Dark Journalist, Friday, November 17, 2023 - JFK60: Blue Enigma The UFO File and Assassination Revealed!

Or…DJ via Chat GPT??


DJ sadly gets giggly and simpish around women…
One reason i cant stand the Gigi episodes.
Well mostly its becauce i get repelled from “spiritual” people who “knows the truth” becauce they claim they have superpowers.


This just flashed on my screen for tonight and then disappeared. Title indicates a repeat.

PLEASE refrain from the profanity! It is against the Community Guidelines. I come here to be away from all that.
You do realize that DarkjournaList has an email that you can send your letter to, with your actual name attached, and not insist on posting your criticisms here anonymously, don’t you??
Also, DJ is actually transmitting a special interview tonight with Dr. Farrell…

“F” is a four-letter swear word.
I am not squalling, and I RESENT the slander.
You are posting anonymously, and not having the good grace to say this to DJ’s face.
And the broadcast will be on youtube.

(post deleted by author)


No beautiful young blond here but a better interview.



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Inhave to say that the cheeky, perky host was pretty distracting, but not for the reasons you might think. She was distracting because she was doing that lyrical pitch change thing that some women do.

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Why is this flagged??


You don’t know that. Maybe many of us did email DJ, with concerns over the last week broadcast.
Critical comments on this website are coming simply from the fact that DJ and Dr. Farrell, have been working closely for years, and everybody feels a certain kind of kinship between them, at least in the matter of UFO file and JFK assassination.

By the way looks like either DJ read his email and comments in this feed or had a plan form the beginning, because part two of 60th anniversary of JFK, is really worth to watch, and is everything what one would expect from investigative journalist.


Yes, this was better, most of it. When the distracting valley girl was brought back for a bit, I watched Walter Bosley on replay until the cringe part was over. Sorry DJ. If the girl had added anything at all, I wouldn’t care. I did care that she asked pre-prepared questions and could not even do that with the gravitas the subject matter deserved. Kudos for your continued exploration as to why Kennedy was offed. I loathe too much “packaging” but presentation can be important. Turning off people may not have been your intent but it was the result.

As an addendum:
I see people calling this an interview. It was not. It was a girl given pre-prepared questions. A real interview would have the interviewer asking their own questions and follow up questions. To me this was so very obvious. It was misleading to call this an interview. Would have preferred an off-camera Olivia giving the call to DJ’s response and formatted like the second show with the graphics and such. What’s called a “Talking Heads” show is hard to do and takes people with new information and intelligent presentation. I believe people want DJ to get the information out and I think were a bit shocked at the 11/17 show.


Thanks to the Giza community reviews, we decided to skip that one particular show. Often, when we hear interviews with less experienced interviewers, dotted with “ums” and “ahs”, nervous giggles, and that (nowadays ubiquitous!) voice inflection where a person always sounds like he’s uncertain about what he’s saying, we can’t take more than a few minutes listening to that communication style, as we find it distracting. When we started reading the reviews on this thread, we thought that this particular interview may have fallen into that category, and so we thank the community for the heads up.

That being said, we would not cancel our subscription to Dark Journalist, as he has given a platform to great guests, including Dr. Farrell, and we are very grateful to DJ for that. Maybe we don’t agree with everything he or his guests say, and we don’t have to, nor does he have to speak to everything with which we agree. This really just stimulates us to want to learn more. We are very grateful for his ongoing courage to explore taboo topics, and for speaking with guests who speak to these topics.


Seemed like was flagged because of profanity, / being a rude letter.

Otherwise don’t know can’t see who flagged what.

Poof, and just like that, removed…didn’t happen.

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Some people prefer a shaved beaver to the furry ones.

Actually, my wife and I just skipped past the interview in question, started right after with Jim Marrs and it was quite excellent from that point on. If you’ve seen all of his prior JFK videos, then it’s probably not worth it for you, but if you haven’t (as my wife and I haven’t), it was definitely worth seeing.

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Actually, the first part, interviewing Dr. Farrell and, briefly, Caddy is very good to 42:37. Then…it’s weird blue chiaroscuro redux time with the staged questions and even more weird and distracting non-responses from the “interviewer”. She seems to be on a first date with Daniel and realizes she is in over her head, so she tries to fake comprehension, with very limited success. Anyway,after 1:03 all is back to the realm of the interesting with the replay of the Jim Marrs interview.

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Are @thebeaver and @WuWu still here or did they both leave or get silenced?

Was this a " I provoke you till you break, and when you do I report you for breaking" situation?
Caue those situations can be annoying !

Embarrassing. Simpering bimbo too annoying.