Crazy. Tranny First Ladies? Video. Worth thinking about

I do not know what to make of this, but some of the photos are telling…


Hermaphroditic shapeshifters is more like it. They may even also be of an entirely separate race( Rephaim, etc.) , as in genus.


They should have added Jackie Kennedy and Melania Trump for contrast.
Wasn’t Mike Obama the first real Tranny First Lady? That’s what Joan Rivers said, but look what happened to her.

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they did, but the contrast is not as large as anticipated.

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a chilling thought, but if true would explain much.


"We know the past dozen or more have been for sure. "

Oh ok. I am not giving revenue to the person promoting that video. Don’t get tricked into a baseline like that.


Look for the adam’s apple to know for sure.

That was b.s. R.i.p., though.

Is this borderline misogyny. If a person was perceptive one would notice that as people age there is a drop in hormones which create a unisex look in both men and women.

Obsessing over a female’s look especially to denigrate is juvenile and is a weak minded attempt to relegate a person without regard to ability.

Over time, a man ages and starts to look like his wife, if he has one.


Good gracious it was a joke…

It is ok to make jokes and it is ok to make a point when a comment is more ignorant than funny.

Dark Journalist would label this “junk conspiracy”.

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The word is absurd all around and to the point.

Agreed. and the maker of this rubbish obviously is jelly over Brad Pitt’s good looks, and conveniently skips over Trump, Reagan and LBJ being “secret women”. but anyone who tries to make people believe Melania Trump is a man is just trolling for loons.
I suppose the point is to divert intelligent conversation with rubbish, and in that he half succeeded I suppose.

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