BRI. How many of us little people they’ll let live remains to be seen.

Looks like Ch-L holds the newest “bestest” spell in world of occult, conjuring powers, Magi.
Even Hitler’s Nazi sought their services during WWII. The entire train of their elites with families, in a range of couple hundred people was carefully delivered via Warsaw to Berlin then some of them traveled to Copenhagen and by boat ended up in USA.
As always there are Jews and there are magic spelling Jews. Two different species.

Just to add a little spice to the mix, let us not forget that Trump arranged marriage of his favorite Ivanka with highly placed CH-L member Jared Kushner.
One question, does anybody know where Kushner’s fortune came from, I mean original capital to start their RE empire.???

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Yeah or simply regular people and the elite.
The new leader of Argentina visiting Schneersons grave in Crown Heights was a calculated, public signal.


Kushner is the real sticking point here. I’m sick of elected officials including their unelected family in their decision-making on a regular basis. Highly suspicious, as is Trumps moving the embassy, as is and this one really gets me, giving Netanyahu the Key to The White House. He did so openly for everyone to see.

I don’t want to redirect Colonel Z’s thread, so, I’m off it now.

I am not saying that Tucker and his father are evil, just coopted. Useful tools in a American Deep State that CIA is a vital part of. Most of the press and media is deeply infiltrated by secret CIA agents. Thats quite well-known info by now.

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Exclusive interviews with power brokers are arranged for multiple reasons. The “deep state” has backers who tell them what to do, mainly the CFR who are also told what to do. Who else would run things if we didn’t have these groups? The political class serve themselves and no one else. The current “selected” politicians thankfully are not really in charge. We’d really have a mess.


I surely agree with most of that! The last part about ‘really in charge’, the world can do without but it will always be that way. It’s a constant fight on this planet.

Really? Whomever is running the show are making a mess, especially in genocidal bodycounts. Socalled mercenaries that I believe are NATO troups are dying like flies together with their Ukranian brothers in arms in that insane war. Ofcourse draft is being talked about in Europe, we are next on the chopping blok as cannon fodder for the banks, multi nationals & corrupt politicians & journalists. How many body bags are needed for people to wake up!


The first link is to a Tucker Carlson update 21 hours ago (from Feb 7 8:03 am) .

This morning RT reports that the Kremlin has confirmed that the interview has occurred

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Yes there’s quite a messy situation as liberalism comes to a screeching halt. The results are in, humans are not all equal. Back to the drawing board…

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The fact checkers will have a field day when the interview is broadcast. Imagine the audience’s shock that traditional values are alive and well in Russian culture.

Odd comment…

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