Dark Journalist, Friday, November 17, 2023 - JFK60: Blue Enigma The UFO File and Assassination Revealed!

Considering it being less than 2 hours Daniel hit on a ton of things which I felt was intended for some first timers along with the regulars. He has too much in his arsenal for the average person to familiarize themselves with given the attention span these days. I did not criticize on YT because anyone that might take the info. there as revealing could be put off. I would not have chosen this format. I believe she is a Psychotherapist in MA. For me, anyone even thinking about cancelling their DJ membership cause of this is a buffoon, epic buffoon. Calling it junk news or a psyop here is actually stunning to me. Stunning considering the collective intelligence that most subscribed to GDS seem to exhibit. I think the regular format is familiar to most but I think Daniel needed an interview format for what some refer to here as newbies.I don’t think the average YT crowd belongs to Mensa. I dismissed the Marilyn Monroe look, that some were suggesting of her appearance, as planned.

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Do you know this is Olivia’s daughter?

That’s a good take on it. Clif’s stream of consciousness stuff is not exactly Emmy worthy when he does his white board stuff either.

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having been in a cult when i was very young with my mother, i have to say that sometimes it is just better to know when to fold 'em especially when i recognize the mind control signs.

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Oh goody gumdrops :rofl: Good for you.

I didnt until this thread, why do you ask?

To be perfectly honest I usually fall asleep during Dark Journalist these days (Unless it’s Dr. Farrell’s episodes of course). I like DJ and Olivia but it is a lot of repetition and a lot of long trips around Harvey’s barn to get information. And I don’t mean to offend anybody, but Gigi bugs me and I question his discernment for being a journalist and taking everything that lady says as gospel. I know it sounds like I’m trash talking him and that’s not the case at all. He has done a lot of great stories and I have learned a lot too.


Cause I looked her up. She did not seem like a journalist. Seems by her photo she is Psychotherapist close to Daniel, I guess, in MA. Nothing about her family background suggests she is Olivia’s daughter or sister. unless I am missing something big I am puzzled a bit by that avenue of thinking. I was hoping you had some pertinent info. Just curious.

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I thought it was a joke about her being Olivia’s daughter… because the original comment was “Oh look it’s Olivia’s daughter :)”

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OK. I don’t mean to pry but maybe you should ask Dr. Farrell about this. I do not see anything like that. The good Dr.would not be so tight with Daniel if there was anything untoward about his work. I sincerely believe that.

That was my thought also but I was seeing it get some traction. It seemed to coincide with the complaints about his special.

He could just as well have walked people through a Glenn Beck type chalkboard presentation. And no, she wasn’t interviewing at all. Real interviewers ask follow up questions, not giggle, smile, and Valley Girl their way through reading Daniel’s questions he wrote out for her. It was so obvious. Change the format if you must but do it with some intelligence and integrity.


I think people are disappointed that DJ’s presentation, in a way, trivialized the very important subject matter. Wanting that information to become more mainstream and then to do this to it? I feel sorry for the girl but if all you can contribute is set dressing you ought to be aware of that and decline. She read a prepared list of questions and added nothing else but distraction.


If true, having her try and “host” a regular episode or three would have been much kinder to give her experience and confidence. And while women can wear whatever they want to, some things are more appropriate for certain types of journalism if you want to be taken seriously. But while the outfit was distracting and out-of-place (in my opinion), the real problems were the nervous giggling, the straight reading of questions prepared for her with no follow-ups (so not an interview), and the constant shy smiles at Daniel.

Again, I’ve been there (well, not the clothing, but some of the other inexperienced mistakes). Getting this stuff right takes a lot of practice, so Daniel didn’t do her any favors by putting her in this position before some trial runs. Maybe short sections during regular podcasts or a show where she “interviews” Olivia on some of her favorite topics over the years.

And yes, this has unfortunately overshadowed the information, which, as far as I can tell, is pretty much aimed at attracting a new audience. I think his documentary on the topic was much better, and he had less information to work with at the time.


then don’t pry. i’m not a spring chicken, thank God, and i follow my gut. if my intuition tells me it’s time to stop listening to someone, then it’s time. many decades ago, i went to an est meeting because a friend asked me to go with her. it was hard sell at that time. i listened to their stuff, then when the push came, told them they were nothing but a cult, all the signs were there. they were glad to see me leave. and i didn’t waste my money.
daniel does what he does. that’s his show and his business. doesn’t mean i have to hang onto his every word. and i doubt very much he cares if one does or doesn’t.
as i said, i follow my intuition and i make up my own mind. perhaps “the truth is out there.” perhaps it isn’t. it is our job to keep studying and learning and not take anyone’s word for anything.

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Your wish is my command. Take care.

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I thought the show was excellent and included most of what needed to be said.

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How charitable of you Miss Anne. Good for you, have a nice life.

The show made be a bit sad because DJ is usually sharp edged cool and he seemed like he was in a trance.

Anything else I could say would be cliche.


Ditto, yes very much like a trance.

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