Clif High in hyperspace

I was met with scepticism when i said I had heard Clif High refer to himself as an ambassador in hyperspace…
I was unable to find that exact episode( he makes one a day :)) , but in the opening minutes of this episode he talks about his travels in hyperspace, meeting the manti(d?)s.
It’s not “blue chicken” yet, but the green light is blinking soon going red.

So to those who implied I was lying; I wasn’t.
I don’t know what happens to ppl after being the “go-to-guy” for a while.
I was a little let down by it.


Everyone already knows this. I don’t know anything about anyone implying you were lying, but High often talks about his “tripping into hyperspace” and also that he’s been diagnosed as paranoid schizophrenic (his own words). I don’t like labels & think many a trailblazer is labeled simply because they don’t fit into the social order. However, the claim of tripping into hyperspace and meeting a bug is surpassing outrageous. I know plenty of people who’ve eaten a mess of mushrooms and had no such trip. Basically, High assigns different names to Q info, calls it his own, buts a different spin on it and throws it out there. On occasion, he says something noteworthy, as he did the other day, IMO.

You aren’t the only one with red flags flying.


found this clif guy some ‘z’-time before
what i found most fascinating is his welcome:
“hello humans!”
he is very thorough. and he is a taoist if u know what that means. its like clif high on bitchute :wink:
happy to have him
and as a good friend of mine says: ‘i believe everything and its opposite as well’. so a bit hyperspace doesnt stir much. after my impressions he is quite a knowledgeable and loving guy.

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It is risky to discuss experiences for which we do not have confirmed terms. Is imagination real? theorized ways of knowing is a topic which can be unsettling for some people.

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I think everyone has the right to believe what they want. I do not feel the need to have confirmed terms, nor do I think High’s verbal tap dance means he knows anything at all. Let’s not forget about those 'shrooms, as they do tend to grow in or very near bull$h1t.


Over the years I’ve found Clif’s material to be informative and thought-provoking. He clearly states when he is talking about either his personal experiences or his opinions, deductions, “web-bot” work and textual research. Earlier pre-bitchute era videos available on the old YT channel (the one with 123,000 followers). His “web-bot” predictions have often been skewed but, hey who’s perfect? This series of videos referring to “karmans” references a book he has discussed previously: " The Doctrine Of Karman In Jain Philosophy" (1942 - low price reprints available on the market) by Helmuth Von Glasenapp, This fascinating little work classifies most conceivable types of the human experience into pithy sentences and provides a “timeframe” for the duration of the “karmic consequences” of each type of action, which can range from a few minutes to “countless aeons”.


I liked the Yule woo video. The references to slavery, Rome, Anglo Saxons, norsemen, and the ‘barbarians’ were interesting.

I like the way he mixes etymology, science and history.


he is a ‘complete guy’. master of himself. thats quite much i think. what he does is what he has to do. and thats all. :innocent:

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glasenapp was the guy who wrote about religions without practicing or understanding them. a real quackademic classic.
i dunno, maybe this jain cookbook is ok, but what he wrote about the ‘5 world religions’ is even bad for silliness. sorry.

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And there you have it, Sphinx. At least you have one other person who thinks High’s a plagiaristic load; the rest who might feel the same wouldn’t dare say so. Trust yourself, Sphinx; your intuition is there for a good reason. Ciao!


what is ‘plagiaristic’? citing from whoever had the thought in the endless ether where u can fish a thought anytime as easily as breaking bread at the table
come on! plagiaristic?! 2+2=4…
would u be so kind to elaborate on this. since the jainists r not alone with these allegations about karmandriya, and its a traceable tradition of thought, please tell me, how can that be ‘plagiarised’?
plagiarase a f@king axe. and be sure, that cliff will stand beside u and hit u in the head
if u dont have it good
cutting the wood
its called life skills. cook the meal.
. u have to open up. u have to brake the shell. u have to go so high up that everybody is perfect in their own ways. u r almighty, beautiful, sovereign and whatever. just kill the buddha on the way and know the drill.
its like a bit lousy and shadowed, but a treasure to live this life right now and keeping up the standards.
bro. lighten up a bit along

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No need for me to constantly repeat myself. Believe The Bug, kalamona.

