Elizabeth Glass Videos

Is IDF showing what happens when Noahide Laws violated? More…


Excellent post. If you don’t have someone who can translate thee hieroglyphics, you might just see art.

Great timing for this post. She is right on the money. I am sloshing my way through this book that deals with what’s in the Talmud and the planned genocide of the “profane masses.
Difficult to understand sometimes but well documented to do my own research.



@Bill10558 thank you for this link and @beaver thank you for this post.

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Bless this girl for her truth bombs. This is the way.
Too bad Christian Zionists don’t know what’s in Talmud.

Next hurdle - an unadulterated look at the holocaust.


I glad you find her information of value. If you want, subscribe to her YT channel as I’ve heard she has some interesting videos to be released in the near future.


Great information brother, read all of this author, he has some of the best research about the talmudists and their mellenia old plan to exterminate everything outside their special group. His books about Enstein and the lobby that created the myth about him are pure gold.

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High time the holohoax was exposed. I have spent a lot of time looking into this, there is no evidence it happened, as far as I can see.

David Cole at Auschwitz - The Ground-Breaking Documentary

Spielberg’s Hoax - The Last Days of The Big Lie

Eric Hunt - The Jewish Gas Chamber Hoax

Judea Declares War on Germany: A Critical Look at WWII - Part 1 of 2

Judea Declares War on Germany: A Critical Look at WWII - Part 2 of 2

ONE THIRD Of The HOLOCAUST Widescreen (full)

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Thanks for the heads up. I have given up scrolling through books - too many years trying to perfect speed reading so I ordered BOTH, based on your recommendation. I have been trying to tell friends about both of these subjects so glad to add pages to my library.

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I am sloshing too. In fact I can’t stop sloshing. Thanks again Bill.

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The material that Christopher Jon Bjerknes produces is so hot that is a miracle that he exists. I first found him in 2010, if i´m not wrong, his book about Einstein, but then i wasn´t really aware about the danger that the Talmudists represented for the Goyyin

13 years later, the entire world can see what is the final endgame of the Tribe for everyone that is not a member, in the way they are giving the palestinian children the best time of their lives. So, his books are much more relevant now.


Maybe the Georgia Guidestone population number was a typo with three to many zeros or a false claim to those helping who will actually not be needed and done away with once the goal is attained…

  1. Maintain humanity under 500,000,000 in perpetual balance with nature.

The girl in the video confirmed my suspicion that the Tribe is trying to make a second nazi germany context in the USA, not only there, but in the entire planet, so that all the living jews regroup in Israel, as they believe is the prophecy of their God of Murder, Racism and Genocide.

By purposedly attacking children and civilians in gaza in the most coward way, and allowing people to see everything that is happening, and using Mass Media, wich they control, to show even more images, on purpose, to instigate and cultivate hatred toward talmudists, they know scientifically that is a tried and tested method to achieve societa rejection of this group, to the point of organized persecution and even extermnation.

This leads naturaly to the logical necessity of raising the levell of violence against the palestinians, and other kind of civilians at last 30 times, killing 600 000 of them in the most brutall way, so that people can get to the point of starting killing talmudists with their own hands, like germany is falsely accused of doing in the 1940/45 years.

This video is a Bad Omen, because it´s means there are many people out there seeing the obvious game of genocide being played to creat anti-semitism in global scale and with such a violence that all the 10 million talmudists outside the genocide state can emigrate to it.

I was expecting a diminishing of the violence, but now all my hopes are over. Perhaps they will kill all the 2 million inside Gaza, because that would be totaly intolerable for the masses, and this is why it is the perfect aim to be achieved.


The more i study about the level of evil of those in power, the more i have evidence that their final number is something more close to only 20 million human beings.

Do you know the Doutroux Affair? The Monster of Belgium?
Read this, the best summary about it: Beyond the Dutroux Affair: The Reality of Protected Child Abuse and Snuff Networks

I´ve spent some 16 hours reading it non-stop, making a pause to sleep only because i started late in the first day. The level of evil detailed using the testimony of some witnessess is so huge, and so cruel, and the number of people in the highest levels of society involved so big, and so pervasive, that you can´t scape the conclusion that the entire planet is indeed ruled by a demonic force that captured every single important point of real power, and person of real interest.

Pay special atention how Witness X-1 says about how she, as a child sex slave, oversaw the murder of some 80 children in sex orgies filled with the most elite business, royalty, justice, police, media pedophiles who obtain the most pleasure in torturing children in front of other children, making even a child kill another, and drink the blood of the killed one in order to cause the greatest amount of terror and mental pain.

Then, study the names of the persons she names, and how they are connected with some of the greatest power brokes, in banking, business and politics, of the planet.

Then, more to the final, study the DIRECT connection that the Belgian Pedophile Network has with the Franklin Scandal, and how both of them are connected with the Epstein Pedophile Network.

In my 18 years studying the Science of Conspiracy, i saw some people talk about a global network of pedophiles, but never saw any real proof of it´s possible existence and interconnection. In that single article that i gave to you, and the details that i pointed, i could finnaly find it, and in a single run.

Save it as a pdf, and study every single detail, and name, and exercise both inductive logic and deductive logic about it to have a real grasp of the level of evil that is ruling this planet, and then, face the horror of the final logical necessity, in the question:

If they are capable to this level of evil and torture to innocent children, now that they must do it hidden, what they will do to people when they achieve the final aim of absolute power and control with the Totalitarian Global Dictatorship in 2030?

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What gets me are the belief systems over the millennia humans pledged allegiance to, willingly and unwillingly.

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You mean, the absurd things people systematically believe, as a group, and as individuals, trough the millenia?

Like the idea that some kind of savior can make them scape the consequences of their past choices?
Or that group who believes that a Murder gave them the right to a certain land, and that gives then the right to muder children?

Or something entirely different?


Yep, that would be what I am talking about, then even if one doesn’t believe it, the fact is THEY do…and if you don’t, holy moly!
Great website link. Thank you.

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I did the same. What an astonishingly successful lie. And its importance cannot be minimized. That and the ADL were so constructed to silence dissent and hide their role in the devastation of the 20th century. But the truth is coming out, including the German Zionist’s part in brokering the US entry into WW1 - the model for WW2.

The Bolshevik revolution by itself is a powder keg. The slaughter of tens of millions of Christians in what is now understood to be an almost purely Jewish-financed and executed event. What some ‘scholars’ refer to as the “Fullfument of the Talmud.”

There was a Holocaust all right, but the opposite of what we were sold. And far more devastating.


Sadly, I have seen many of the interviews with these abused women (girls at the time, starting with their “parents/caregivers”). Kay Griggs interview- I think I have watched that 4 or 5 times. Interesting website, even if it makes me slightly light in the head just thinking about the level that has gone on for so long.

Thanks for the link. Pretty darn inclusive.

I hope to lend the book that Bill linked to some of my Evangelical friends who are still convinced that Israel is sacred to these people and that we must somehow protect it.