I wish they would and go broke fast too!
Poor folks just ain’t getting enough fan mail or attention anymore. The entertainment industry is not going to suffer from their strike. Nice way to retire and save an ego from lack of demand for their service. Younger folks couldn’t care less what these aging stars do or say…
I pray that the brainwashed misinformed people learn the truth, but meanwhile it is increasingly important to steer clear of stupid people with an agenda.
They write the script and know how to manipulate people’s thoughts and emotions. It’s so amazing how fast people were manipulated into fear and anger over the unvaxed. My own sister is still one of the “The believers” after sharing many videos and articles. I worry about her but can’t lead her to the truth. And now we have our experts fighting each other. Who to believe, take a side, divide.
Be careful what you wish for.
But, I can’t help but wish; this were true.
We have( had??) freedom of religion & belief here, which lets us all have the philosophies/fantasies we each prefer, which allow us each to be what we are[ not necessarily what we are meant to be] , but/and you/I CAN lead a thirsting horse to the quenching Water. We just can’t make’em drink. Or, to ever so slightly paraphrase the words of T. de Chardin, we can take them to the Cliff, and even push them, yet we cannot by ourselves force them to Fly…
Mm. Just a stray thought.
Bless you.
I guess they do not read or research anything outside of lame stream media…these people make me nauseous.
Ah, Bill. Maybe he’ll calm down now that the menopause is in full swing…
The article might as well be titled, “Bankrupt Shills Threaten to Stop Dumping Unsolicited Cultural Poop in Living Rooms until Demands Met.” It’s a baffling non-starter for the audience they’re trying to manipulate.