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now u get u-me wrong mate
iz not bout bilivng da bug
one should not get caught in any bones in space
all passengers have their own ‘tube’ of understanding
thats his, its yours
i like the guy. but i like u as well, so it shouldn’t tell much… :wink:

I didn’t think you were lying either, Sphinx. I have very little awareness of Clif and the ideas he espouses, but I did see an hour long thing with him on Leak Project once. In it he talked about how he was a reincarnation of some kind of alien who came to Earth on a slow moving rotational spaceship made of copper, or something to that effect. It was some time ago and I don’t fully remember all the details, but it was pretty out there. I wasn’t surprised when you said that he thought of himself as Earth’s ambassador to hyperspace or whatever. He seems a bit woowoo.


Dana, some people just do not have any appreciation of others… only envy. You are one of the most fair minded persons I have come across, besides Clif.

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This has very little to do with envy : )
Ive stated on many occasions that C.High is a knowledgeable guy, but still question some of his ways and approach.
If we were only to approach good people with an “anything goes” , then we’d be in a dark place before you know it, sidelined with blue chickens and whatnot.
We need to share healthy skepcism to people and hold them accountable for their claims.
I didnt post it to have a go at Mr High, out of envy and such ,but rather to just remind people who had a hard time believe that such a “great “m an could have said it., that he in fact did.
I dont want to be looked at as a liar cause im not to post “bad” info on god people.
I think its important to add to the picture, when people have an idealistic picture of someone, im not to tell them ;” well, he also talks to aliens as earths ambassador in hyperspace”?
SHould the same go for Good and Wilcock and Fulford and the lot? Just because they once said something true about CIA, we shouldnt talk about the fact they are “blue chicken fans” ?
In fact, as i remember it, Mr high himself has a very clear attitude towads the “blue chickens”, .,…should he kept his mouth shut too ?


Hear hear (she said, agreeing with bluefalken re: Dana Thomas)

If you know the history of the fight between Goode, Wilcock etc and High, you would see that saying their names in the same sentence is somewhat problematic. Now you are talking about plagiarism.

Like him better when Alexandra Bruce summarizes him or when Greg Hunter forces him to organize his thoughts more categorically.

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what are you talking about?
Didnt say a word comparing their works tho.
I said , meant to say, that even if your “juhoo bullsheeet” level only is 5 % of your personality, you’re not doing anybody any favors not include those 5 % into the conversation when you evaluate the persons information.
If its “blue chicken” of “ambassador in hyperspace”, it still is a part of who you are.
Why I started the topic was because there was a couple of people of who didnt believe it when i said it in the livechat, so i thought id link to it so that people can add info to their existing knowledge-bank.
It might not mean a thing to you, or make you look at him any differently, but for others it might do.
To me personally i see some worth in some things he says, he obviously has a knowledge on things.
BUt i also notice some less, in MY eyes, less favorable stuff, like how he always are the best at things when he describes his talents.
Example ;" Ive baked breadf today…And i am a GREAT baker , ok…people say they are great at baking but i know everything about flour and yeast and methods and sheeet, OK "…Like why this need to convince people you are the nest at everything? Its narcissistic tendenvies, and to me people with narcissistic tendencies most times are happy to make stories more grandiose and unbelievable than necessary or what is the plain truth.
WHebn he in addition claims to be "earths ambassador in hyperspace, talking to mantids, well ,to me that puts him closer to Goode and Wilcock than say a Joseph Farrell.
YOu might disagree ,and good for you , we’re all different, but to me that’s information that affects my perception of him.
Have a nice day