Bombshell: Tucker Carlson’s Exclusive Interview with Vladimir Putin in Moscow

In my opinion is that this has some connection with the "UFO "incident in Voronezh. Although vague and nebulous and elusive. But , there is a connection.I am sure.


This is Claus, do a hit piece on Tucker’s interview with Vladimir NOW!


I’m getting a solid history lesson from Vlad!


To my surprise, on Youtube!


So cool, Mr. Tucker History Boy, couldn’t see where Putin’s discussion was going but why. Poland and Russia were discussing the history of the Ukraine in 1650. Hmmmm. What was going on in the US at the time. Oh yeah.

Putin love Russia and shows this well in Tucker’s “interview”. I can see the haters drooling at this point.
Oh well, Tucker isn’t as pretty as Barbara Walters. (ha!)

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The best one is a collaboration of Poland with Hitler. Honestly you can’t make this things up :rofl:


Actually, you can make these things up…


You right, Putin is as we speak. This is shaping to be more of the sad fall of Tucker more so than anything else.

Well I don’t know if it’s the fall of Tucker but he wasn’t expecting a half hour history lesson. A very Russian tactic. I heard this over and over when I was there. I didn’t mind but it was, in many cases, almost word for word from various individuals.

Right or wrong, I understand Putins position. I just think he’s as much a part of NWO as all the others.


Oh yes Putin a Master of history, decided that Russians were prosecuted by Poland during time of unification of Poland and Grand Duchy of Lithuania in 13th century. Problem is that that unification didn’t happen until 15th century, not to mention that prosecution looked like this: Poles had built lots of churches, and schools how dared they.
Yes, Russian victimhood, as a pretext for Russian imperialism, that’s a type of propaganda young Russian are being fed with. This whole interview is a historical farce.


Time for us all to go back and see who wrote what. Ukariaine has always been fringe land and your interpretation of the Hatfield and the McCoys. Since before there were iPhones.


I did a tour from Germany through Switzerland, Italy and back to Vienna in late fall 2019 and realized that for me, understanding ANY history wasn’t going to be easy based on every section of country that was close to the “border”

If it was about Mexico here, that would be one thing; however, when the American Bar Association has created advertisements for military aged men to come to the US FROM CHINA, guaranteed a $5000 credit card at the border, 2 years in the military and then guaranteed citizenship… well, all bets off on the history lesson.

And now, a word from young Russia.

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A Black Panther fan explaining geopolitical issues from the young prole side. Funny.

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What do you think the chances are that there is a couple of stray pages in that folio that was handed over on international news that contains information not strictly historical in nature?

Perhaps messages that cant be reliably delivered via email or diplomatic pouches, messages that could be denied publicly and plausibly, or even certified publicly or plausibly? Would be a great coup to deliver a message to the Americans so publicly while Tucker has every 3-letter agency breathing down his neck, and even rub their nose in it by forcing them to translate whatever language it’s written in.

Good money says there is a deal in the making somewhere between the 13th-14th century.


I listened to the full interview (mp3 download) and Putin did 98% of the talking and that transcript had them talking about equal time… there is a transcript (behind a paywall) on the Tucker Carlson website.


It wouldn’t surprise me. It is an age old custom and technique for communication. JFK and Khrushchev for example.
It doesn’t matter to me what anyone posts otherwise, I think it’s a good thing that the interview happened. I benefited from Putin’s review of his view of history. I can’t think of another political leader who could speak so coherently and well for hours. It is good that he got to talk without hardly any interruption from the interviewer. Interviewers usually talk too much and spoil their interviews with a lot of interruptions. Tucker seems to be a very good listener. Most people really don’t listen anymore.