what are you talking about?
Didnt say a word comparing their works tho.
I said , meant to say, that even if your “juhoo bullsheeet” level only is 5 % of your personality, you’re not doing anybody any favors not include those 5 % into the conversation when you evaluate the persons information.
If its “blue chicken” of “ambassador in hyperspace”, it still is a part of who you are.
Why I started the topic was because there was a couple of people of who didnt believe it when i said it in the livechat, so i thought id link to it so that people can add info to their existing knowledge-bank.
It might not mean a thing to you, or make you look at him any differently, but for others it might do.
To me personally i see some worth in some things he says, he obviously has a knowledge on things.
BUt i also notice some less, in MY eyes, less favorable stuff, like how he always are the best at things when he describes his talents.
Example ;" Ive baked breadf today…And i am a GREAT baker , ok…people say they are great at baking but i know everything about flour and yeast and methods and sheeet, OK "…Like why this need to convince people you are the nest at everything? Its narcissistic tendenvies, and to me people with narcissistic tendencies most times are happy to make stories more grandiose and unbelievable than necessary or what is the plain truth.
WHebn he in addition claims to be "earths ambassador in hyperspace, talking to mantids, well ,to me that puts him closer to Goode and Wilcock than say a Joseph Farrell.
YOu might disagree ,and good for you , we’re all different, but to me that’s information that affects my perception of him.
Have a nice day