Deeper State Silicon Valley happenings for local members

RFK, Jr - Naomi Wolf - and other speakers announced for HUMANITY against CENSORSHIP, May 19, 3PM - 6 PM Menlo Park, FB hq
5/9/22 Facebook Lawsuit Rally with Steve Kirsch by RFK Jr The Defender Podcast

Robert F. Kennedy Jr., Chairman & Chief Legal Counsel for Children’s Health Defense at the Calvary Church in San Jose on May 21st.
The Main Event: RFK Jr. will discuss his best-selling book, The Real Anthony Fauci, Lockdowns, Government Over-Reach and our Civil Rights. Get your questions ready for what is sure to be a rousing Q & A.
Pricing: $50 suggested donation for the general public and $25 suggested donation for the church member’s . General Admission seats are first come first serve regardless of ticket price.

VIP Reception: Mingle with Robert F. Kennedy Jr. and enjoy heavy hors d’oeuvres in the Fireside room at Calvary Chapel before he speaks in the main Chapel.
Pricing: $750 Early Bird; $1,000 after May 6th; limit 40. VIP’s have reserved seating in the front rows of main event.
AfterGlow: Join Children’s Health Defense - CA Executive team and attorneys at a nearby home to have your questions answered.

Pricing: $50; limit 40

Steve Kirsch - Hold the Line fundraiser
Kirsch at SJ, CA

RFK was in San Jose last year 7/21/21 2021F19 kennedy Q&A
2021F19 robert kennedy

If you’re on gab, add me on there mitochondriac (@mitomarc) • - Gab Social


Thank you very much for posting this! I have bought tickets and give my full support!

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They’ll post the SJ event in rumble eventually but the in person energy blows off the roof.
Can you recommend local freedom groups? I havent delved too much yet w/Fitts’ local group but have connected on telegram w/several groups.

I, too, have inquired about a local Solari Circle but have yet to connect. While the Telegram groups are great, I really need to connect in person. I want to create resiliency through local community…but it is proving to be difficult.

If you’re in or near the sf area shoot me a gab follow or whichever social media you’re in. A Farrell/Fitts type of circle would be killer. I know of 1 person in the east bay another near Antioch. There’s a Fitts contributor near Los Gatos but I haven’t reached out. Shungiting cell towers has been my thing lately as Fitts references Richard Lighthouse (Stanford electrical engineer, former NASA) saying cell towers send frequencies, scalar & subliminals.

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I should think that, if you take a look how your local 5G/6G towers( as well as radio masts) are laid out, you should be able to set up your own grid( and thus make it coherent, and maybe even phase conjugate), in for example a 4×4 parallelogram, using shungite. Although personally, it seems to me that tourmaline crystals would work better.

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Thanks. I’ll look into that further.
Nothing comes close to shungite’s uses if you view the group link above & this healer’s biocompatiblization of a 5G tower in her neighborhood

Shungite protects bees against radiation to the point of raising their population by thousands, demolecularizes fluoride/glyphosate, increases your stem cells, re-aligns the bioelectrical body among countless other benefits.
Don’t believe me, look at the vidz, postings in the fb group + we cover it weekly in the free shungite radio show w/2 former miltary & energy workers that create energy devices.

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Well, yes( although shungite does work best when in immediate proximity to the organism in question) , and perhaps combining the two would work. Black tourmaline would have the added effect of repelling negative etheric influences, and planting a( hardy) Sage( purple) bush/plant there might not hurt.
Of course, one’s intention is paramount.
The parallelogram is in reference to the Earth’s Curry Grid; there are other grids one could use. Towers and masts may often be found to be in a pentagonic( pentagrammic) formation.

Thank you. I’m totally up for optimal ‘function stacking’ as Fitts’ calls it.
I hope to work more w/local energy/light workers on deepening Gaia’s grid. Godspeed!

Steve Kirsch, 1 of the speakers for the fb rally just did his SJ frankenshot update tonight: 1:19:00 VAC Family Night - Trevor Loudon, Steve Kirsch and Joe Banister

Mon. May 16, 10AM, Berkeley Nojab Meeting
Romeo’s Coffee, 2499 Telegraph Ave, Berkeley

Wed. May 18, 9:30AM, Berkeley Nojab Meeting
Zarri’s Delicatessen, 1244 Solano Ave, Albany

If rain, meet indoors at Romeo’s: Google Maps

Sat. May 21, 9:30AM, Berkeley Nojab Meeting
Cafe Leila, 1724 San Pablo Ave, Berkeley

If rain, meet indoors at Romeo’s: Google Maps

The People’s Convoy egged in Oakland, CA as they protest by Buffy Wicks neighborhood
The People’s Convoy drove by California Assembly-member Buffy Wicks’ home on Friday in protest of upcoming bills.

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RFK at SJ 5/21/22, start at 1:11:00min.
"Living like a slave is far worse than death.

Wed. May 25, 9:30AM, Berkeley Nojab Meeting
Zarri’s Delicatessen, 1244 Solano Ave, Albany

If rain, meet indoors at Romeo’s: Google Maps

RFK fb hq images sourced here Telegram

Sun. May 29, 10AM-12noon, Kensington Farmer’s Market, Kris & Nori have set up a table to discuss medical freedom & bodily autonomy. The table is in front of Nan Phelps Photography facing Berkeley Park Blvd.

Invite link to Berkeley Nojab Friends Telegram group:

Net big local gathering is in SJ Calvary church for Libertyfest 7/2/22 w/Dr. Simone Gold & Kayleigh McEnany

SF 5/24/22 Telegram
"The CHD CA Teen Team would love if the ambassadors would share this zoom offering with friends, family, other groups and social media platforms. We will be hosting worldschooler mom and teen mentor Lainie Liberti, discussing her book: Seen, Heard and Understood…Parenting and Partnering with Teens. Learn more at :
Seen Heard and Understood Parenting and Partnering with Teens Tickets, Mon, Jun 6, 2022 at 5:30 PM | Eventbrite

Telegram: Contact @WisWarriorsEvents
8/13/22 The Liberty Forum of Silicon Valley

With all the talk of what could happen in the fall season, anyone going to the 7/17 Sonoma road show? Bix is well known to be the silver & crypto go to guy having talked to X22 report, Clif High, Jean Claude, Penny Kelly regularly