"DOCTOR" is a misnomer

I am SO tired of “doctors” weighing in with their[ insert expletive here] opinion on everything and anything related to a nonexistent or benign “virus”. Yes I get that they cannot, no longer, make money off patients seeing them, as no-one trusts them anymore, or even that they see a pie-in-the-sky apparition that will make them even richer.
You have NO IDEA how many “medical” doctors have jumped on the bandwagon –— I get tons of emails each day touting this vitamin or that aminoacid, &c. —— from Doctors. The last people I would trust.
Do you even realize just how much our possible “natural product” future could be ruled by M.D.s???

"Peter McCullough, MD MPH on Twitter: “Staggering world population% took them without understanding how they work or how dangerous the WIV Spike protein was to their body. Now blood clots, myocarditis, injuries, disability and death. The limit of damage to the world population is incalculable. #vaccinesaresafe? https://twitter.com/P_McCulloughMD/status/1548642004317487106/photo/1” / Twitter https://mobile.twitter.com/P_McCulloughMD/status/1548642004317487106?cxt=HHwWhIC--dTs8P0qAAAA "

( He surely must know, being edgeUkated and all, that his usage, in,this case, of the word"incalculable" is incorrect —— therefore he is employing it for effect. Whatchu wanna bet he is selling some product or other…) .
No, seriously, there are now a glut of Doctors flooding the “market” and totally drowning out, if not putting out of business, small and excellent health vendors.
Sorry, but someone had to say it.


I agree. I am up to my eyeballs with everyone’s proprietary formulas. I do appreciate the information as regards the specifics of those supplements, etc., which actually have a proven track record. But to buy all of the formulations advertised by the ‘experts’ one could definitely not afford to eat.

Oh wait, I forgot. The plan is to remove real food from our diet.


These damn doctors are going to pay. They’re ALL over the barrel after their devastating opiate pill dealings. They will do anything to stay out of jail.

Nothing but a bunch of pharmaceutical franchisees with blood on their smocks. “DOCTOR” is a misnomer.

For real people. All of you seeing doctors who ask, “How are you feeling?” With muffled syllables from the marzipan of bacteria growing on their FACE MASK, you people are going to pay with your lives. The doctors are killing you. Allopathic medicine is dead. These moron doctors ARE REVEALED.

Yeah sure, DOC. You know what’s healthy and safe. Go put a plastic bag on your head and call me in the morning.


Two words: Snake. Oil.

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In the meantime, we need to familiarize ourselves with medicinal herbs. Many pharmaceuticals today are made with or based on them, and they have sustained humans long before sorcery took over.


In my opinion, it’s imperative to do your own research and not rely 100% on any one source’s recommendation, and also to remember (which doctors should know but often don’t) that each individual is unique and there’s no one-size-fits-all medicine. I spent years reading a variety “official” and “alternative” sources of info and research papers on pharmaceuticals, herbs, vitamins, essential oils, and other treatments (acupuncture, for example) – and trying dozens of different things – before I found a regimen that helps my particular health problems. That said, a good, open-minded healthcare practitioner, if you’re able to find and afford one, can be invaluable.

@nperpetuity For what it’s worth, my approach is to learn about each ingredient in any proprietary formula I might consider using: what each ingredient is; what form it’s in (what chemical form is used, if a vitamin; whether it’s whole-herb or extract; and so on); what the best form is; whether there’s some kind of synergistic effect of putting those particular ingredients together; whether I’m taking something else or have a health condition that would contraindicate using it; etc. I’ve found that sometimes, it’s only one or two of the components in a blend that work best for me, and sometimes it’s cheaper to buy just the individual component(s). Some proprietary formulas have a huge price markup.

That’s all just my personal opinion, not “medical advice.”


@FiatLux Thank you for your input and again I agree with your findings and approach.

Seldom do I ever buy formulas, so when the flooding of the market began, I was looking for the actual data behind those individual ingredients which showed up most often in formulas, at least those I was not as familiar with.

Since I cannot afford nor wish to spend disappearing resources on marked up potions, I mixed and matched individual ingredients to meet my individual needs.

I budget then purchase the basics when I need to replenish, and according to availability. I do endeavor to get value for my ever shrinking dollars but not at the expense of quality. Who knows with the constant battles with gov’t agencies, how long we’ll even be able to do that.

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