from Orthodox Christian perspective think its most wrong way of fingering just coz some think this or that will be case coz heredity, yes heredity plays role but not always and how genetic revolution is bursting now in front of our eyes probably will not be crucial genealogical issue tho probably will count in case of opening door for true bestiality coz splicing animal and human genes!?
potentially he could be such figure as preliminary luciferian echo of freemasonry (my emphasis) ~ along Camilla cmon, posible only if interpreted like JayD suggest through his strangely fitting arguments about “epochal eschatology” with heliolatric cult i.e. in his opinion there were even other antichrists earlier [1][1] so it can be seen that the false-prophet anathema-to-him will be enlightened from such esoteria, yet Charles being such epitome of evil hm it needs at least to show world peace affinity after hot ww3 if we know that that is one of the marks of the fallen-prophet-anathema-to-him, while in same time if indeed is Charles it need to instigate another greater havoc upon this world like ecunenic’new’christianity, but we still havent seen nothing bad from him in this context, at least nothing officially except visits to various holy orthodox catholic and miaphysite places! hm what dispensionalists would project to him now is more relevant in this context for JoeB as “christian-zionist” [2]
not sure just whether is useful one to stumble at all on prophecies aside The Revelation coz like that by projecting timeframe is loosening instead constantly to be focused on Salvation, yet think as counterargument from OC perspective it need to be also Providence announced by Prophecy so one can point finger with ease! and I’ve never heard about such that will resemble anyhow Charles, unless if he is born in Russia [4][5] and altho he flirted with Orthodox Christianity yet by his neoplatonic academy obviously is far from [5] who knows could nanobots or cloning be used for his longevity or reemergence again east from uK what at the moment will be just ridiculous speculation!?
probably wrong coz without any Blessing for the next kind of reasoning but only by didactive logic brought analogy to me some kind of strange pivot for end times became malachys prophecy recently [6] so think its wrong even in this context to be seen Charles as antichrist!
but again cant say exactly how soon is now or when we would be more close to end, simply as we are warned by Christ Himself Times could be shortened if we Repent … but are we on such path or additionally fueling abominations and postponing the inevitable coz we are now welcomed from side somehow to enter transhumanist oblivion when experimenting with bionic and genetic revolution without any guilt, sadly many coerced on such spin by the m’rna jabs [6][6][6] many just playing with biotech from lucrative reasons, and probably many open for or openly dreaming for homo’silicone reality, while all in dismay by possible ufo disclosure altho we are not worthy for wide public Angelic presence, I do see aliens as Angels [7] unless someone opened door for demons-anathema-to-them, coz only time when such wide public announcement will be allowed to Holy Angels as unraveling to mankind will be in times of imminent grate danger, hm maybe if we reached all Metanoia we would be flattered even before as many Saints were in their earthly lifetime, and indeed even in these times Many Are Called For but not many will reach Heavenly Hights …