Elizabeth Glass Videos

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And Ben G’vir to possibly take the reins in Israel? I continue to question whose side Trump is really on.

That’s certainly the case in the UK. You have to opt out.

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This car speeding reminds me of Ann Hesch incident when her car was speeding down the road and crashed into a home.


I think about how things appeared to be when I was a kid, and I can only imagine what it must be like as a child today. Min. 3:45 (Trump signs us over to FEMA) scares the hell out of me; they all scare the hell out of me!

I listened to 5 minutes of the Trump, Elon interview right when Trump was bragging about how he changed the rules for new/experimental drugs from 10 years to 4 years. It’s ok to use the end of life experimental drugs because the people are going to die anyway. He also bragged about bringing Regeron (spelling?) for emergency use. He’s definitely Pro pharma and will act accordingly for the next plandemic.

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