Elizabeth Glass Videos

Those belief system were created by the same kind of murderous pedophiles that rule the world today. This is why they are so sick, absurd, self-contradictory and void of all true robust, rigorous, logic.

They are in themselves a test that the ruling murderers put to the slave masses, those who fall for the trap are the ones that they most hate, because they prove their point of view that human masses are a worthless bunch of animals without no inherent self-worth.

If they had any, they would never humiliate thenselves to believe such absurdities. Have you ever wondered why they hate religious people so much?

It has nothing to do with god, or taking people away from it, but the natural hate that a human predator feels for everything that behaves as brainless human prey. Even chidren attack their friends, if they behave too dumbly. The difference is that in adults the rage is so great that they kill.

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Watchout for the kind of people you lend this kind of book. They willl hate you for showing the truth, because people love their own illusions, and are willling to die fighting for them, rather than recognized that they where scammed.

“It´s easier to fool people, than to show them that they where fooled”

  • Mark Twain

Witness X-1 in the X-Dossiers of the Doutroux Affair mentions EXACTLY this way of people hunting children, like these guys hunting foxes in the video. Watching it i could hear their screams while there, being hunted, without no one to help. What a good video to illustrate this kind of evil.


I bought into it all years ago and read book after book about this “tragedy”. Then I came across the David Cole video, put emotions aside and started looking at the facts. Sat on the fence for a while but now the sheer weight of evidence against it is overwhelming.
We have been played: Schindler’s List was a masterpiece of manipulation. The sheer genius of the scene at the end: “survivors” and their families putting pebbles on Schindler’s grave (think it was meant to be in Jerusalem). Fiction turned into fact.
The Germans were shafted after WW1 and WW2. So many have grown up with guilt when it seems the war was not entirely their doing:
Documentary: Hitler’s War – What the Historians Neglect to Mention

This was too horrific to comprehend, unbelievably evil:
Eisenhower’s Rhine-Meadows Death Camps - Documentary

High time the truth came out.


Shinder’s List. One of my favorite movies of all time. Sold me.

Eisenhower - school nickname, the Swedish Jew. Killed more German’s in his camp than all the typhus in the German work camps. And that’s a good reason to believe he was on board with muzzling Patton for the later part of the war, with his man Baruch in the White House. The guy who elevated him to the top - after MacArthur stated he was incompetent after serving on his staff.

And Patton was murdered before he could return home and tell the American people the truth.

PS. I never wanted to see any of this. I didn’t want to know that everything I’d been taught was a lie. That all the great men were criminals at best, and more monster than anyone they claimed were.


Hear hear (@alg)!!! (repeat)

I do know the holocaust did happen, as the grandparents of a couple of my school friends had numbers tattooed on their arms. I doubt they put them there themselves. How many died, who did what and sold what to whom, I think is up for debate and will not likely be known in my lifetime.

There is nothing more dangerous than an American GI. My late Ex told me that in the 70’s and it’s so true. They’re the best equipped, know they most likely will not be charged, (because the boss told them to kill as many as possible) and it relieved the angst for a short time. BTW, some American GI’s have done the same things that we want to hang the pedo-murders for doing and much of it ignored; as long as they weren’t caught red-handed (literally). They saw what Cong did to villages and did the same. The Vets returned home and were surprised at how naive and gullible we are…and hated us for it when we refused to believe or help them.

Don’t think I’ve given a book or pamphlet to anyone since the '90s at a Rodney Howard Browne Crusade when a truly crazy little woman thought she’d punch me in the face. What a thief and liar he is; 99% of them are. I had to realize that these folks don’t even read The Bible; they read books about The Bible and depend upon charlatans to tell them what they just read. I have my script memorized now, say it and walk away. All I can do is plant an idea-seed.


War is War…there is no getting away from that!! As long as a human being feels the need to “follow” another human being or any type of ‘being’, we are sunk!! :crazy_face:

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Teaching children to play “follow the leader” is the beginning of the collective process, instead of teaching them to be leaders?


So very true!!~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ :ok_hand:t2:

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The article “beyond the Dutroux affair” is excellent. The ex of Dutroux is already free and I hope Dutroux will stay in prison for the rest of his life. Nonetheless, I always think of this guy when confronted with this whole affair “Marquis de Sade”. If you delve in the life story of Marc Dutroux, he was an abused neglected child too. No, I don’t see this as “eased circumstances” to anything he has done, but I can’t help seeing a cicle that needs to be broken. A cicle of sado-masochism very entrenched in world society, kept alive and well thru millenia and sadly hardly spoken about if seen at all. I believe it to be one the most perfidious mind viruses around that hides behind any group and or individual gone mad.

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I started watching the video that Undine posted above… the “daily motion”. My tablet turned off, and when I turned it back on I lost my internet connection for 3 minutes. My husbands tablet and the computer didn’t lose connection. And now my headphones no longer turn on.
Strange timing.


It’s that darn plasma at it again…:sunglasses:

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Tattoos are one thing, gassing of millions is something else. Many got number tattoos on their arms after the war to get extra $$$ in reparations.


I guess you just had to grow up in my neighborhood with my friends.
I do not doubt them at all.
Make of it what you will.

As a fellow Jew, completely disappointed and dissolushined with the direction the Jewish religion has and is taking, I identify with her views, but I fear for her safety, she is sadly taking chances.


Somewhere along the line, someone has to take a chance.
God Bless Her!

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Yea that will be Israeli cyber security, talpiot program makes the IDF look like a bunch of kittens. Himmler’s Gestapo updated and on steroids. After I started following Brendan O’connell and other researchers my iPhone got completely corrupted, so much so that it broke. Evil, horrible Big Brother control.

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The books by Rabbi Ackerman outlining why Judiasm needed to be reformed are important to consider. I think the holocaust took place but not how it has been told. Huge settlements of Jews across Eastern Europe including Poland and The Ukraine were wiped out because of their religious views which are in stark contrast to Zionism. ZIONISM is not in the torah hence the need for a fictional holocaust. Spielberg pulled the social engineering off brilliantly, who can forget the little girl in the red coat. Zionism ironically has destroyed the Jewish faith more than anything else. Shlomo Sands in his invention of the Jewish People offers further explanation. ISRAEL today is very much a disgusting place full of jabbed people and a whole host of degenerates including the likes of Yuval Harari.


Thank you for “SAYING IT”, @Marcusmojo00. The murdered Jews were not in alignment with Zionism… because they were JEWS. Look into the genocide of Jewish children in israel.

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