Communist China Launches nuclear fusion reactor Artificial Sun @ Night looks like Day

Communist China Launches nuclear fusion reactor Artificial Sun @ Night looks like Day WAKE UP PEOPLE

Communist China Launches $1 Trillion nuclear fusion reactor Artificial Sun That Burns 5 Times Hotter Than The Sun WAKE UP PEOPLE #PatriotsUnite #PatriotsUnite2022 #FollowBackPATRIOTS

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Dumb question – assuming that the sun’s physical properties are measured by “heat”, (using their description), and assuming that the phenomenon in China is “hotter” than the sun, wouldn’t those people be burned to a crisp – no matter how far away that thing is?
And, wouldn’t the device that’s creating it burn up as well?


Hey. What are you doing applying logic to these “facts”???


alternative fact: “temperature” and “volume of heat of a giant celestial body” are not in any way related

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I knew this subject deserved its own thread.

I discussed this in another thread, I wonder the same as dixiejrt. I’m not the greatest with physics, but that sun does seem very close to the crowd. I’m thinking it’s another CCP dubious claim. That being said Klaus Schwab is the biggest fan of artificial sun’s, so this seems to be something the elites want have or are working on. My thing is for what? I know our magnetic field is weakening and we are long overdue for a potential pole flip, could that be their concern. I don’t know how an artificial sun could prevent that but there’s a CT that Antartica has two. If it does, how come we don’t see it here or atleast on Google maps, I can’t believe that those NDAs they sign would stop atleast one scientist from confirming it.

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Google usually airbrushes out most of what it wants hidden, but the coverup is easy to spot.
Once in a while something slips through, though.

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Interesting. And it is true they are on the books doing that. They hid Israeli offsite terrorist prisons, or I should say so called. I’m sure we have our own here conveniently airbrushed, crap they probably got every conservatives name on a bunkbed already.

Here is a great book about a Palestinian who spent ten years in Israeli jail, the prisoners established an entire university system in there very impressive.

Once he got out he established a foundation for peace in Jerusalem!

Never met Sami but heard about this book from co-author Jen she gave a great “fire side chat” presentation about this at local language school got to throw logs on the fire for this that was exciting.

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Brittian has been working on this also…

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This isn’t uncommon for outliers, political prisoners to do this. In the communist purge of both Russia and China, contrarian intelligence were forced into camps. I’ve heard of mathematicians writing complex equations in the Siberian snow. Those in China who survived the camps would puncture their own eardrums so they couldn’t be indoctrinated, and they were the ones who survived. This is why I know wholeheartedly this globalist plan will fail because they’ve made enemies of their best intelligence. What kind of AGI can you make with a command economy and where you castrate the most creative people by force.

HAARP China’s Artificial Sun With Steven Jackson