Dark Journalist, Friday, November 17, 2023 - JFK60: Blue Enigma The UFO File and Assassination Revealed!

I thought Olivia’s daughter was charming : )

Makes me wonder if it was an AI production. Hope DJ is still with us.

I kept wondering if watching an OnlyFans stream in error. DJ’s casting coach.


I did have to wonder if they were dating or something. It is none of our business, but I had to wonder why he picked her. There are lots of good alternative women journalists. Olivia never goes on camera but would do a great job if there were a way to work around that. The idea of voices over pictures if they wanted to do a documentary interview. I got my membership when it was very cheap and I enjoy most of his work - but I am not enjoying this one so far. I’m not sure I will make it through a couple of hours, but I will try - later. Meanwhile, I’m enjoying Water Bosley and Joseph.


There was an artificial aspect to it and I don’t just mean the superficial nature of his interaction with the interviewer, which was in stark contrast to his great rapport with Olivia.


If there is a new one with Bosley, link please @Melodi , don’t leave us hanging :grin:

Links! : )
Me need link!

This is the latest with Joseph:


I’m relieved that I wasn’t the only one surprised and confused by the female ‘host’. It was as if CBS had cut to a shot of Walter Cronkite wearing one of Elvis Presley’s sequined jumpsuits. But it wasn’t just her appearance. As others noted, there was a disconnect between content and style that was distracting and disturbing. Very disappointed that an important JFK anniversary was presented that way.


It was def weird for sure…
Been watching DJ for years and overall enjoy most of his shows.
But ive also noticed he can act strange or idk different depending on the guest or sometimes topic.

Its like he shifts from being the cool cat Dark journalist who wants to be taken seriously, to sometimes trying to force some comedic relief with imo a fakeish laughter at random points.

But i respect his work and maybe he was just nervous about the total shift in how his presentation was going to be received?
With the comments i read here i can def understand him.

Some people at this forum are really emotionall midgets.
Acting out and throwing tantrums about all kinds of pety things.
Maybe understandable since it is a conspiracy type of place.
And many people drawn to these things arent really the most stable minded individuals.

Im glad that Doc keeps the general vibe here high.
But we def got some people who needs to check their ego and stop taking themselves so seriously lol.

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Molte gracie @TSC :grin::grin::grin:

Of course you did! As did the majority of the men in the chat! LOL! At least you’re healthy…

Yes, it was hard to follow, even for those of us viewing DJ for a long while. The flow was not smooth at all and he raced through his answers.


On second thought … Is it possible that what we witnessed last evening was actually an episode of Bad Conceptual Theatre? We may not have recognized it in that the usual host is Leonard Pinth-Garnell

Leonard Pinth-Garnell

“Stunningly bad!”
“Monumentally ill-advised!”
“Perfectly awful!”
“Couldn’t be worse!”
“Exquisitely awful!”
“Astonishingly ill-chosen!”
“Really bit the big one!”
“Unrelentingly bad!”
“Rally socks!”
“There… That wasn’t so good now, was it?”


I’ve about had all I can’t take with anything to do with JFK’s demise. It’s like retreading a used tire.
It done, it’s over, we all pretty much know who did it and why.
Ain’t nobody going to be held accountable or punished.


BiNGO! Bill … But while we are on the subject of JFK and things related, since we seem to still be in the mode of renaming things previously named for supposedly unsavory characters, the military base of my birth being one of those. Given what we now know, without a doubt, about the actions of one John Foster Dulles … How about renaming Dulles International? Just sayin’


The Dulles bros were def close to the highest level of gatekeepers of the Dragon.

Dont forget who they defended at the Washington hearings about being behind the hidden ownership of Bosch.

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I got it from the forum, so it is already posted, maybe on the second page now? I have it on my computer downstairs, but I’ll see if I can bump the post.

She reminded me of some of the female “journalists” on FOX years ago, but even they didn’t giggle on camera. Again,it wasn’t that he used a lady “host.” Experimenting with different formats is a good idea sometimes. She seems to have had little experience doing this sort of thing, which would have worked better in a regular episode (as an experiment or getting her started) than for an important public expose. I’ve been where she was (not the clothing; no one wants to see a woman my age like that except a beloved partner) but the giggles, etc. I practiced in front of a mirror for hours when I had a podcast after hearing myself do it. I’m not sure I would want to interview DJ even now, even though (as part of a panel) I helped interview many people, including Cliff High and Courtney from The Far Side Institute. It is a learning process, and a major documentary is a hard place to start.


I will give her the benefit of doubt.
Most likely she was nervous AF, and i suspect that nervous energy affected DJ aswell.

Im not sure when they recorded this, but they should def took a honest look at it and made a reshoot.

I know he really wants to come up as being the most professional “fringe” journalist.
And most of the time he does this well.

But maybe its time for him to find a good producer who can sharpen up some things.
Becauce the new vibe that really tries to make it more pro kind of made their chemistry feel even more iffy.

If it was just a regular podcast then it wouldnt been so apparent.
But the combination of being in a “real” studio with the camera cutting between them just made it worse.

If DJ or Olies daughter reads this, i hope you dont take it personally.
I want them to succeed and get a broader audience.
So hopefully he listens to some criticism and makes some adjustments in the future.


I think Walter was on during DJ Friday night. I thought about switching and seeing if he was live, but didn’t until later and found he had been on his own channel.

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well, think. who constantly repeats same or similiar info every week, over and over, on their own show, not in interviews with others? who shows up 30 to 40 minutes late and never apologizes? there is something about being on time and caring about one’s audience. who appeared to control every aspect of this interview, probably even writing the questions the interviewer was asking? Repeat, repeat, repeat … tell the lie long enough and people will believe the lie. or maybe in this case, perhaps wonder where the lie lies. Control, control, control … then talk about constant government control? maybe this was just an experiment to see how the audience would react. maybe it was an unhappy mistake. or maybe it really was a psyop. in the infamous words of the x-files tv show and others: Trust No One.