Bombshell: Tucker Carlson’s Exclusive Interview with Vladimir Putin in Moscow

This wasn’t interview, it was a monologue when old gizar mixed dates in early medival times, skipped couple of centuries of Kievan Rus, to fit his Muscovite narrative, put Zelenski father on a frontline of WWII, even so he was born 1947, and so on we can go. Forgot to mention a collaboration of Nazi Germany with Soviet Russia, and was looking for Nazi everywhere in UKR but not in Rosneft or Gazprom where his budy Schroeder was employed. The same Schroeder who ascended to political arena by becoming famous defending known neo-nazi H. MAHLER uhh! the irony. Interesting compiliation below. Comparison of Hitler and Putin. It is uncanny, they could pass as twins.

Does anyone really expect anyone to come clean and admit they were wrong? Considering the atrocities humans are responsible for, the mind has to juggle the events around to prevent total insanity and destruction of civilization.

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This was a fascinating event to be sure but perspective is needed. My opinion, no way did Putin speak extemporaneously, I’m sure this was scripted, no ?

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Yes, it is highly scripted, except for the question(s) that virtually all reporters slip in and Putin was ready for it. When a head of state is interviewed, a list of questions must be submitted to her/him, or their staff. In this case, the sneaky question was at the end about releasing The WSJ reporter. Putin knew something was coming; you could tell by the “other shoe has dropped” look on his face. Someone wanted the message delivered, publicly, and Tucker was happy to do it. This is often how it’s done.

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Controlling any narrative requires a script. As Putin mentioned the mass media is 100% controlled in the West….not to mention Russia and the rest of the world.

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Under whose authority is a non-President, one who was neither elected nor inaugurated under the Constitution, allowed to make such declarations? At what point do we, as the American people, simply say STOP. It is up to to US… or rather YOU. I gave up being a citizen because of all this stupidity. No longer a subject to the Poopident.

Guess all the clandestine messages have been delivered. I’m still wondering if the last minute shoe drop about releasing the WSJ reporter was Carlsons idea, or, that of others.

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One thing I will give to Putin, during that interview, when he called Tucker a aspirant/junior agent for CIA not good enough to complete full training, just enough to be useful idiot delegated to the media arena :rofl:.
Looks like I called it early. Tucker is CIA one of their fractions and no, he doesn’t work for Trump but against him.

Make of it what you will…


Martin Armstrong has the proof in the pudding…


Putin really didn’t do anything unexpected except refuse release of the reporter, without coming out with a direct “No”, in which The West could have used against him.

Just as we thought… now they’re turning it against Tucker and Putin…

Tom Luongo is loosing his touch. Putting Tucker in a category of independent media talking heads is not laughable, is just sad.