Elizabeth Glass Videos

I’m hearing this from most every source I have, except one, which has bought into the Yahu narrative.

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Based on my research, I concluded that the dark circle of power very much wanted a holocaust, and the 6 million victims - real or imagined - to facilitate the move to Palestine and to fulfill various elements of an occult, supremacist ideology. One such element was the actual suffering of Jews as a sort of preparatory cleansing. Torah Jews were considered expendable.

This is a difficult and uncomfortable subject. I appreciate your insights.


@beaver I’ve been saying this for years. Look at the dual citizenships with Israel, not only the politicians but the bureaucrats too. Look at the history of all government officials who have dual citizenship with Israel. Many years ago it struck me odd that these people have dual citizenship only with Israel, none had dual citizenship with any other countries or states.

Who do they pledge their allegiance too☠️


@Sal2lee I agree! The big difference is that when we say it…Meh. When a Jewish woman who’s held public office says it, BIG reaction. Might get the snowball formed, if not rolling. Slow but sure.

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About those tunnels under the synagogue… This is a good video re: Chabad and other info if you’re able to watch in entirety.

Tunnels & pre-info, start at 35:45

Please note that at min. 00:30, she tells you that migrants were allowed to fly without ID since Dec. 2018. USMCA WAS SIGNED NOV. 30, 2018! I and 3 other people read it over Thanksgiving holiday in 2018. We all voted for Trump in 2016.

The idea was to attract MEXICAN migrants and as was always done previously, it was through word of mouth, quietly, SO U.S. CITIZENS WOULD BE NO MORE THE WISER! What U.S. govt was blind to, because they’re mostly Gringos, is that Latinos have relatives everywhere and when one knows, they tell everyone else. Many have relatives in Central and South America, Cuba, Caribbean and African countries. China, Russia and others knew right away through their own intel networks.

I urge everyone again, who hasn’t viewed the video our Reading group leader made, to watch it and compare what he’s said to The Agreement. IT’S ALL THERE and where Mexican nationals are concerned, CROSSING INTO THE U.S. WITHOUT PAPERS IS LEGAL! The Mexicans are issued papers when they get here.

Both videos and USMCA are attached for your convenience.



I used to watch Gary all the time on his YT channel. He was living in Southern California and was trying to gather like minded people to fight Governor Brown’s regime. I believe it was during the time that northern Californians and southern Oregonians wanted to create a new (conservative) state - Jefferson 51. I remember watching Gary “live” for three hours straight and he was sitting at a small desk in a task chair ( not real comfortable). When he stood up to take a break after three hours, the poor guy was having body spasms and cramps from sitting so long. I will never forget that. I always used to watch his vids. Is he in Texas now? Thanks for the post @beaver .

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Gary is still in California and his YT was removed, of course. Bitchute is now his home and X and others. He’s a very smart guy and taught us old timers a lesson or two re: reading legislation.

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I just subbed his Bitchute channel. I’ll look him up on Twitter.

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A very successful dentist with her own practice in the 1960s in St. Louis, Missouri, a German-Jew from Munich, had a numerical tattoo on her arm which I confronted her about as a child. She was a permanent fixture in our Roman Catholic family from before my birth. I believe the tattoo was a result of her employment in a camp, and that tattoos were camp ID protocol. (Swimming pools, artistic events and venues, as well as education in trades–like dentistry, perhaps?-- were part of the National Socialist Camp at Auschwitz, for instance.)

Tats today make this seem inconsequential, but I vividly recall being so programmed that I really thought, as a 6 or 7-year-old that she had been tortured with a cattle brand instead of being inked.

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Wow! NY really hit with ‘Covid (jab) Deaths’