A detailed testimony from Janine’s channel on events in BC, Canada’s version of “Commifornia”. Follows on suggestions by Clif that at rallies, key people could be targeted with aerosol spraying (e.g. from “perfume bottles”) by infiltrators. Paranoia? Well with everything else going on…
Absolutely! May already been done, memory manipulated, remember the research by Dr Charles Morgan presented at West Point class i linked to in a post in the old forum suggest such techniques.
As i said at the time, no need for voting and elections or anything just manipulate memory to
contain implanted stuff thats not yours as Dr Morgan showed could be done.
Edit: this one:
I may be over reacting, but I am pretty sure I am going to avoid rallies. Is this cowardly?
Just use your good judgement, try to understand who the organizers are.
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Interesting, I missed this one.