David Livingstone on Cryptobeast - Trump and The Alt Rite- https://burners.me/

This was really hard to find on the internet, but is worth a watch. The title does not really reflect the majority of the content and it is a bit dated , being from the pre corona virus era. Topics are built on Livingstone’s work which have been re-organized into a series of books, many as new additions to older works, entitled “Ordo Ab Chao.”



Wake-up Folks!!! We have been living through the so-called ‘End Times’ for many, many, many centuries. The whole thing appears similar to a ride on a ‘merry-go-round’. The scenery sort of changes, the actors sort of change over time, but the results are the same. Endless grief, suffering, death, disease, destruction, the collapse of governments and nations along with all the bloodshed from never-ending-wars.


Ordo Ab Chao is really interesting website. Been looking at stuff on there for quite awhile.